
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
That dosent look good. Can you e-mail those to dan and have him look
I just hung up the phone....he won't be home for anogther hour or so...Abby said I should go ahead and do the w/c and add the sulfa/neo
She will tell Dan I posted new pics as soon as he gets home, and she will have him call me
any suggestions T???


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
Im sorry, I have none. Hopfully dan will call soon. I do trust him.

Well I finally got my w/c water to I am going to do th 5g change and rea dd the meds as Abby said to do...
I will put more water in the soon as I am done in case I need it later


Sadly, this doesn't look good! It appears that the infection is systemic. The Furan 2 didn't do anything. The combination of TS and Neomycin hasn't slow up anything yet. Normally I find it will kick in within 3 to 4 days. I am not opposed to Baytril but it needs to be given either orally (tube feeding) or by injection. It also requires a Vet for a prescription and given the location, finding an aquatic vet may present a challenge in a timely matter. Wound
Control is great stuff. Unfortunately it has been outlawed and not available. Earlier, it may have been useful, but with this now appearing systemic, it would have little effect.
Dive Girl, I applaud anyone who speaks their mind when the intent is constructive. While I have a fair amount of experience, I certainly don't know it all.


Active Member
Wow....this is so frustrating. I was hoping the outcome would be better than this. I wish there was more that I could do to help. I'm definitely no expert on this but I wish I could do more. ~hugs~

dive girl

Thanks Dan. I just didn't want it to seem as I was trying to undermine anything that you or Ann say. I've just noticed that when these wonderful creatures get sick the outcome usually isn't good. Bigun started getting worse so I thought what does meowzer have to lose.
While you say you may not know everything I listen closely to what you do because you have the experience to go along with it as does Ann.
Without doing a culture on the wound, everything is close to guesswork. Even with a culture, who really knows what the horse is getting.
Lois, I'm so sorry this happened to you and Bigun. I know you did everything possible for him.


Thanks T...I know you and Annmarie have also lost some of your you know how frustrating and difficult this is.....He is hanging in sad....


Originally Posted by meowzer
Thanks T...I know you and Annmarie have also lost some of your you know how frustrating and difficult this is.....He is hanging in sad....
You know no matter what fish I lose the seahorse was really the hardest.At the time I was dealing with colon cancer at only 20,the seahorse for that short time I had her was my escape. People I don't think understand why seahorses are so hard to lose until they have one and see there connecting personalities.They are just wonderful gifts from God.
I really feel for you and am hoping he can somehow heal and get better.Hang in there.

dive girl


I'm sorry I wasn't available. I checked online as soon as I could. I'm sorry I missed you.
Dingus couldn't have said it better (and I'm wishing you the best of health), they do touch us in a way that our other fish aren't able to. Each of my fish have a different personality and while I would be sad to lose one it is the sea horses that I worry about the most. They are a very special creature, it is almost as if we are given a unique gift to care for while they are in our care. It is a good thing that we can not take them out and cuddle them as we do our dogs or cats, or boy would we be in trouble.
Bigun received the best care that he could have. Being with you gave him a chance. You followed sound advice and went to great lengths to have what was needed on hand. Bigun was lucky the day you came into his life.
I can't find the stupid hug smilie!!!!!


Thanks again guys....AS I dreaded the walk into the fish room this morning...BIGUN was still just sitting there...the same....Then he got up and swam around...I WAS LIKE OMG he's getting better....well then he went to his rock and laid his head against the small castle I have in there, kinda like that little swim took soooo much out of him.
I get home a little earlier we shall see.....


Getting baytril may not be that hard. Call your dog's vet, explain the situation and see if he would be willing to help you out. I would probably go with injectable since it would be easier to give. What would be the harm in asking? Then you could take the other meds out of the water.


OK, I just got an email from a friend of mine who is a fish veterinarian in New York. I have the sea horse dose for Baytril and a PDF file of sea horse management from the Shed Aquarium. If you want to PM me (I haven't been on long enough to PM you)your email I can forward you the dose and her contact info so your vet call consult with her if he would like, so you can hopefully get some baytril if you would like to try it.


Originally Posted by bender77
OK, I just got an email from a friend of mine who is a fish veterinarian in New York. I have the sea horse dose for Baytril and a PDF file of sea horse management from the Shed Aquarium. If you want to PM me (I haven't been on long enough to PM you)your email I can forward you the dose and her contact info so your vet call consult with her if he would like, so you can hopefully get some baytril if you would like to try it.
Thank you, I also have a call in to my vet. I am waiting for the doc to call me back. I will let you know and we will go from there....
I can not pm you you can't send them, apparently you can't receive them either. I wonder if this has to be injected with a needle


It does have to be injected with a needed, but it will be a small amount and you only do it every 72 hrs, so you would be fine. I really think with everything you have tried this is probably a last ditch effort, but I hope it works


Originally Posted by bender77
It does have to be injected with a needed, but it will be a small amount and you only do it every 72 hrs, so you would be fine. I really think with everything you have tried this is probably a last ditch effort, but I hope it works
WELL first I have to wait and see if they still can get it...the girl who answered wasn't sure if they had it available anymore
...I do think if I can not get it "now".....welllll....I won't go any further than that...


If they don't have it, I think I would call around, explain the situation and see if someone would be willing to help. I can't imagine a vet clinic not having injectable baytril on hand. Make sure you tell them the injectable not the pill


Well we are still here...w/c and meds have been added...he doen't seem any worse, but no better...sigh....I am about to collect the nightly amphipods...I put pe with vitamins interest...
I located Baytril....I will call Dan in the a.m. to see what he local vet says he will get me what I need. He says they are not supposed to w/o seeing the animal, but under the circumstances, and because he has dealt with me for so many years, he willtake my work for whatever I tell him regarding the Baytril....
I have no clue how much or anything like that till I call Dan in the a.m., and of course all this depends on BIGUN tonight