call me exited, but...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Wow. Sounds like a tough job and like you're a busy busy woman! LOL@needing a vacation, Miss I just had a scuba trip :p I need a vacation and I don't even have a job, well not a work type job. I was in retail management for a couple years at one of the Gamestop's out here, but, my boss was a dinosaur and a royal...jerk...ha. I let him off easily saying that. Anyway, I had enough and It just so happened my wife had our baby girl, so when she went back to her job, I left mine and that was back in September. SO I'm a stay at home daddy until I get my Law Enforcement job. I've been applying at the Rockford Police Department and just reapplied so i'll be testing again shortly and hopefully the second time will be a charm. *crosses fingers* First time I passed everything, just was among the young and less qualified I guess.
OH man, don't sell yourself short...staying home with a baby is HARD work, enjoyable, but hard, and think of the benefits that little girl is getting from it. So, are you aspiring to be a police officer? In...Rockford? Do you have to take courses or enroll in a program for something like that?
OK, off course...
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
They sure are...everytime I even look at the tank, it seems that my fish feel like they need to get fed!! I have to admit that it took some doing for me not to give them something...they're just SO cute!!
Oh man, my xenias...where do I begin. When I bought them I LOVED them, but they do so well in my tank that they migrate like crazy, and to places I don't want them to be. I've already sent 4 small frags to the lfs, and I have at least 5 more that can go, if I can get them to migrate onto the rocks I want them on. They are pretty cool though. I'll see what it would take to ship some to you. Lord knows I have xenias to spare.
Lisa :happyfish
Wow that would be awesome! Yeah, I know they can and often do grow like a weed I just love their look and the pulse, it's great. Sadly all I'd have to send you is are some zoa's I fragged a few weeks ago, considering they're my first frags i'm really proud at how well they're doing. :) one I did had 3 open polyps and has now got a total of 6 so i'm a happy daddy. haha.
Yeah just let me know and thanks again!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Wow that would be awesome! Yeah, I know they can and often do grow like a weed I just love their look and the pulse, it's great. Sadly all I'd have to send you is are some zoa's I fragged a few weeks ago, considering they're my first frags i'm really proud at how well they're doing. :) one I did had 3 open polyps and has now got a total of 6 so i'm a happy daddy. haha.
Yeah just let me know and thanks again!
Sounds good to me. Just let me figure out how to ship my critters safely. I don't want them showing up all crabby and such. Do you think the post office would have some little styro boxes? hmmm...If I can find something for the xenias to ship, just use the same box to send me your zoas...I don't have many kinds of zoas, what do yours look like? Oh, and you might end up with some pink zoas on the same rock as the xenias...I have a migrating prob with them too

Oops, off topic again...cut it out!!
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
OH man, don't sell yourself short...staying home with a baby is HARD work, enjoyable, but hard, and think of the benefits that little girl is getting from it. So, are you aspiring to be a police officer? In...Rockford? Do you have to take courses or enroll in a program for something like that?
OK, off course...
Lisa :happyfish
Oh I know, I'm just modest I guess. I love staying home with her she's such a flirt and so sweet, a handful at times and just learning to stand on her own so it's really getting interesting. But we had the talk of whether one of us would stay home and well what it costs to pay for daycare and what I was making, my entire paycheck would've gone to daycare, so needless to say we'd rather one of us be home with her and it got to be me! ha. As for the Police. Yes, i've been wanting to be a cop for a lonnnng time. I've known quite a few, friends and family and I just know i'll love the job. As for being a cop in Rockford, that's where we're at now as I'm originally a cali boy born and raised, but here indefinitely. They're hiring at a rate they've never hired before which is a good shot for me and getting in here i'd be able to move laterally anywhere, closer to home eventually someday I hope. If I get accepted through the force I'd just go straight to the academy and then streets. Otherwise, if I don't get that, I plan on taking criminology and sociology and getting my degree in the field which would really boost my chances of getting accepted, I would go for the schooling first however as getting the job would bring a good deal of money, i'd like that before the other, we'll see!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Oh I know, I'm just modest I guess. I love staying home with her she's such a flirt and so sweet, a handful at times and just learning to stand on her own so it's really getting interesting. But we had the talk of whether one of us would stay home and well what it costs to pay for daycare and what I was making, my entire paycheck would've gone to daycare, so needless to say we'd rather one of us be home with her and it got to be me! ha. As for the Police. Yes, i've been wanting to be a cop for a lonnnng time. I've known quite a few, friends and family and I just know i'll love the job. As for being a cop in Rockford, that's where we're at now as I'm originally a cali boy born and raised, but here indefinitely. They're hiring at a rate they've never hired before which is a good shot for me and getting in here i'd be able to move laterally anywhere, closer to home eventually someday I hope. If I get accepted through the force I'd just go straight to the academy and then streets. Otherwise, if I don't get that, I plan on taking criminology and sociology and getting my degree in the field which would really boost my chances of getting accepted, I would go for the schooling first however as getting the job would bring a good deal of money, i'd like that before the other, we'll see!
Hey Jason,
That sure sounds like a plan to me, and in the meantime enjoy the time with your little'll be surprised how fast that time goes (cleche', I know...but it's true, you'll see).
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Sounds good to me. Just let me figure out how to ship my critters safely. I don't want them showing up all crabby and such. Do you think the post office would have some little styro boxes? hmmm...If I can find something for the xenias to ship, just use the same box to send me your zoas...I don't have many kinds of zoas, what do yours look like? Oh, and you might end up with some pink zoas on the same rock as the xenias...I have a migrating prob with them too

