
Well he seems to have calmed down some since I added a few more pieces of "furniture"...LOL...But he is still hunting
I wish I could catch some pods from the sump of the 225....
I'm not sure what I am going to put his food in tomorrow...been looking for another small glass bowl...I can't find one...grrrr...geez I hate tupperware...


Well it's 1:30 a.m. QT is at 70....BIGUN seems to have settled down. DT is at 74.4...will work on getting the temps down another degree in the morning...I feel guilty going to bed with a sick one...but I can't keep my eyes open any longer, and I am expecting a call early from some SH people...about some meds.
update to come in the a.m.


Active Member
If the fuge on the 225 has chaeto there shoud be some pods living in it. Can you just grab a clump of it and put it in the 10 gallon then keep rotating it out with a new clump every once in a while?


Just spoke to Dan....I told him what I had in the house as far as meds, and I have some Fungus Clear tablets (from my fw tanks) that he said to use....the ingredients are nitrofurazone, furazolidone, and potassium dichromate. I will dissolve 1 tablet in a cup of tank water and add to qt...I will watch horse closely to make sure he has no wierd reactions, and I will do a 50% w/c tomorrow, and repeat...Also I have some neosporin, and Dan said to apply some to the spot on the tail.
He said to continue to keep water's 70 right now...gonna feed him first and then drop 2 more degrees, and just watch him....We will decide what medicines to use Monday.
I want to thank you guys for getting me in touch with Dan, he gave me a few other light (ann said that too), and to cover 3 sides of tank...this is to help horse feel more comfortable.
BIGUN seems more like himself this morning...he is much calmer than last night..thank goodness....I will be feeding him breakfast in a few minutes, and after that I will be applying treatment..WISH ME LUCK


Originally Posted by TeresaQ
how is he this morning??
The cheato Idea is good until you start meds.
He is eating right now..he seems like himself...the booboo seems the same....OHHH another thing Dan put an airline in with an airstone...and of course to take carbon out of filter...(I should have remembered that) I am going to leave the filter though for water movement.
Dan said not to put the chaeto in caused we don't want to introduce anything unnecessarily into the tank, and it would interfere with the meds...
I'm going to let him eat...give him a little while and then do treatment


Good. Glad you talked to Dan.
You said "we will decide what medicines to use Monday"... You're going to go ahead and start with the nitrofurazone/furazolidone (fungus tabs) and neosporin today, right?


Originally Posted by ann83
Good. Glad you talked to Dan.
You said "we will decide what medicines to use Monday"... You're going to go ahead and start with the nitrofurazone/furazolidone (fungus tabs) and neosporin today, right?
YES, that's it all out and ready to go...Just covered the 3 sides of tank with towel...put in a bubbler...LOL..I put it in a mini castle so it would'nt float away...when I first turned it on I think it startled him, so I put a diffuser on the tubing and turned it down a little...NOW he is hanging onto the castle
I guess he likes it.
When I said we will decide Monday...I meant about the next step....since it is a weekend and we can't get any meds anyway...and depending on how BIGUN does in the next 2 days...I will still be ordering a full supply of treatments to keep on hand though.....It's just that by Monday, we should know if we need an air shipment or just regular delivery.
I'm a little nervous about the neosporin, but I will just be very gentle with him


I DID IT!!! He was a good boy...except he tried to curl his tail which made it kinda difficult.....While he was in my hand I was able to examine the rest of his body though...and There is nothing anywhere else....
The other med is in there, and so far...seems ok


OK...Tank temp is now at 68...I didn't do anything, I guess the fan and open lid is enough.......IF the temp goes down anymore...what is the lowest I should let it get???

dive girl

Good sign that your horse is eating. Meowzer don't wait, if you can afford it have the meds sent to you the fastest way possible (if you aren't able to get anything locally to start treatment). You need to treat this aggressively and without delay.


Originally Posted by Dive Girl
Good sign that your horse is eating. Meowzer don't wait, if you can afford it have the meds sent to you the fastest way possible (if you aren't able to get anything locally to start treatment). You need to treat this aggressively and without delay.
Well I put the neosporin on his tail, and I have the fungus med in the water...temp is down to 68....there really isn't anything else I can do yet.


There is one thing I never thought of, that Dive Girl brought up...should I be making any changes in salinity? (as far as lowering it)


OK...I know FW and SW fish are different, and seahorses even more so...BUT I read once that when you lower tank temps fish are less active and have less of an appetite? BIGUN didn't seem interested in his dinner :(


Don't lower the salinity.
The tank temp should be okay down to about 66, probably lower, but I wouldn't take it further than that. If the temp starts to get too low, just raise the fan up off the surface a little more so its not blowing on the water as much.


Originally Posted by ann83
Don't lower the salinity.
The tank temp should be okay down to about 66, probably lower, but I wouldn't take it further than that. If the temp starts to get too low, just raise the fan up off the surface a little more so its not blowing on the water as much.
Temp seems to be staying at 67...It sure is hard to get that ointment on though....It just slides right off, and then when he goes i nthe water it looks like some more comes off

he ate a bite or 2 for dinner, Dan says that the cooler temps will slow his metabolism and lessen his least he ate something though...