

Active Member
Thats about right for your levels. I would get the GC up to 4. How long until your next culture lvl? If it's within a couple of days, I would get a small fleet, 2 DS, and 1-3 colony ships, and launch to a free planet.
After that start concentrate on getting factories, and farms to 9, and than bring the labs, and GC's to 7. Than get farms and facotires to 10, and than bring up the others to 9. Than work to get everything to 12.


Staff member
What do you mean by countries? I thought the others in my system were on another planet? One has already resigned, the other has not participated since signing on, and the other remaining is close to me just began activity today. I'm in Beta Al Tarf (-38/61)
What science should I be investing into to luanch my colony ship? I hope to have that ship ready to go tomorrow. Can I just send one? It will be to a free planet. I'm working on biology to improve my intersteller vision! But next I want to work on Econ so I can reduce the cost of fighter ships. Does that sound right?


Active Member
By different countries he means like france, australia, canada, etc. People play ghis game from all over the world, and its hard to have an ally that doesn't speak the same language as you.
Right now i would be doing social and energy, maybe a little physics and math. Bio and eco are the least important. Right now you dont need to worry about seeing other systems, and you wont need to spend serious pps on destroyers for a while, so dont waste the time on bio and eco right now.


Beth, .....You have it easy. My two neighbors are French....and I got a somewhat semi-english response from one, he said something like he wouldn't attack a planet of mine......:thinking: he's snagged 2 planets in my hood, I've got one other planet (got it tonight).....and the other guy in my hood is French also....and he is not answering me........the "Hood of the Spot" is not looking good...... (please let "BUSH" win).............:D :D :D


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
What do you mean by countries? What science should I be investing into to luanch my colony ship? Can I just send one?

From the map screen, if you click on each player, you will get some info about that player (e.g. culture and science level, player level (only goes up with battle and then a small interest increment daily after that). One of the lines says "plays from" and then should have a flag from their country. In the rankings screen, at the bottom under various stats, you can find a listing and percentages of players from different countries. If you put your mouse over the appropriate flag, the two letter international symbol shows up to help identify where they player is coming from.
Someone just sieged the planet that I am launching for in the hostile Non-Nemo system. (Most likely it is either a french or a swiss player.) When free planets are starting to run out it is often a good idea to send destroyers to those planets to decrease the probability of someone else being to use up a planet before you get there yourself. (a single destroyer will kill many colony ships).
Beth - I would keep your science on social till at least 6 as your growth is likely to stop in the 6-8 range. Population growth is what will give you points to improve your rank(as well as PPs and science). It is controversial but some players think that econ is worthless so they leave it on 0 for the entire game. IMO, it is not worthwhile until you are buying large enough fleets. Higher Math scores will pay off more than a high econ right away in your first battle. (It is better to have a destroyer live another day than to buy new ones after every battle). Once you get your science accumulation rates high enough, it will be a snap to get a low econ up. Later in the game, you will often be buying hundreds of destroyers. I agree with everything that StacyT said.
It sounds like you are in a great system. You may be able to dominate the other weak players. You have no need for bio as that will only let you look outside your system and you will need to consolidate your power in this system so that other people don't come launching in and invade your system.
Belothsurf - if you can get an non-aggresssion pact with the frenchman, you may want to accept it. Google has a language translator that you may use to convert your message from english to french if you trust it. (The translator is not good at slang and it has a problem with tense - there is a big difference between being attacked and attacking.) Then perhaps kill off the other two players together. The french often tend to stick together (the same way that US and english players do) so watch out! In the forums under international support, you can sometimes find threads about your opponents from their perspective. From last beta, I guessed that "Grillez les poissons" is translated to mean "Kill the Nemos".


Active Member
Beth, if you have a resigned player, and an "unknown" planet, by all means try to take it first. You would need transports equal to the population, and enough destroyers to beat the base and hopefully have two left so you get 100% of the XPs. Hopefully the guy took the 12 science lab start up bonus and your new planet would start with 12 research labs, plus you would reach player level one and get a trade screen and SU.


