Originally Posted by
I'm in North Carolina... I think its sad that you are against responsible upstanding citizens carrying weapons. It would be a great deterrant for crimes if more people carried. I personally go through a lot of training on different weapons systems as well. If I can trust 18 year old kids fresh out of high school to shoot heavy machine guns I think you should be able to trust me with a pea shooter that could prevent a robbery/----/carjacking who knows what.
I'm editing this post here.......... I re-read your post and you mentioned how huge the responsibility was to carry a firearm. Again I want to touch on the fact that there are thousands of military personell faced with those exact same decisions that you (I assume you are law enforcement) make on a day to day basis. People get burned in wartime theaters for the same things that can ruin your carrear as law enforcement officer back in the states.
Im sorry if you got offened by my comments that was not the purpose. I just want to put it out there.
And yes 18 yoa right out of HS do carry machine guns, but they do get a HUGE amount of training. And it is something that they will do most likely EVERY DAY. So in time you get better with what you do. Carrying a weapon concealed as protection is not the same. I will not say "you" cause i dont know the answer, but i would have to say that MOST people who CC shoot 2x a year. That is not even close to what is necessary to remain properly trained.
And you definately mistook my rants.
I am not against for for any upstanding person to carry a weapon. If you look back i had said that needed the proper training to be sure they can handle the weapon properly and use it correctly. And i would have to say that MOST people will never get that training that is necessary.
So again if i offeneded you I apologize.
One more story to back up my opinion.
My dad has a friend in PA and this guy has carries concealed in his vehicle. He keeps the damn gun in his glove compartment. Now is drives alot and he takes it out of state. Now that is a big NONO. Now that is not being responsible. And i think that alot of people do that. I told my dad that if i stopped someone that was carrying a weapon in NJ even with a CC permit out of state and he was in NJ and i saw the weapon in the glove box, that he would probably get removed forcefully by gunpoint and then arrested and charged with it.
I would like to clarify my stance on this. It comes down to RESPONSIBILITY, TRAINING and SAFETY. Hearing people say that they will juext execute people as they run away is ridiculous. People watch TV too much thinking that just saying that he turned around and shot at me will work.
Well again i'm sorry for hijacking your thread.