Astrowars anyone?

darth tang

Active Member
I signed up for this...and at first I thought it was sort of lame...but now I am hooked. Just wish it would move a tad bit


hey darth theres a guy on your planet his name is Lordseph he's attackin one of my planets. so thought you might wanna know incase he starts comin after ya.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I signed up for this...and at first I thought it was sort of lame...but now I am hooked. Just wish it would move a tad bit

It will, believe me it will. Yes, it is rather addicting. Spend time on the forums, and read all of the limited instructions in the game. I found that a greater part of this game for new players, was just the learning part.


Originally Posted by Bronco300
either of you joinin Nemo or Omen?
no i didn't still tryin to make sure i've got the hang of this. I was takin over free planets mindin my own business when all of a sudden my one planet is under seige. oh well wait till he logs on tomorrow hes got a surprise comin for him.


ok i got this in my news window........
Attention !!! We have evidence of an incoming fleet around that time.
521 Destroyer
going to attack Zeta Alnasl [4421] 11!
We suppose its the Fleet of Lordseph.

i'm guessing the #521 means i'm screwed?


Active Member
lolol, but those many desroyers can kill just takes out your starbases and ships...and "seiges" you.....i think thats how it is, so then you cant spend PP??? elfdoctors or thomas may know for sure....but basically you're screwed at a defense...i'd attack him if i could...but dont have a big fleet, or possibilites of flying somewhere else than my area
whats his surprise?


well i had a ton of pp between the couple planets i have so i built two fleets one to take my planet back .....then the other one is gonna go have a little fun on a couple of his planets. they should get there in an hour or two. hehehehe
so if i can't spend pp that means my planet is being seiged....does that stop eventually or do i have to break the siege?


Active Member
i think you have to break it...because i think his remaining ships stay on your planet...i dont know, haha...i may be way off...thats just what i understand, but im new too,lol


ahh so luckily i sent that fleet to my one planet to break that seige because now the jerk attacked my main planet........but Your defending fleet was defeated by Lordseph at Zeta Alnasl 11. You killed about 97%. so now i have to send my fleet back to my main planet to liberate it. good thing i decided to waste some money on ships.
this guy is irritating
when does the new game start...... i thought i read today?


Yep game starts today, I'll be at work till 10:00pm then I'll be logging on shortly after I get home and I'll choose my race and start up.


so i got a new planet and i was there by myself for awhile till some others moved in anyway i know its slow but how goes it for everyone else?


Active Member
NEMO will be logging in at 11 pm tonight (Eastern Daylight Time). Anyone from this website is welcome to log in at that time. Although I cannot guarantee admission into NEMO, I can try to get people in as I have been trying to ensure that the marine foundations of NEMO stay intact.
If you have already started but would like to try to join us, you can always resign (on the settings page) and restart again. You can only resign if it has been 30 minutes since you started.
Feel free to post your starting position (system id and coordinates). We may be able to help you with information about your system mates.


ok i resigned and will be logging in around that time!....... if i can't get in thats fine but think i would be a bit safer to be in the area........wait my computer phone and clock say its 7:28 but this is behind an hour so should i go by my clock time or an hour earlier?


Active Member
oh man! I logged on right when the game started!
I may resign, but I have done so much so far, I am nto sure I wanna do that :-(


Staff member
How long does the game last? I may have some time to get back in when the next round starts later this summer.


It lasts until someone has (what)? 500 points or the first alliance to have so many points and hold it for something like 7 days.