
Well BIGUN did not eat breakfast this morning :(....BUT he is swimming around...I should be receiving the Furan 2 today, and will do the complete w/c and add that tonight
I went ahead and ordered Live Brine shrimp from the Livebrineshrimp place...$47 to have it fed exp overnight....I sure hope BIGUN eats it....


PHEW!!!!...OK 100% W/C is now water is in tank along with Furan 2 and of course BIGUN. Tail has not changed
..Dinner is not being touched, but he is a little restless...I guess being in a qt...then a a qt again..will make anyone restless...
Now we see how the Furan 2 does
Live (expensive) Brine arrives tommorow....
Please eat BIGUN....PLEASE


This is a lot of work and worry...I hope I have it in me to do this the right way.....I am now going to scrub and sanitize my 2g hex so I have a home for these live brine that are coming tomorrow....


The Live Brine is here at my office....I may try to get out an hour early today so I can get them ready for BIGUN....he ate no breakfast again this morning, so I am very anxious to see if he will eat these....


well i know absolutley nothing about sea horses and only dream of having them being only 11 but i wish you good luck!!!

p.s. he is B-E-A-U-I-F-U-L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WEll I did my 50% w/c...added the 2nd dose of Furan 2...and added some live brine....They are not what I thought they would be...For some add reason I thought they would be a little bigger..
I soaked the live brine in tank water that had furan 2 in it as I was instructed to do...
....I made sure to put enough brine in there so he would see them too...I think a few even hit him it the head

I have sat on the floor in front of this tank for the past hour hoping to see him eat one....NOTHING....MAYBE just maybe he will later...
BUT I can not sit here all night...
His booboo still looks the same, but I am not taking him out to get a close-up I do not want to stress him any further....I just want him to eat something


Can you siphon amphipods, isopods, or mysis out of one of your tanks to feed him? He may not recognize the brine as a food source.


Originally Posted by ann83
Can you siphon amphipods, isopods, or mysis out of one of your tanks to feed him? He may not recognize the brine as a food source.

LOL...yesterday I had 2 amphipods stuck in a bristleworm trap so I put them in....he didn't care....i could try to get some pods and some amphipods out of the fuge tomorrow night....

He's got the brine in there now...hopefully he will take a few bites
Although I won't know...I have been sitting here trying to watch him all night, I have to get up early again I am about to turn lights out.....we shall see how he is in the morning


This SUX BIG TIME...I spent $46 to have some $10 live brine shipped in and I come home today and the ones in the holding tank are all dead

WELLL I am about to do my 50% w/c...add dose 3 of Furan 2...and start picking amphipods out of my sump
If he does not eat tonight...I am going to try to tube feed...OH PLEASE I hope he eats tonight


WOW...I put a bigger mirror on side of tank...he just saw it....he swam up to it and is investigating...Maybe he will eat for the horse in the mirror....CROSSING FINGERS AND PRAYING


Active Member
I think it may be time for the tube feeding, How long has it been, 4 days. His systems will start to shut down with out some sort of food.
What happened to your brine?? I have some in a small tank I dont even have air on that have grown from eggs to adult??
Was the water dirty?? Ammonia maybe??


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
WOW...I put a bigger mirror on side of tank...he just saw it....he swam up to it and is investigating...Maybe he will eat for the horse in the mirror....CROSSING FINGERS AND PRAYING
Lonely is he? Poor baby, I sure hope he is feeling better soon. I am sure your little girl is lonely too.


I have no clue what is going on.....I followed the directions they sent exactly....Maybe the mirror will help.....I have 3 days at home now, so I will have a lot of time...I am going to get some amphipods out of sump as Ann suggested tonight...and if that does not work, he is getting the catheter tomorrow morning....
Skinny has rocks, and other fish to keep her she is still in her own home...she seems fine


DONT let anyone ever tell you that catching amphipods out of your fuge is easy.....I have about 10...maybe little buggers, But I am trying to get them one by one cause I do not want anything else,
BIGUN likes his mirror, and I think he has noticed the pods.....I just haven't actually seen him eat any yet...but I am also trying to watch him and catch more....I would like a bunch


Active Member
YAYYYY!!!! He ate one.... maybe his appetite will start picking up a bit. I was really starting to bet worried.... You're working so hard to take care of the little guy (I know he's the big one but it's like a kid...they're still little lol). I sure hope he gets better. Need a smilie here that's holding it's breath. lol


Thank you....He has actually eaten a few....everyone thinks I'm nuts flying in meds and food for the horse...and I was luck...DUHHHHH if it was your cat or dog wouldn't you take it to the vet....