Astrowars anyone?




Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Do the NEMOS still have CORE or is their champion alliance something else now?
NEMO no longer plays for rank. It's actually more fun that way. I've returned (after being part of several more high-powered alliances) and had a more enjoyable round (but still ended up ranked #93 - as the highest NEMO).
Beth - your friend Orphebus was found to be one of the ringleaders in a major cheating scandal during a recent round.
We've managed to get Bronco into NEMO. We just had to remind some of the other leaders about the historic marine roots of NEMO. :happyfish

They are fixing some bugs between rounds. Hopefully there will be more starting positions available soon to figure out how to play.


Active Member
woohooo, i'm in NEMO, didnt get a chance to check yet
better give me some good advice so i don't screw up and make them think it was a bad decision,lol...thanks guys!!


Active Member
oh and nevermind about the thing thomas, it finally showed up for me...
so now that i am in, what do i need to do?do i get to play this round?


Active Member
You should get access to the NEMO forums soon. You will be able to find some threads that are discussing the next round. Right now we are primarily deciding who will be starting with us and when we will sign in. The forums tend not to be very active until the next round gets started.
NEMO often has some active off-topic discussions. There are 1-2 trolls within our ranks so don't get offended by occasional off-color comments. Our players are primarily trying to play for fun so don't worry about screwing up. As long as you are a reasonably active player, (meaning you check into the game and the NEMO forums for a few minutes several times a day), you will do fine. The NEMO forums are a good place to get specific questions answered. Once we get to player level 1 you can get the NEMO tag and we will be able to see your buildup and give you some suggestions (and you can see our buildups). It usually takes a round to learn the major features in the game, but hopefully we can make the learning process less painful by preventing you from making the major screwups that many of us made when we were learning. There are many different approaches to playing. Feel free to ask questions as you will learn several types of strategies depending on the goals of each player.


Active Member
i took over my first free planet today and shipped them some points....and later today i'll finalize the taking over of someone else's planet! :joy: i'll be active no the last 4 days ive signed in 50times,lol....this is gonna be way addictive,lol. thanks alot you guys, my tank will wonder what happened to me


Active Member
so...what is this race thing i keep seeing? do i need to worry about that? or am i just going in and basically building my structure and following others orders,lol?


Look here for possible race bonus or minus
We will be electing to take a +3 or +4 attack as always, this also means that we need to subtract or take a minus to something else.
This is the race I picked last round.
Race Summary
+0% growth (+0)
+0% science (+0)
-8% culture (-2)
-16% production (-4)
+38% speed (+2)
+60% attack (+4)
+0% defense (+0)


Active Member
and so i need to do this it there something specific i should do? what does it mean when you say -4, -2 for culture and production...that mean you start out will less? or the production of that is less?


Staff member
Originally Posted by elfdoctors
Beth - your friend Orphebus was found to be one of the ringleaders in a major cheating scandal during a recent round.
Yes, I know he cheats....and he is not alone either. The ranking alliance he was playing in as well as the immediate allies shared acct info at the end so that space was covered 100% of the time. Still lost, though. The downside to this game was the fierce competition that develops resulting in some real "anything goes" mentality. As a new player to the games, that experience was just a tad too intense for me. I was thinking "lets have some fun" in spare time, but those guys were 24/7 and "we are in it for the kill".


Originally Posted by Beth
I was thinking "lets have some fun" in spare time, but those guys were 24/7 and "we are in it for the kill".

Kinda reminds me of the Shark Tank


Staff member
Originally Posted by Thomas712
Kinda reminds me of the Shark Tank

Yes, like this...



if i click on the planet i am on in the map it shows more than one person on it ...... when i hold the cursor over the planet it shows that planets lvl ........ so when you attack a planet to take it over do you just attack the one person or all of them?.....still new to this so bear with me


ok i'm just not smart. i think i get it now and i don't know how i didn't. when you click on one of the "stars" on the map it gives you a list of planets at that star. so you would click the destination of your fleet then pick where to attack! right?


Staff member
Yes, that is right. And whoever "owns" that planet should have a name, so you can tell that the planet is occupied. Be sure you have good defense left on your planet before sending off attacks to someone else's planet. It takes about a day [or more] for your fleet to even to get to that person's planet, and he will know you are coming and could launch against you! He will also have defenses that could defeat your fleet. He can also send fleets from his other planets to the planet you plan to attack [wo you knowing it]. So, don't get trigger happy until you are a tad more familiar with things.


yea i hadn't planned on it yet i was just asking because i always have to try to understand every aspect of everything..... so it was a question for future reference. thanks for clarifying!