call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
No, no, hoarding going on. I'm keeping a close eye on everything, and Beth will be getting some...I just want to see which ones are prettier, and keep those!! Ha!!

lololol, makes sense!
glad to hear the blade is doing well....and ryk i do have room to talk miss my tank was going through H--- so you had to wait on your frag! lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Mine's doing okay...I think my 90 has "tank shock"...after the seahorse incident I decreased the tank salinity to 1.009, a suggestion from Darth to zap the parasites. The tank has looked like a barren waste land except for the corkies...I don't think they care where you put them as long as you feed them. The zoos are perking up. Kinda funny...I had one tiny little patch of zoos...didn't open much at all...after adding Luke's frags they popped right open as if to say "hello neighbor"!!
I am sorry to report I can't find you xenias any where
Not sure what happened

The dwarf seahorse babies are growing rapidly! For the past 2 days it took some serious searching to locate them all, but today!!! WOW...they've really started to fill out. Before they looked like tiny little you can see patterns and they're more colorful. Dad looked like he was feeling better too.
Any more pics of the happy couple?
Nope. No new pics just yet. I was going to do my water change tonight after work, but family things prevented (good ones)...we had the kids and Jonah over for supper, and I needed to stop up at school to check out Beth's skimmer which she didn't think was working.'s working better than my POJ skimmer...'nuff said.
I had to replace one of my Whisper 40 filters on my horse tank as well (gave up the ghost), and I did manage to get the equipment cleaned up, water top off, and of course, horses fed. Busy night.
Maybe I can get some pics tomorrow after I do their water change again.


Active Member
Man, I feel sick...
I went to feed the fish in my reef tonight, waited and Sr. Mary
IDK...I'm bummed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Man, I feel sick...
I went to feed the fish in my reef tonight, waited and Sr. Mary
IDK...I'm bummed.
I'm so sorry Lisa
It you don't find em soon you'll have to go digging
Hope to hear better news soon


Active Member
No good news yet, I don't expect any anymore. stomach aches...
What could have HAPPENED???



Active Member
No sign, I don't really expect any...
I can't find her in the tank and I sure don't see her around on the floor around the tank. IDK.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I'm so sorry Lisa
Keep an eye on the tank water peramiters.
Yeah, definitely. Big water change coming up soon. Ugh...



Active Member
How are things going ? Find any of the missing fish? I know how frustrating that can be.
What are your horses up to these days? How's the happy couple doing? After figuring out the set up for the brine shrimp hatchery~ it's a breeze
Luke said to keep that part hush hush, other wise tons of people will be running to their salt store and buying dwarf seahorses. The down side to it, is you have to do it every day. Most people to not have the time or patiences to dedicated that extra time for their fish, unless they happen to be fish nuts like us
So if/when you have baby seahorses it'll be a walk in the park.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
How are things going ? Find any of the missing fish? I know how frustrating that can be.
What are your horses up to these days? How's the happy couple doing? After figuring out the set up for the brine shrimp hatchery~ it's a breeze
Luke said to keep that part hush hush, other wise tons of people will be running to their salt store and buying dwarf seahorses. The down side to it, is you have to do it every day. Most people to not have the time or patiences to dedicated that extra time for their fish, unless they happen to be fish nuts like us
So if/when you have baby seahorses it'll be a walk in the park.
i did not say to keep it hush hush
, i said to not go tell the average person its a simple task to start out, it can be very easy to do the hatching, its the dedication plus making sure the tank is tip top shape...hatching is easy after you get it down...but not usually recommended for a beginner unless at least experienced in saltwater.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i did not say to keep it hush hush
, i said to not go tell the average person its a simple task to start out, it can be very easy to do the hatching, its the dedication plus making sure the tank is tip top shape...hatching is easy after you get it down...but not usually recommended for a beginner unless at least experienced in saltwater.

Oops...I typed out loud again didn't I.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
How are things going ? Find any of the missing fish? I know how frustrating that can be.
What are your horses up to these days? How's the happy couple doing? After figuring out the set up for the brine shrimp hatchery~ it's a breeze
Luke said to keep that part hush hush, other wise tons of people will be running to their salt store and buying dwarf seahorses. The down side to it, is you have to do it every day. Most people to not have the time or patiences to dedicated that extra time for their fish, unless they happen to be fish nuts like us
So if/when you have baby seahorses it'll be a walk in the park.
Hi Ryk,
I've found nothing of Sr. Mary. I have water set up for a change in the reef, probably tomorrow, time permitting. IDK...
My horses on the other hand are doing very well. Both hunt and eat very good...I learn something new about them everyday...or maybe it's just that their days are always done differently, IDK. The cyano in their tank is definitely doing a turn around...I expect that within a month or two it should be entirely's hoping. Bristleworms are showing up at feeding time like crazy and I want to get a handle on that. Other than that, no babies yet that I know'll be one of the first to know.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Just giving Luke a hard time

Understood, Ryk...if you need any help there, just let me know.

I was finally able to connect today with that friend of a friend who is breaking down a 37 tall tank. He said that he has about 30-40# of LR that he's selling. I made arrangements to go to see what he has next Wednesday (Aug. 8).
I know that I want to inquire on the tank's history...medications added, diseases if any...and how recent.
Is there anything else that I should ask about? How do I confirm his answers? My friend that directed me here is a very trusted friend, and she manages the LFS that I she grooms my dog. I just don't want to add anything wierd into my tanks. Suggestions very welcome.


Active Member
Mmmm, yeah, with all the drama of the crisis going on in my seahorse tank this past week, I completely overlooked the fact that I had made an appointment with the LR guy. I'll call him tomorrow and see if he's willing to reschedule...we'll see. It would be really nice to get this to work out.
Beth and I are going to Madison tomorrow shopping. Last stop, a very nice LFS. Hoping to find some nice treasures for my reef. I'll be shopping for corals



Active Member
I found a really sweet little millepora (sp?) at the LFS in Madison and 3 great little emeralds. Pictures of the new coral after lights are on tomorrow. I almost...ALMOST came away with a new coral beauty angel (a surrender). She was just beautiful!! I'm heading down there again next weekend...if she's still there and looking healthy, she's mine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Just giving Luke a hard time
Understood, Ryk...if you need any help there, just let me know.
you better watch it missy if you want to continue the little deal i have going for you!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
you better watch it missy if you want to continue the little deal i have going for you!
