Base Rock?? And Cycling??


i went to a driving range one time and couldn't even hit that little ball. I would hate to see what I would look like out on the course


Originally Posted by aredmon
Well my readings this morning are ammonia 0 nitrites .25 ph 8.2 and nitrates 10. My nitrites have come down from .50 to .25 from last night to this morning.
As for the base rock question someone old me once that if I had about 10lbs of live rock and the rest base rock the live would eventualy spread. just the less lr you have the longer it takes to spread. I went from no lr to 13 lbs in a 75gal. and just that little bit has done tremendous things for my cycling tank. You don't have to start out with all the lr you can put in your tank just a little bit and keep buying little at a time till you reach your desired amount. Someone said they had 100lbs of lr in their tank and it took them 2 yrs to get that much.
FYI, base rock should be under the live rock. The pressure of the live will leave a (dead zone) nothing will grow.. and since the live rock with organisms...dead has none...
Hate to waste the live rock.


Active Member
i played a little baseball when i was little and played some for fun when younger so i have this baseball swing.
it hurts a lot when you swing with violet power and miss.
to my credit, the very last ball i launched went over 150


lmao... thick-headed, not overweight... and i totally agree with that article...
hmmm... i'm going to feed my kids greesy foods every day for a year, then sue the company because they didn't tell me that would make my kids overweight... how dare them!!!
People have totally gotten out of hand with suing these days, it's rediculous!!!


you know, snail comes off to me as one of those geniouses who no one understands... doesn't he?


By the way I totaly agree with the artical too. Not to say I can't stand to loose a few pounds but I am not fast food overweight. I can barely stand McDonalds all the grease makes me sick. So how can people swear they didn't know that was going to make them fat?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
you know, snail comes off to me as one of those geniouses who no one understands... doesn't he?
i think that's a nice way to say someone's weird


they do, they're just pleading ignorance to get loads of $$$... how can someone feel right about that?
you know, i was at mickey d's the other day, and i ate a fry at the counter (you know, while they were getting all of my food ready). IT was really really hot, so i threw it back down and said loudly "i'm suing!!! no one told me the hot fry would burn my mouth!!!" LMAO you should've seen the look on the girl's face!!! Her eyes got all wide, and she looked scared to death... I finally said under my breath "i was just kidding"... it was funny, though!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
they do, they're just pleading ignorance to get loads of $$$... how can someone feel right about that?
you know, i was at mickey d's the other day, and i ate a fry at the counter (you know, while they were getting all of my food ready). IT was really really hot, so i threw it back down and said loudly "i'm suing!!! no one told me the hot fry would burn my mouth!!!" LMAO you should've seen the look on the girl's face!!! Her eyes got all wide, and she looked scared to death... I finally said under my breath "i was just kidding"... it was funny, though!
That's sooo evil!


That is funny. My first job was at Hardee's. I had some lady tell me she was going to sue us because we put to much ketchup and mustard on her burger and it got all over her new sweater. Not joking either. She called me up to cuss me and tell me this. :notsure:


snail I see you changed your sub title from dropped as a kid. By the way I am at work now too. I hate sitting at a desk. Not only do I babysit. My parents own a trucking company so they expect me to help out and pay me in peanuts. lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by aredmon
snail I see you changed your sub title from dropped as a kid. By the way I am at work now too. I hate sitting at a desk. Not only do I babysit. My parents own a trucking company so they expect me to help out and pay me in peanuts. lol
i am accepted into the tetragrammaton.
you should demand your fair share regardless who you are


Hey guys!! Back to work this morning and I got fish this weekend!! :cheer: :cheer:
I got 1 flame angel, 1 percula clown, 1 cleaner shrimp, and my husband did buy the 2 damsels he wanted a 4 stripe and a domino. They all seem to be doing very well and getting along. The angel seems like he runs the show in there. I am so happy!!!