Oops, off topic again...cut it out!!
Lisa :happyfish
Oh I know i'm horrible about staying on task. Mine are green i'll post a picture or two to get you an idea of the color. I actually have 2 of the frags under my halide and one under power compacts in the sump/fuge those color morphed into a drab brown with only a tiny green bit on the mouth. I don't know if the post office will have styro boxes unfortunately if I had known we were going to do this i'd have kept the box I just got from the drs. It was a nice styro one. Ah well.

Home Base as I call it.

remember these are a few weeks old so some hadn't opened but all are now open. :)



Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hey Jason,
That sure sounds like a plan to me, and in the meantime enjoy the time with your little'll be surprised how fast that time goes (cleche', I know...but it's true, you'll see).
Lisa :happyfish
Yeah I know how that goes. I've been through it with the nieces and nephews and it's even worse when she's yours. ahh, well I'm sorry for that book I wrote. :notsure:


Active Member
OMG, sold!! Let see if I can get a pic of the xenia rock...mmm, not the best pic. It's a frag that showed up kinda when I did my tank got lost in the rocks and is now in the back of the tank...hard to get a good picure...but oh well...
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by MonaLisa
OMG, sold!! Let see if I can get a pic of the xenia rock...mmm, not the best pic. It's a frag that showed up kinda when I did my tank got lost in the rocks and is now in the back of the tank...hard to get a good picure...but oh well...
Lisa :happyfish
Ha. Picture looks good enough to me! I'll love it. :D Gosh i'm tired this morning and watching spin city re-runs.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Anubisxero
Ha. Picture looks good enough to me! I'll love it. :D Gosh i'm tired this morning and watching spin city re-runs.

I had a super busy day today at always...I LIKE it that way.
I'll see what I can find to send that little xenia rock safely. When I have a plan in place, I'll just respond to the email you sent with the seahorse vid, hopefully this coming weekend...sound like a plan?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Well, 2 days into cycling the seahorse tank and readings are:
temp 78-80
pH 7.8
ammonia 0.5-1.0
nitrites 0
nitrates 0
I missed out on these kinds of readings with the my first tank, didn't have test kits. It's fun to see it actually happening.
Also, I noticed that the cool piece of base rock in the front completely split in half horizontally. Don't know why that happened, but I may be able to use the 2 pieces somewhere down the line...we'll see.
Lisa :happyfish


That sounds like a plan to me, Lisa. Again I appreciate it. I'm glad you like the zoo rock too. Alright enough of my hijacking your thread, my apologies.
SO that rock, split, in two? How odd.


congrats on the new angel.... and the seahorse tank is lookin good. i really like that stand and canopy very nice.
take care


