
Well things are still the same...I are 2 pics of my poor pitiful BIGUN in QT....water is green from meds
Attachment 225764
Attachment 225765
...I put breakfast in and he showed no interest...I'm going to give him an hour...maybe he'll pick up a couple of pieces of mysis

After an hour I am going to do the 50% w/c and apply neosporin....I will try to get a close up pic of the wound when I have him in my hand...
I really see no difference, but it is a little harder to see thru green water..LOL



Just got a really good look at Skinny...and I am glad to say she looks great...she was hovering in med water (LOL) and I saw no signs of anything at all on her
Attachment 225779
I think my w/c water has finally reached the right temp, I think I will wait 15 more minutes to see if maybe BIGUN eats a piece of's been just about an hour since I put it in


W/C is med is being dissolved in cup....When I dabbed the tail to dry it, it bled...this is what came off on the q-tip...
Attachment 225780
He will not stay still for me to get a pic...I tried to get one while he was in my hand, but let's just say that didn't work out
Attachment 225781
The area has not grown at all....



Yeah, neosporin isn't exactly made for wet fishies ;-) Bio-bandage will stay on better, if you end up getting it.
Try counting how many tail rings the lesion covers. That way, you have a more objective way of doing a comparison from day to day on whether it has grown or healed. It is much easier to count tail rings on a picture than on a moving seahorse, btw.
If he continues to refuse food, you may need to resort to giving him live food. He ought to take live even if he's feeling too crummy to want to eat frozen.


OK...Thanks...I definitely will be getting the bio bandage...among other things....
What about the blood?


OK...I think I am losing it now
I thought BIGUN was breathing heavy, (I'm actually not sure anymore) He ate NO dinner, and seems sluggish, or just tired.....I took 1g of the medicated water out and put in 1g of ro...he swam around then...I put my hand by him and he took he knew enough that he did not want to be handled....I do not know if all of this is normal for a medicated horse in qt...or if I am just imagining things.
The one thing I do know is he is not acting like himself...he is usually a piglet and very active....he has not eaten at all today, and basicall has hitched to the same plane all day
Anything I should do...or is this just part of the qt and med process?
BIGUN will be home alone all day tomorrow as I have to work....
ammonia is is 8...anything else????....OH YEAH...Could he be cold???


Its all part of the "being sick" process :wink: (it is going to drive me crazy trying to get used to the emoticons over here)
Yes, he could be cold; thing is, the cold is *hopefully* keeping him from getting sicker. A lot of times sick seahorses go off their food. They just don't feel like eating. But, they can be enticed to eat by being given live "treats" instead of frozen food. They'll still perk up enough to suck down a few live mysis or adult brine or ghost shrimp, even if they turn their noses up at the frozen stuff. You may need to try that if he goes another day without eating. Nutrition is important for healing.


OK...Got my meds ordered...I am having them sent next day...I would rather have them asap....Dan suggests that when I do my 50% w/c tonight that I only use 1/4 of the fungus tab...Since we are not sure of the percentage of med in it, and the way BIGUN was acting last night, there may be too much of an ingredient in it. It seems BIGUN perked up a little last night after I took 1g out too. He did not eat this morning..again...but he seemed more active...definitely more alert anyway.
Tomorrow night I will do 100% w/c, rinse tank, and add Furan 2....Hopefully this will also help BIGUN to get his appetite back.


PHEW!!!!...I am at work, and I was really worried about leaving BIGUN...Well my husband just got home and looked at him...he is still hitched to that plant...thank goodness....I was so afraid he might be laying down...SLAP SLAP SLAP...That is me slapping myself...I need to STOP WORRYING....he will be ok....right?


So far he has not eaten any dinner

BUT after I did the 50% w/c he swam arouond a lot

I'm stalling on the next meds just in case he might eat a bite

shrimpy brains

Been keeping tabs on your dilemna. I'm so sorry about your little Bigun, but I know, he has the greatest chance because of his mother's vigilance and caring. Best wishes. I will be praying for you both.


Originally Posted by Shrimpy Brains
Been keeping tabs on your dilemna. I'm so sorry about your little Bigun, but I know, he has the greatest chance because of his mother's vigilance and caring. Best wishes. I will be praying for you both.
Thanks...I have meds coming I sure hope they help


Did you ask Dan to send you some live foods too so you can get him to eat? Unless you have access to live foods locally...


Originally Posted by ann83
Did you ask Dan to send you some live foods too so you can get him to eat? Unless you have access to live foods locally...

Dan is sending meds...we are going to starte Furan 2 tomorrow...He thinks MAYBE the meds in the tank now are affecting BIGUNS appetite
We will try this med for a day or two then I may have to have some food overnighted....He is also sending a (can't think of name) but you can feed the horse with it or flush a pouch

I will do a 100% w/c tomorrow night and add the furan 2...BIGUN seems a little more active today...but no eating...I did not add more of the tablet tonight...


If your LFS sells adult brine, I'd try that in a pinch - preferably gutloaded with vitamins or such. Or perhaps the LFS sells small freshwater ghost shrimp you could try.


Originally Posted by ReefNutPA
If your LFS sells adult brine, I'd try that in a pinch - preferably gutloaded with vitamins or such. Or perhaps the LFS sells small freshwater ghost shrimp you could try.
LOL...I have no LFS....That is why I have to buy ALL online...Sometimes Walmart has those ghost shrimp, but I haven't seen them in a while...I'll check tomorrow...If I need to I will have some flown in...Dan seems to think once I start the Furan 2 BIGUN's appetite will come back

This sure would be a good time for my peppermints to have more babies hatch..huh