Base Rock?? And Cycling??


Active Member
Originally Posted by snailheave
you're good. the rocks are good. broken or not. replace bioballs with rubbles, save them if you don't.
when you venture into corals later on, you'll need those rubbles for coral propagation.


lol, that was directed at me... i run a

company... lol.
General seastars are one of the most difficult to keep, and most die after only months in captivity. I STRONGLY advise against any seastars. They must have perfect water parameters. I say get fish first and then after a year or so, once you get used to the maintenance schedule you may be able to get one, like a brittle or serpent. These, however, have been known to eat snails, shrimp, and sleeping fish (especially ones that burrow)...
And snail, yes, we se A LOT of I.O. loans, and ARMs.
You go from calling me mean to telling me i'm good... was that a sarcastic "you're good"?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
And snail, yes, we se A LOT of I.O. loans, and ARMs.
what percentage would you say out of all the mortgages?
and how about IO-ARMs??


when we do IO, it's normally ARMs. I'd say 95% of the business we do is ARMs, and about 50% is IO.


we're licensed to do loans in 50 states, if that's what you mean...


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
You go from calling me mean to telling me i'm good... was that a sarcastic "you're good"?
take it at face value! wouldn't you be happier that way?


yes, i am happier! :cheer:
We do most of our business in our home state of Ohio, and my other home state of Florida.


Ok, ok... we are getting off subject here...
You actually may still be fine with your live rock critters, aredmon. As you said, the ones in the middle parts have a decent chance of survival. The rocks weren't totally dried out right? Pods and stuff can't last forever like that, but they can for at least a day or two, it will just take longer for them to "populate" to a good number.
One other thing I noticed: The brown spots might also be diatoms starting to grow. They are nasty, slimy algae, but nothing to worry about. They'll almost always go away on thier own unless you use tap water for top-offs (or use tap to make your salt water).


You asked about Live Rock and Base Rock
LR has sea creatures and life on it ie. algae
BR has none of the above but will eventually aquire some in a well established tank
LR cost much more but is a part of the ecosystem
BR is cheap but is just Live rock with no life on it
BR generaly was LR at one time and can be again
Good luck

ps LR comes wet kept in water BR comes dry


Active Member
Originally Posted by aredmon
ok I get that I just wasn't getting the your good, client, loan thing?? :notsure:
weren't you gonna post some pictars?


Do you still want me to post pics after I found out that my tank is starting to cycle and the tests were not crap? :notsure: I didn't get to test the water yet today. Sould I do it everyday?


Ok EvilBob. The LR was still wrapped in wet paper towels and wet shredded paper. Each peice was also wrapped in an individual trash bag so everything was wet/damp. It didn't dry out all the way. And there is some tap water in the tank. That particular peice of LR sat in a plastic baggy wrapped in a wet paper towl for about 3hrs. Again I don't have a lfs anywere close to me and I had to make a few other stops before I could go home with it. That is why I thought it was die off. If it is that nasty algae how do I get rid of it if it doesn't go away or gets worse. By the way I am using nothing but RO for top off water. One more stupid question. When you add top off water how fast should you pore it in?


Active Member
i would just test every other day at this stage. you've waited so long already, a few more days are not going to matter much.
i thought you just wanted to practice posting pictures.


Ya, I should. I don't have a digital camera so I have to get pics developed first. When I said I didn't have a lfs around here I should have just said I live in BFE. Just to get to a place to get pics developed is a 15 min or more drive. I get to go shopping for food 1 time a week because the grocery store is about to go bankrupt and has hardly anything in it and what they do have is to expensive or molded. :mad: