
Active Member
I think you're doing a very commendable job in trying to help Bigun. I would at least wait and see if the swabs come back before he passes and then make a decision. That way if it is something that is curable you're not stopping your current treatments and can go from there. And if it isn't something that he can recover from, then at least you know you did everything possible to help him without giving up. I'm still praying for you. Like I said, if you need anything that I can possibly help with just let me know.


Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
I think you're doing a very commendable job in trying to help Bigun. I would at least wait and see if the swabs come back before he passes and then make a decision. That way if it is something that is curable you're not stopping your current treatments and can go from there. And if it isn't something that he can recover from, then at least you know you did everything possible to help him without giving up. I'm still praying for you. Like I said, if you need anything that I can possibly help with just let me know.
Thank you so very much....I am just going to see what tomorrow brings at this point....

dive girl

Originally Posted by renogaw
christine is very passionate about horses, she actually found out that one horse she treated had the very first case of salmonella (however you spell it) on horses recorded.
hopefully she helps you
I would have loved to have been able to hear her talk on seahorses. Do you know if she has a book, paper, website, or podcast? I find it truly amazing how helpful people can be when there is a shared interest. I know that I found it when my seahorse was ill and I'm seeing it with all the offers for Bigun!


Evening update...Finished w/c..added tonights meds, tube fed....He did his little swim...and then nose dive....I will say though....his wound was not as red as yesterday, BUT I have not put the wound control on either.
I picked him up and put him on his castle...
Today is day 4 of chloroquine....


Hey MEOW i was following this thread and i really hope BIGUN gets better. i think it is wonderful how much you are putting into him getting well. i hope you find good news from NY. keep up the good work though! dont give up!


Morning update: OK... Good news (I think) BIGUN stayed hitched to his castle..upright...all night long...this morning he was kinda holding his head up too. I put some PE mysis in there...just in case...well he didn't go for it...BUT...he did turn away from my hand. He had not even been doing that the last few days.
When I get home tonight he will receive shot #3 of Baytril...along with the rest of the regime....


Active Member
Geez - and the morning talk show says tons of people are following the saga of John & Kate Plus 8...... I think this real life saga is gaining quite a following of it's own! I keep logging on (from home and work) to see how Big Un is doing. Amazing how we all get so emotionally involved when one of our "children" is sick.
Sending love and positive thoughts!


Active Member
I hope he keeps improving. You're working really hard to save him. I'm so glad that it's an improvement. This is definitely a learning experience for all of us. I'm going to continue to hope and pray for a good outcome.


OK...shot #3 has been given, he has been tube fed, and his dose of chlorquine has ben added with the w/c
His eye seems like it has a discharge...hard to tell, and I can not get a pic
Here are today's pics of his tail
Attachment 226892
Attachment 226893
He is laying down resting....he is actually attempting to get up...I am going to leave him be for a little while,and if he does not do it on his own, I will help him to get to his castle
New York received my swabs today...they should have results Saturday



poor little guy! it almost looks like there is something eating his tale! i know he's alone... i really hope you get some kind of news from NY while it can still help! Keep fighting BIGUN!


Well-Known Member

Still holding on!
you are amazing. My hopes and prayers are still going out to you and Bigun.