Base Rock?? And Cycling??



You'll want to let your tank continue to mature for about 6 months. If you still have a large pod population, you could consider getting a mandarinfish, but make sure you keep your eye on the pod population, so that he doesn't starve.
How do you have your fuge hooked up to your main tank? Is it above or below it?


well, if it were above, you could return the water to the tank via siphon, and therefore continuously repopulate your pod population in your main tank. That way, you could have the mandarinfish in your display tank, and the pods in the fuge would reproduce, and therefore, you'd basically have an unlimited supply of pods...
If you put the mandarinfish in the same tank where the entire pod population is, the fish would eat all of the pods...

blue oasis

I just bougt a 90gal drilled tank and was advised that I need to buy 100lbs of live rock and 100lbs of live sand. I have been reading all your responses and it seems that I can use approx 40lbs of dead rock in lieu of live rock.
You also talk about cycling, I was told to raise the heat in the tank and keep it dark to speed the process up.. not sure if this is a good idea...


your lighting in your tank doesn't really make a difference to the cycling process, as the aerobic bacteria that grows isn't photosynthetic. Raising the heat to a certain extent will help, but you have to keep it in the proper range so your LR doesn't die. It's also not going to help that much, as bacteria can only grow so fast. I'd say a good temp in the tank is about 80-82. That's what i keep my tank at.


Well my readings this morning are ammonia 0 nitrites .25 ph 8.2 and nitrates 10. My nitrites have come down from .50 to .25 from last night to this morning.
As for the base rock question someone old me once that if I had about 10lbs of live rock and the rest base rock the live would eventualy spread. just the less lr you have the longer it takes to spread. I went from no lr to 13 lbs in a 75gal. and just that little bit has done tremendous things for my cycling tank. You don't have to start out with all the lr you can put in your tank just a little bit and keep buying little at a time till you reach your desired amount. Someone said they had 100lbs of lr in their tank and it took them 2 yrs to get that much.


i have 90 lbs, and it only took me a day... i bought it all at the same time... got it for only $1.99/lb... it was "cured", but had a lot of die off from shipping (they shipped on thurs. and i got it on sat.). Not a bad deal if you ask me...


No not a bad deal at all considering I paid a little over $30 for 3lbs of it at *****
Even at that price (1.99) I couldn't buy that much at a time. I babysit for extra cash. Not a large profit. lol


wow, that's a rip-off!!!
And, you know, it all depends on who you babysit. I know a girl that babysits 3 kids. She gets $10/hr for the youngest, $7/hr for the middle, and $5/hr for the oldest... that's $22/hr!!! I'm so jealous...


What did you buy. I hope you didn't pick anything up off the street corner?

Ya I know I got ripped off. I live in the state of IL and you are not allowed to have more than 6 kids if you are not licensed. I have 4 of my own so there goes the $$. I only babysit 1 for a friend and she pays me $100 a week for 4 days. Not bad but I don't think I would want anymore kids around here because mine drive me crazy as is!!


Active Member
my boss convinced me to start playing golf. so i bought a set.
went to the driving range yesterday... boy was i awful

i think i am still too young to play golf


WAIT, you have to be LICENSED to have more than 6 kids???? THAT'S SOOOO WRONG!!!


I guess if you have more than six of your own kids they can't say anything but my friend was babysitting 9 kids just to make a living and they made her go down to 6 and if she got licenced they would let her have 8. Messed up

I personaly don't like golf. Don't know why? I like football. How old are you snailheave?


Active Member
i don't like golf either. my everything is sore after last night. playing golf that is.
but i think it's a nice supplement to my workout routine. i almost threw a club away. and two balls i hit were so off they hit the protective panel between the other golfer and myself.