Base Rock?? And Cycling??


I thought it was cyno (I know I spelled that wrong!!) or red slime algae but it needs lights to grow, over feeding, little water flow, or tap water. Well no lights on it, I just got fish and started feeding them 2 days ago (1 a day) I can see the water moving in that area, but I did use some tap in initial fill of tank. Maybey it is dark brown and just looks black in the cave. Somebody said earlier that the brown spots I seen could be this nasty brown algea and not die off.


????? To the touch?????? I didn't touch it I just noticed it after I moved the rock because a little light was shinning in on it then.


Sting me once, shame on you. Sting me twice, shame on me...
aredmon, two questions. First of all, when you said you just started feeding them (1 a day)... what do you mean by one a day?
Secondly, what does your usrname mean?


Sorry, 1 a day made sence to me but now you say that I guess not. I feed the fish once a day. I just got them Sat so I just started feeding Sat. I hope that explains. aredmon stands for Amanda Redmon. My name. does look like I am saying I am a demon doesn't it?? :notsure:


I swear I am a very nice person!!

lol jj
I realy am a nice person!!
4 kids
babysit one more
2 dogs
and now saltwater fish
I dodn't have time to evil


dude!! I am totaly cracking up thinking about how you guyes are veiwing me now. I just recently quit as the youth leader at a church. And only feeding 1 fish a day (I assume is what you thought) is just :hilarious


i didn't think of a demon... it actually makes me think of a sunburnt jamaican... you know.. a red mon... lmao


and i thought you meant 1 cube of frozen food a day... i was going to be like :scared: cause that's how much i feed 7 fish and a shrimp...


A sunburnt jamaican :hilarious

I about fell out of my chair laughing. That was good!!!!!
And cube?? What is a cube?? I use flake for the fish and pellets for the shrimp. Pellets float to the bottom faster. My angel eats the flakes a little bit but not much. It is always picking at the lr. Do you think I should invest in some algae sheets for the angel??


yes, definately. I would also not feed flake foods as a source of their main food. Especially the clown and angel, they'll lose color if not provided with a varied diet. A cube is frozen food. There are some frozen foods that are prepared in "cubes", for easy preparation. I always suggest Marine cuisine. They should sell it at your LFS. It's a frozen concauction of brine, mysis, and krill, with a "color-enhancing additive". My fish go crazy for it. I also put in a sheet of nori (dried seaweed) about once or twice a week. They go crazy for it as well. The angel is a grazer, so having that in there for her will help a lot.
Snail makes his own food out of a bunch of different things, throws in in a food processor, and then freezes it in small cubes... it's a great idea, but i don't have a food processor. He uses things like squid, clam, shrimp, and some other stuff too. You can ask him about it.


you and snail must talk alot. I was reading about someone elses algae problem and noticed you had this pet detective ace ventura thing doing. Nice!!
Thanks for the advice. I found a lfs and he gave me flake food and I asked if I needed anything else to feed thm and he said nope!! I realy liked the place too. Dealed in nothing but saltwater. Nothing else. Staff was suposed to be knowledgable. They were extreamly busy though. Oh well. Another hour drive to get fish food :mad: