
Originally Posted by bender77
The dose I have is 5 to 10 mg/kg in the muscle every 72 hrs. Just in case you can't get Dan
I could not get to the vet today to get it so I don't have the meds yet either....If I do not hear from dan tonight, I will be calling him in the a.m.
WHat muscle


Originally Posted by bender77
My guess would be in the thick meaty part of the tail or along the back, but ask Dan first. LOL
Thank you...At this time I will see how BIGUN is in the morning...if he is the same (or better) I will get the Baytril and inject him tomorrow night (I'M SCARED)
I have already spent quite a bit of money and time trying to help him...I feel I have nothing else to lose, and if it works, BIGUN has everything to gain (me too)
I have an article to read about the injection and also a very helpful person who will hopefully guide me

Let's see what the morning brings


When you talk with the vet, make sure what solution you are getting, ie 5% (50 mg/ml) or 10% (100 mg/ml). Also ask for a 1 cc syringe and a very small gauge needle.
Noga recommends 10 mg/kg. Your seahorse will weigh in the grams instead of kilograms. If the vet could pre-dilute the Baytril to 1 mg/ml, it may be easier for you.


Thanks Dan...I have called the vet with those questions, and will be picking the med up this morning.
Morning update: BIGUN was in exactly the same spot as last night. Then he actually started to swim...I got excited for a minute, BUT it was only a short swim, and then he went back to bottom of tank looking really worn out....
I will be picking up the new medicine we shall see.


Well-Known Member

I have no advice but I wanted you to know I have been keeping up on the thread...Holding up a prayer for Bigun for ya.

dive girl

Originally Posted by bender77
OK, I just got an email from a friend of mine who is a fish veterinarian in New York. I have the sea horse dose for Baytril and a PDF file of sea horse management from the Shed Aquarium. If you want to PM me (I haven't been on long enough to PM you)your email I can forward you the dose and her contact info so your vet call consult with her if he would like, so you can hopefully get some baytril if you would like to try it.
Bender77, Would you please send me an email with that information in it. I would be interested in reading it. My email address is annmarie367 at yahoodotcom.
Poor Bigun. It seems like the illness is stating to take it's toll on him.


Originally Posted by Dive Girl
Bender77, Would you please send me an email with that information in it. I would be interested in reading it. My email address is annmarie367 at yahoodotcom.
Poor Bigun. It seems like the illness is stating to take it's toll on him.
I know...sniff...But he is still hanging on too....


Originally Posted by Jayson417
Been following your baby.... Any news?

Originally Posted by Nw2Salt08

Still hoping that things get better.. hope the baytril helps. Keeping my fingers crossed for you and Bigun.
Thanks guys...I am picking up the Baytril in about 30 minutes....I have not received confirmation yet from Dan, BUT I think I may have to do a 100% w/c before I give the injection.
Divegirl was kind enough to e-mail me diagrams and instructions on how and where to do this on the horse...(I'm very nervous)
I will let you guys know tonight how I make out with this later tonight.


If you call Dan today, will you mention to him that I was considering a ciliate cause. I'll send him a PM to explain my thought process to him. More or less, the seahorse did not respond to Furan-2 or Neomycin+TriSulfa. It also did not respond to lowering the tank temperature to 68*. To me, that screams that its not Vibrio, so I'm not very hopeful on the Baytril. That leaves a few common treatable bacterial infections, some of which could be affected by Baytril (we have seen salmonella in seahorses before, for example); and a few common bacterial infections that are not treatable (Nocardia, Mycobacteria). It also leaves non-bacterial infections. Considering the unknown raising conditions, these are more possible than usual. Granted, some cannot be treated, and some require very specific and difficult to aquire medications (like chloroquine). But, on the other hand, some don't. We can't use FW and formalin because of the open wound, but we could at least do a last ditch effort at trying praziquantel. I don't know of any negative interactions between Baytril and praziquantel, so I would go ahead and do that and cover both of your bases. Your best bet is to feed the praziquantel to the seahorse inside gutloaded adult brine shrimp (2tsp prazi in 1 gallon of water, mix thoroughly, and leave adult brine shrimp in the water for 2 hours before feeding them to the seahorse). If you can't do that, a bath treatment would be better than nothing (follow dosage on packaging). If you can't get prazi, let me know what dewormers/antiparastics you can get, and we'll go from there.
The Baytril is Enrofloxacin, and I thought that was something that had already been sent to you...??? It is far, far, far better for it to be injected, and considering how bad off he is, that is the only way that I would go. However, it can be tube fed to the seahorse, I just am not 100% on exactly how effective the med is in that form b/c I'm not 100% on the degree of chelating that happens. For injection, the best place is in the belly. There is something about the muscle in the tail being to dense or not getting enough blood flow... anyway, the instructions that Marty (Labdoc) gave in the injection thread are accurate. If you can, write them down or print them out and bring them to your vet and your vet may be able to show/explain.
Baytril should be dosed at 0.01mg Baytril per gram of body weight every other day for 5 treatments. It is best to weigh your seahorse. If you are unable to, it is reasonable to assume a body weight of 10 grams and use 0.1mg of Baytril every other day for 5 treatments.
P.S. Yes, do a complete water change before using the Baytril.


The shot is done....I know he felt it though....When I looked at his wound it looks worse, but I was not going to put him thru anymore bu trying to take a pic...
When I put him back in the qt...he started swimming erratically...and then laid down in tank....I thought I had killed him

Now he is perched on his castle, and he is erect....
A very very very KIND person is on her way to Fed exp to send me some prazipro and chloroquine....Divegirl....I have no clue how I will ever repay you for what you have done for BIGUN and me....this is the 2nd package she is mailing to me out of the kindness of her heart....
I wish she lived closer.....friends like her are hard to find


I have now come to see that BIGUN is not holding himself up....(guess I was hoping) He is leaning against a castle tower

More later

dive girl

Hypothetically, if I did send anything it was because I might have had some stuff on hand from when my seahorse was ill.
But of course that is just hypothetically speaking. There were some wonderful people that helped me and gave me sound advice and I don't know what I would have done without them or how I will ever repay them.
I don't know how Bigun will do or if you'll make the decision to continue to treat him or not but it never hurts to have different things on hand, even if they sit on a shelf and expire without being used.


Active Member
I am so so sorry this is happening. I cant beleive he is still fighting so hard.
Let me know how its going