Bonebrake's 24 Gal. JBJ Nano Cube!


Active Member
do you think you could give a list of wats in your tank lighting and filtration as well as life if not to much trouble


Active Member
Patrick, I have my lighting posted a few pictures above this post. I keep my moonlights on 24/7 and my 72 watts of power compact fluorescent lamps on for 12 hours per day. For filtration I only have one Maxijet 900 pumping 230 gallons per hour and a lady's pantyhose stocking filled with about 4 oz. of activated carbon that I change once a month. I change five gallons of water out every two weeks which is about 30% of the total volume. A JBJ 24 DX is really only 20 gallons empty, with live rock and sand the total volume is closer to 15 gallons.) The live rock and sandbed take care of everything else!
If you have any other questions let me know!


New Member
i've been browsing this site for a few days now..and just wanted to add that this is one of the nicest tanks i've seen. i hope to build my nano cube to be this good. :) i'm just starting this hobby and the all the info here has been helpful. including the thread with DeMartini's 12gal tank another awesome tank.


Active Member
I'm pretty anal.

I got a little looser now that I am moving in July and will be upgrading so I gave up on the battle against the coralline on the glass. I still use my Mag-Float for the green algae, but the coralline is gaining ground.


First off awesome tank. You have enough inthere to probably fill up my 55 lol If you don't mind me asking, what camera are you using? Your tank makes me fill a lot better about my 260 watts of pc and filtration (you know there are some peep that swear you can't maintain a reef without w sump/fuge) and yes i know they help with a lot...sorry just venting. With your water changes alone does your trates stay down? I am running a fluval 303 ,a modded skilter 400 , 2 ph's (230 gph and 300 gph) , and around 70 pounds of lr on cc ( i am going to go with ls, i am just not wanting to tear it down). Do you see any issues with that setup at all?


New Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake

Thanks Philly C! Welcome to the boards!

If you have any questions let me know!
thanks, man! i sure will. i've gotten some great info already from this forum and hope to share my progress in the near future. just starting to get some new gear like pump, lamps, etc. :)
i got a couple questions...where did you get the "18 separate one watt 420 nm wide-angle LED moonlights...." did you wire that to the stock switch? can you post a shot without the lights on?
and did u have a clear plastic cover over the lights?...because on mine, there's a clear plastic cover.. just wondering if you removed yours. here's mine.



Active Member
Originally Posted by ol'salty
Do you see any issues with that setup at all?
Thanks for the compliments!
My nitrate concentration is consistently less than 2.5 ppm and my phosphate concentration is always less than 0.1 ppm.
I have a big blob of chaeto jammed behind my rock work that gets little bit of light, but not much.
My nitrates did go up to 10.0 ppm for about a week when I had a dying gorgonian in there for probably a month before I realized it was dying. Once I took the gorgonian out the nitrates went back down to less than 2.5 ppm after a week or two.
So water changes alone have went a long way for me considering I lack a good refugium and do not have a protein skimmer.


Active Member
Originally Posted by phillyc
where did you get the "18 separate one watt 420 nm wide-angle LED moonlights...." did you wire that to the stock switch? can you post a shot without the lights on?
and did u have a clear plastic cover over the lights?
I got the LED moonlights from a seller named "digikits" on a very popular online site where you can "buy it now" for less than $20 shipped. I glued them inside my canopy at an angle that I found to be the most desirable which took me awhile before I was satisfied. I'll get a pic with the lights off tonight. I had to take my plastic cover off my lights to make room for the moonlights so I bought a sheet of acrylic at Home Depot and cut it to fit over the water to prevent splashing on the lights.


New Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I got the LED moonlights from a seller named "digikits" on a very popular online site where you can "buy it now" for less than $20 shipped. I glued them inside my canopy at an angle that I found to be the most desirable which took me awhile before I was satisfied. I'll get a pic with the lights off tonight. I had to take my plastic cover off my lights to make room for the moonlights so I bought a sheet of acrylic at Home Depot and cut it to fit over the water to prevent splashing on the lights.
cool tip...thanks!

bryan hurs

New Member
Bonebrake great tank! I set mine up and got it going last June. Have some zoos poss some very young pipe organ on lr , fuzzy mushroom, leather coral, and what was said to be spaghetti coral. I also have a peppermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. My water is good but I run my salinity at around 1.021 should I increase it I don't want to kill anything. I ran it higher when I first set it up and lost a $20 shrimp the second it hit the water. :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bryan Hurs
Bonebrake great tank! I set mine up and got it going last June. Have some zoos poss some very young pipe organ on lr , fuzzy mushroom, leather coral, and what was said to be spaghetti coral. I also have a peppermint shrimp and a cleaner shrimp. My water is good but I run my salinity at around 1.021 should I increase it I don't want to kill anything. I ran it higher when I first set it up and lost a $20 shrimp the second it hit the water. :help:
Definitely raise your specific gravity to 1.026 slowly. Start to top off with saltwater and when you do water changes mix your new saltwater to 1.026; it will take two weeks or more to get it there which is fine. Make sure you are using a refractometer or a well calibrated hydrometer so you know you're accurate. Cheap plastic hydrometers can be off as much as 0.003 either way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
great pics bone!!!

Originally Posted by maxalmon

Tank looks really good...Very nice
Thanks fellas!


hi, i have the opportunity to buy some rare zoas at my local fish shop, i asked the bloke to reserve them for a day while i researched them, i am looking to upgrade my tank to a 140gallon setup with a sump running calerpa and metal halide lighting, i was concerned with:
a) are zoas easy to die and therefore wouldnt be worth me paying through the nose to get them
b)would the tank conditions suit a zoanthid?
i currently have some zoanthids but not hight colour ones that i have the oppertunity to purchase, the ones availabe are : "mean green" and "reverse dragon eye" dont knwo much about the conditions, iv seen mixed threats on this site but arnt sure what to do. PLEASE PLEASE ADVISE!


Active Member
How many polyps do you get and how much money for them?
Zoanthids are hardy and are pretty tough to kill.