Active Member
Originally Posted by ClownGyrl
congrats on the new angel.... and the seahorse tank is lookin good. i really like that stand and canopy very nice.
take care
Thanks very much Christie. I've been having fun getting things ready to I kinda feel like I'm just sitting and waiting.
I did talk again today with the seahorse breeder that I plan on purchasing my ponies from, and she seemed to indicate that clown gobies would not be suitable tankmates for my seahorses. Anyone checkingo out this thread have any idea of that? I would be sure they'd be fine (I think maybe she was thinking I was talking about clownfish and not the gobies). Hmmmm...I'm waiting for her response from my last email, so we'll see.
Any responses about this is greatly appreciated!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Thanks very much Christie. I've been having fun getting things ready to I kinda feel like I'm just sitting and waiting.
I did talk again today with the seahorse breeder that I plan on purchasing my ponies from, and she seemed to indicate that clown gobies would not be suitable tankmates for my seahorses. Anyone checkingo out this thread have any idea of that? I would be sure they'd be fine (I think maybe she was thinking I was talking about clownfish and not the gobies). Hmmmm...I'm waiting for her response from my last email, so we'll see.
Any responses about this is greatly appreciated!!
Lisa :happyfish
Hi Lisa,
the only tank companion that has lived peacefully with Valiant is Flash, the fire goby. I had to relocate my to false percs.
In my hunting for horse tank mates, these are the few I have found.
~Catalina Goby....which only works in tanks that are not warmer than 70 degrees.
~Firefish Goby, I have one. Supposedly they are very jumpy fish and have a bad habit of "carpet surfing". However....there is always the Flash. Most calmest, laid back fish I've ever had. Valiant and Flash have no problem sharing the tank....Valiant made it quite clear after the clown fish left what the pecking order was.
Red Striped Goby.....the problem here is mixing nultiple species of gobies is not recommended....nor have I ever tried mixing them.
There are many more suggestions for tank mates.....but after having my hands full with making sure Valiant is healthy and happy. I am very thankful that the only other fish in there is Flash. It's hard enough making sure that Valiant gets enough to eat. So for now all I'll be adding to the horse tank is more horses.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rykna
Hi Lisa,
the only tank companion that has lived peacefully with Valiant is Flash, the fire goby. I had to relocate my to false percs.
In my hunting for horse tank mates, these are the few I have found.
~Catalina Goby....which only works in tanks that are not warmer than 70 degrees.
~Firefish Goby, I have one. Supposedly they are very jumpy fish and have a bad habit of "carpet surfing". However....there is always the Flash. Most calmest, laid back fish I've ever had. Valiant and Flash have no problem sharing the tank....Valiant made it quite clear after the clown fish left what the pecking order was.
Red Striped Goby.....the problem here is mixing nultiple species of gobies is not recommended....nor have I ever tried mixing them.
There are many more suggestions for tank mates.....but after having my hands full with making sure Valiant is healthy and happy. I am very thankful that the only other fish in there is Flash. It's hard enough making sure that Valiant gets enough to eat. So for now all I'll be adding to the horse tank is more horses.

Hi Rykna,
I'm not talking about clownfish with my horses, but clown gobies, check this out:
I have to totally agree that I would never put my horses in with clowns, they'd never get a morsel to eat.
So...what do you think about these?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
i think those are supposed to be pretty simple/peaceful....i would always worry about adding a fish with seahorses...but if for some reason he wouldnt work out or harrass could you put him in your other tank?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hi Rykna,
I'm not talking about clownfish with my horses, but clown gobies, check this out:
I have to totally agree that I would never put my horses in with clowns, they'd never get a morsel to eat.
So...what do you think about these?
Lisa :happyfish
COOL!!!! I was wondering about that....clown...goby...I thought it might have been a typo. I have never seen this goby species. Very pretty. I guess I would ask one of the seahorse web sites. This is the first time I've seen a clown goby. Very pretty fish. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bronco300
i think those are supposed to be pretty simple/peaceful....i would always worry about adding a fish with seahorses...but if for some reason he wouldnt work out or harrass could you put him in your other tank?
I second this motion. That's why I really happy that we moved my perc clowns to the 45 gallon. That way if anythign I get for the horse tank doesn't work out I can put it into the clown tank.