I'm not gloating or anything, OK YES I AM
Overall Player Highscore
sum(Population) + 3 * Player Level
+ each Science-Level above 20
Last Update 22:03:01 GMT Jul 20
# Name Points Change
1 +5 neyna 25 +7
2 -1 littlegood1 24 +2
3 +1 er_jota 23 +5
4 +7 travolta 22 +6
5 +0 fumoffu 22 +4
6 -4 swift 21 +1
7 +3 jlpost 21 +4
8 +145 Kelnor 21 +8
9 +310 sssTelly 20 +8
10 -1 Lorenzarius 20 +3
11 -8 KingInYellow 20 +1
12 -5 olidhu 19 +2
13 +45 DemonX 19 +5
14 -1 Bendolf 19 +3
15 -1 blam 19 +3
16 +135 Runner 19 +6
17 +14 Imrryran 19 +4
18 +297 BoYalaiT 19 +7
19 +2 AripaNeagra 18 +3
20 +107 TBViper 18 +5 WooHoo :cheer:
LOL won't last long though


Active Member
Very cool. I took a screen shot, when I made it to #42. Since then I've been bouncing around the rankings. Now holding at #87, and my system mate is #88, and 1 other nemo by me is #89. Not bad for my 2nd beta.
Of course I had 1 of the top fleets for several days, but I will no longer show up after tonights update.


Staff member
Tommy, shut up.
I can get 2 colony ships by tonite I think. Can I just launch 2 to nearest free planet and be ok?
I have 2 destroyers and 1 transport, but I thought I could just use the colony ships on a vacant planet. Will I be able to name the vacant planet that I take? Can I go ahead and send my destroyers to the "unknown" planet which is right next to the vacant planet I want to colonize? Or would that be too much at once? When will my cybernet work? I have 5 and still don't see anything new on the map.
Any advise guys before I undertake my first mission? :D


Staff member
Oh, I don't see an option to acquire cruisers and battleships. Do you have to be further along in the game for that?



Originally posted by Beth
Oh, I don't see an option to acquire cruisers and battleships. Do you have to be further along in the game for that?

So sorry, I'd answer your question but I'm shutting up. :D
To get cruisers you have to have level 15 in Mathmatics
and to get battleships you have to have level 15 in physics.


Staff member
I know you are an AstroKing, but do you think I can bow down low enough
to see if you think that I can launch my puny little 2 colonizers over to a free planet?
or send over 2 destroyers to the unknown planet?


Never send two colony ships unless you own the planet first. If you do not own the planet then only 1 colony ship will colonize and the other will wait for a second colonly ship in order to give you some production points from the two breaking down for resources.
Send two destroyers with one colony ship. or
Send two destroyers with three colony ships.
If one colony ship you start at 0 pp
If three then you start at I think 30 pp. yeah it costs you 120 pp to make two colony ships only to get 30pp on the next planet.


Staff member
Use a destroyer for free planet? Why? There's no one there to destroy. hmmm.


Active Member
At least no one that you know of.
I am about to destroy someone who colonized a planet that I had already launched to.

You only get advance notice of fleets that are headed to your planet if they launch after you own the planet. You may be able to get away with launching an unescorted colony ship early in the game but later on you should always send protection.
3 colony ships are a good idea. 2 colony ships will not give you any advantage over a single colony ship. They allow you extra PP's to kickstart your planet's production but this function needs pairs of colony ships to work.
When does your culture go up to 2. Make sure your culture will be up to 2 BEFORE your colony ship gets there otherwise you will not be able to colonize. You also have to check in the game after your culture goes up but before your fleet arrives.


Staff member
My culture will not be at 2 before my first colony ship lands on planet #6. I already launched another to planet #5 [I'm 7]. Where do you guys get your game help info from? How can I try and get my culture up before the conlony ship lands? It lands in 24 hrs. My culture goes up in 26 hours :rolleyes:


Active Member

Originally posted by Beth
How can I try and get my culture up before the conlony ship lands? It lands in 24 hrs. My culture goes up in 26 hours

When I launched my last flight, my culture was supposed to go up in 94 hours and my fleet was supposed to arrive in 76 hours. For the next 24 hours, I did nothing buy buy cybernets. I succeeded. My culture just went up and my fleet lands in just about an hour.
Buy Cybernets if you can. You may take a short term hit on production but not as much as if you have to relaunch your colony ships.