Attn: Squidd


well the latest update is that i just finished plumbing.
i am, however, is very scared to turn the power on cuz im afraid everything is just gonna flood. im extremely scared i have made a mistake somewhere down the line and now it will cause complications.
im not sure about the water level in the overflows...who sets it...the tank or me??? imincluding a pic of the overflows and im not sure if i made them the right length.
theskimmer came in today, and the BR is coming tommorow.
i heard from another meber here that its best to keep the skimmer off unil cycling is complte or progressed almost to the that a good idea or should i power it up from the begining?
also whe i cycle the MT, do icycle the fuge too? or do i leave it alone. if so, whhe the fuge should cycle and how?
I'M SCARED :scared:



Active Member
oh and since both openings are used as drains i gues i should just make two overlow pipes, right?
>>>Yep one 1 1/4" for 1" bulkhead and one 1" for 3/4" bulkhead set at same height<<<
From # 85


i must have missed that gonna try to take one out and make it shorter.
i alreadyt have like 10g of water in the tank...btw do i fill up the MT first and then from it the water will go to the sump and fuge... or do i have to fill those up too?


is it still possible create a sort of addition to my existing overflow to makew something like this. i think this is much better for SPS [water movement-wise]
i borrowed these images from someone else's thread... i sure hope they dont mind



Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
... fill up the MT first and then from it the water will go to the sump and fuge...


is it possible to buy an external pump and run pippes to it and from it to create more water movement like in those pictures?


Active Member
Originally Posted by annanymous
is it possible to buy an external pump and run pippes to it and from it to create more water movement like in those pictures?
Yep...couple possiblties..
One is to use second overflow bulkhead and return OTT..
Other is to draw OTT, then to pump, then return OTT (with or without OM Squirt/4 way/manifold)



so...the second possibily seems good [ what do i need to make it???] i just put a pipe from the MT to the external pump and from there it gows back?
if yes, which pump should i look for [i.e. company, gph rating, anything else i should be aware of?]
thnx a lot for your help


Active Member
Check out's a dot com place...they do several sizes of current switching devices for different flow rates...
How much flow did you want to "add in" with the closed loop system...??


Active Member
just curious, is the "squirt" just like a scwd type thing?
By the way, I've been reading over this thread and the plumbing 101 thread, I just wanted to say thanks for everybodys help, expecially Squidds. I currently have my bulkhead drilled to the back of my 30g - its noisy, can't really quiet it down much either cause its pvc cemented to the downflow pipe. Thats another story, and I can live with the noise. BUT, when I setup my big tank sometime in the future (125 probably)I will certainly refer back to these 2 threads.
Also, gave me something to do for an hour or two while I read over them
Thanks again for all your help Squidd and everybody else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pyro
just curious, is the "squirt" just like a scwd type thing?
With slight modifications...can be direct replacement...



im still a bit mixed up about the items i will need to do it...but to answer yourquestion...
im looking for 25-30x overturn of the water, so if my mag12 gives me around 1100gph, and i have 3 maxijet900 in the tank already for "dirt movement" in the back, i will need to add about 800-900 gph. i shouldn't need more than that.
btw do i need a DSB in the fuge and how will i control the water flow there so that it wont raise the sand all the time???


Active Member
800-900 should be easy to do and perfect size for the Squirt (if you choose to go that route)...
C/L with pump near tank will have low head loss so a good external pump in the 1000-1200 range would be fine.... Iwaki, Gen-X Blue line and the like..
I don't suggest a DSB in the fuge...


New Member
You kind of sound like me. I am always asking a million questions and cautious (when it comes to my tank). Right now I have a canister filter and I'm looking into building something like you. Squidd Your advice is really helpful, but ithink I need a book or something to clarify the purpose of all the diiferent compartments. Can you suggest something? I've been running my 6o gal for about four months now and love it but I'm thinking of going bigger next year.
Clearly one issue here was the size of the stand. How much area should you have under a 90-125 gal tank for all this stuff?
Any help is appreciated my husband overfed my fish one day and now refuses to touch the tank (no big loss) but I'm going it alone! :confused:
Thanks for any answers


Active Member
If your reading pretty much have the best "book" out there (meaning the internet/fish boards/opinions of others/interactive questions)...second best would be the Plumbing 101 thread....
Understand room IS a big issue...that's why I reccomend building (or having built) a custom sized can "easily" get the same sized tank under your stand as you have on top (not that you need that much)...just takes planning..


i've done a bit of research and "poking" around and here is what i have come up with...
if i get a Sequence ReeFlo Dart Pump rated for up to 3200 gph [at 0 head!!!] and run it with a 1.5" return line going into 2- 1", connected to 2 swcd devices, giving me 4 return pipes of around 1/2" ea for each corner of my tank i will have roughly >>>>
well lets say we get 2000 gpr due to 6 feet of pumping up,...
each of the 1" pipes gets then 1000gpr...
2 SWCD lets say -350-400 gpr [im just guessing here]...
that leaves us with 800gpr for each of the original 1" pipes...
if divide further into four 1/2" pipes, each one will have about 400 gpr...
i did not count in all the down and up sizing of the pipes and corners that will be formed.
so if i take out say 2 maxijets900 out of the system i will roughly have 29x turnover. :jumping:
do you think this might work? :thinking: