call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
you better watch it missy if you want to continue the little deal i have going for you!

So Luke,
Is that deal still a possibility? We're getting closer to making plans for picking it up...I think.
Let me know.


Active Member
Yay!!! I'm SO excited!! I just picked up a beautiful...perfect sized, coral beauty angel. I've SO missed having an angel in my reef. She's acclimating right now and will be for the next 2 1/2 hours. She's doing great in the acclimation bucket...dare I say, better than my last 2 angels. She very active and curious...I love her already!!
Pics when she's settled.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure that no one except me is following this thread anymore...that's OK. I wanted to post pictures of my beautiful new cb angel...her name is Esther. Nope, not going with Sister Mary Angelica anymore...not a good omen at this point. I picked the name Esther, just cause I thought she looks like an Esther...very colorful and feminine.
Esther has been in my tank only about 24 hours, but I have to say... I've NEVER seen an angel that was so friendly and so comfortable right from the start...she's great!!
I also took a couple of pics of the millipora that I got about a month and and a half's really cool. All pics taken under the blues...sorry. Oh, and the front of my tank needs to be scraped (again).
Here she is... Esther...



Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I'm pretty sure that no one except me is following this thread anymore..
This has got to be one of THE longest running threads in history of this site. Congrats Mona !!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
Awesome! I wanted one for my 50 but NO!!! they eat.... corals?
As I stated previously, I had a coral beauty before, and she was a perfect angel with my corals. So far Esther is following suit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
This has got to be one of THE longest running threads in history of this site. Congrats Mona !!!

HaHa thanks firefighter. I think the one year anniversary of this thread is fast approaching.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
No one watching this thread
I love your reef tank!
Are you following me???
LOL, thanks Ryk. I'm so happy with my new little addition there. Esther is by far the friendliest little angel I've met to date. I can't believe how she's just kind of blended in and been accepted in my reef tank. Very cool...



Active Member
She's gorgeous!!! I've wanted a angel for a long time, but just didn't have the right tank set up for one. I know you'll spoil her rotten


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
She's gorgeous!!! I've wanted a angel for a long time, but just didn't have the right tank set up for one. I know you'll spoil her rotten

What??? Me???? Well, I never...!! OK, yeah, she's spoiled rotten along with all my other critters...THERE!! Seriously...she's doing great, as I thought she would.
Soooooo....I went to my favorite LFS in Madison list included frozen BioPure mysis shrimp for my seahorses, macroalgae to place in my sh tank, AND a NEW SKIMMER for my reef!!!!
I am SO tired of trying to keep that Seaclone running without it pushing crap into my reef!! I was looking at the skimmers, and lo and behold they actually had a Coralife Super Skimmer on hand...I BOUGHT IT!!!
Tomorrow I try to figure out how to get it up and running. Wish me luck!!


Active Member
Well, I got my skimmer working (correctly, I hope). I'm not sure I care much for the looks of it in my tank ( I don't have a sump), but it sure is quiet. I'm not completely giving up the Seaclone, I'll keep it and maybe sometime down the road possibly put it in my sh tank...not real sure about that idea just yet either, but it's a possibility.


Active Member
I tried a skimmer, waste of $350 bucks if you ask me. Never liked it and it junks up the tank. I think, IMHO, it makes more sense if you have a sump tank to put it on.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I tried a skimmer, waste of $350 bucks if you ask me. Never liked it and it junks up the tank. I think, IMHO, it makes more sense if you have a sump tank to put it on.
Heck, I'm just happy to have my skimmer actually doing something for my tank and not frustrating the "h" out of me!! So far, this skimmer is great...but then again, I just put it into the tank...I'm skeptical...


Active Member
Holy potatoes!! You should see the ick that skimmer has already pulled out of my tank after only one day!! YIKES!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Holy potatoes!! You should see the ick that skimmer has already pulled out of my tank after only one day!! YIKES!!
I know
...I'm probably not the best person to inspire you about skimmers.

Considering how prestine your tank is, it should clear up in a few days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
I know
...I'm probably not the best person to inspire you about skimmers.

Considering how prestine your tank is, it should clear up in a few days.
I'm not kidding, I'm embarrassed that this skimmer is taking out so much crud from my reef!! I may just head back to purchase another one for my sh tank...did I mention that I'm planning an upgrade there??


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
I'm not kidding, I'm embarrassed that this skimmer is taking out so much crud from my reef!! I may just head back to purchase another one for my sh tank...did I mention that I'm planning an upgrade there??
You may have, I don't recall. But what are you plans???
Do consider this before you add another; skimmers pull all sorts of "good" nutrients out too that pods and other clew up crew need to flourish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
You may have, I don't recall. But what are you plans???
Do consider this before you add another; skimmers pull all sorts of "good" nutrients out too that pods and other clew up crew need to flourish.
That may be true Ryk, but my reef needed some serious cleaning up. Things were getting out of hand in there, and slowly but surely since putting in the new skimmer...things are starting to take shape again!! Not that it was cruddy looking or anything like that, but very subtle changes that I would notice that I didn't like seeing. Hard to explain, but those issues seem to be getting straightened out. Yay!!

Plan for my sh tank upgrade is posted on my seahorse thread.