
If the Baytril works, once it kicks in, the progression of the wound should stop.
Once a day on the tube feeding! It is not uncommon for some to leak out. When you are making the gruel, it would not hurt to add enrichments. AlgaMac is extremely high in DHA to EPA ratio. Spirulina and Vitamins if you have them. It only takes the tiniest of a pinch though.
The fact that he is still hanging means that he does have a chance. If the progression of the bacteria comes to a halt with the Baytril, then each day after that his odds improve.
Keep his water clean with the regular water changes, ammonia neutralized, wound control applied when you handle him and keep nutrition with a daily tube feeding.


OH...How often do i do the wound control? I did it this morning when I tube fed him. I just did the 50% w/c too.....

dive girl

Bigun had better survive! Does he not realize all the work and worry you have gone through! It would be rude to die at this point.
Dan, I know there was a question of ciliates; do you think meowzer should add any deworming medication to the water?


Originally Posted by Dive Girl
Bigun had better survive! Does he not realize all the work and worry you have gone through! It would be rude to die at this point.
Dan, I know there was a question of ciliates; do you think meowzer should add any deworming medication to the water?
HEY...if willing something to live would do it wellllll...we would not be having this conversation still...LOL


Active Member
See...I knew you could do it. Hopefully this baytril works for him. You're such a good seahorse mommy. He's lucky to have you. Now that he has some nutrition in him maybe he'll gain some more strength.


Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08
See...I knew you could do it. Hopefully this baytril works for him. You're such a good seahorse mommy. He's lucky to have you. Now that he has some nutrition in him maybe he'll gain some more strength.

I am hoping...It is so hard to see him like this...I can just tell he is unhappy....


OK...I now have prazipro, chloroquine...and a few other meds....I need to know if I should begin using them tonight, and if so....what and how much......


BIGUN is the same this morning.
Dan recommends that I start the chloroquine today by using 1/2 tablet today, and then when I do my 50% w/c's ...add 1/4 tablet...I will also continue to tube feed and use the baytril shot.
SOOOO...I just finished the morning w/c.....put the chloroquine in the water, tube fed him....RIght now he seems a little stressed and gaspy, but I do not know if it is the meds, or the stress of the w/c and being tube fed.
Here is a pic this morning of his wound


Just thought I would update....BIGUN has set in the same spot since morning.....His breathing is now regular....I think it was gaspy from the stress of tube feeding,
Will update again long as nothing new happens tonight ...


Active Member
Just try to keep his stress as low as possible. Hopfully between the meds and the feedings. He will start to feel better soon. How often do you have to give him a shot.


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Just try to keep his stress as low as possible. Hopfully between the meds and the feedings. He will start to feel better soon. How often do you have to give him a shot.
Every 3 he will get another one tomorrow. I am trying to do everything at the same time so I don't have to take him out more than once.
I sure hope he does start feeling better soon, I would love to see something in the right direction


Like Teresa said keep his stress low and try not to take him out of the water to much as that is a HUGE stress. Can you do the shots while he is still half in the water?
Hope he is doing better.


Morning update...not sure how good or bad this was shot day too...I did everything all at once to cause him less stress...I have some pics
pic one is of his eye...looks worse, but some of the pic is glare
Attachment 226727
pic 2 is how he was right after the shot and tube feed....I thought he was going to die
Attachment 226728
Pic 3...he tried to swim...landed face first on the bridge
Attachment 226729
Pic 4...he made it to his castle....where he will probably stay till I take him out tomorrow for feeding
Attachment 226730



Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Hey Flower

I just don't know if I am fooling myself anymore or not.....

Hey...I don't think you are fooling yourself. Any fish I ever had that sick was gone at the most..2 days. Bigun has been hanging on for over a week and still got on top of his castle.
I so hope he makes it.