coral reefs take millions of years to grow



WE all have much more to loose not believing in God, than to believe. I dont gamble. When I get called to go home I dont want anyone doubting where I went !


Well, I can see discussion would be a waste here.
For the record, monkeys didn't evolve into humans. A common ancestor diverged due to selective pressures, and the timescale of evolution is far, far, far longer than we've been paying attention for. I know you'd like to see a monkey turn into a human over a few decades, but it just doesn't happen that way.
Scientists can and are wrong sometimes. You're also correct on that. However, I think it's safe to say that scientists asking questions about the natural world and trying to find answers to them, with the risk of being wrong, benefits the world much more than anyone who simply assumes themselves to be right.
And you're right. I have a lot to lose by not believing in what so many others do. Praise Allah!
and pass me the KoolAid!


Active Member
Just figured i'd add my two cents.
First off to stand out on the matter, I have a Doctorate in Divinity and have spent many many years debating and researching this topic.
After years of secular research as well as faith based research i've come to find that the earth is around 5-10k years old. Look at the stars and their paths,look at the moon and its rotation,look at wave patterns,look at geo movements,look at written history.
Bible is clear on many topics, does not give an exact time frame. But the Earth is not billions of years old.
do you honestly think something came from nothing?
even the basic laws of physics state clearly, that for an object to be in motion there must be a first mover.
but also a reminder to our fellow Christians on this board, do not start a war over this matter, show love and prayer, bible says to do all things in meekness and love. Debating will only put up walls ...and hinder your chances to witness.


Originally Posted by Jer4916
Just figured i'd add my two cents.
First off to stand out on the matter, I have a Doctorate in Divinity and have spent many many years debating and researching this topic.
After years of secular research as well as faith based research i've come to find that the earth is around 5-10k years old. Look at the stars and their paths,look at the moon and its rotation,look at wave patterns,look at geo movements,look at written history.
Bible is clear on many topics, does not give an exact time frame. But the Earth is not billions of years old.
do you honestly think something came from nothing?
even the basic laws of physics state clearly, that for an object to be in motion there must be a first mover.
but also a reminder to our fellow Christians on this board, do not start a war over this matter, show love and prayer, bible says to do all things in meekness and love. Debating will only put up walls ...and hinder your chances to witness.
Please tell us all about your doctorate. Hard to believe that you've already put behind you the time and hard work that so many of my peers toil away at to say that they've accomplished the same, my own being four years away. You've already accomplished the feat at the age of 21!
Originally Posted by Jer4916
i've been priating music since i was 14, im going on 22, ...
You must be a savant in the field of divinity, but to speak of meekness and love...
(from another thread, context did not seem important)
Originally Posted by Jer4916

your a dumba$$, ...
Give us all a break.
If you'd like to debate, please do. With "many many years debating and researching this topic" you certainly would be. I love a good debate, though I am sorry to admit that little usually comes from online forum debates over our origins. However, I always find I learn something new when facts and opinions are shared in a place such as this.
Jer4916's comments really rubbed me the wrong way. I apologize to everyone paying attention to this thread, both for the nature of this post and for my Allah/KoolAid comment earlier. It was rude and did not help me to make a point.
Please keep the discussion flowing.


Active Member
Search the abeka books home school program, 90% of student’s graduate high school by age 16. If you push it and have a decent brain it’s been done by age 14. I graduated early and went to Pensacola Christian College, in FL. Graduated last May with my Doctorate. Sorry you spent time in a Public or private school. There problems is the majority of them pace themselves for children who may need extra help, home schooling allows you to move at your own pace. ;) Just because someone did something abnormal doesn't mean it’s impossible. Most European children can whip the floor with American public schooled students....the standard of education in this country is disgusting
aka not waste time. ;)
Αστεία δημόσια σχολεία πράγματος, τείνουν να διδάξουν την άγνοια.


Then please, inform us of the movements of the stars, the moon's rotation, wave patterns, and geographical movements, and please inform us, the uninformed, publicly-schooled, numb-minded majority of how they relate to creationism.


Did you mean Pensacola Junior College? It's accredited.
You've done nothing to inform us of the movements of the stars, the moon's rotation, wave patterns, and geographical movements. Please inform us ("us" being the uninformed, publicly-schooled, numb-minded majority you've now insulted) of how they relate to creationism.


Active Member
No Pensacola Christian College. Pensacola is not accredited because they have chosen not to be, strictly on the basis they do not want to involve evolution in any form into there teaching programs. If you are “accredited” you are mandated to teach evolution in your schooling system. It also allows us to hold higher standards as well. For example the freshman English class has around a 83% failure rate because the class is so difficult. Many students including myself had to retake the class; Harvard’s senior English elective I’ve heard is easier. Pre-law students are also better accepted at other grad-schools, because at Pensacola if you don’t pass every class with a B or higher your removed from the program. Same goes with many of the Biblical class’s.

the monkey

Originally Posted by JacknJill
but in no way whatsoever do i even begin to believe we evolved from a monkey!
I am offended by your comment!
You guys are all wrong - the Flying Spaghetti Monster was the source of all life on earth. He has touched me with his noodly apendages...
Oh - and on the sun.. It is shrinking - as it shrinks, the earth will become colder and colder and the planets closer to the sun will become more appropriate for life and they will spawn life on them - just like the ones further from the sun used to have...


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I never understood why only one theory has to be right. I also never understood why man has to KNOW everything about where we came from. There are many things in this world and universe that are just unexplanable. Yet, we as aspecies, feel the need to rationalize and define an answer to what ultimatly is unanswerable. This is one debate I will not fully take part in. I have my views and beliefs and will leave it at that. Creation itself is an abstract theory no matter which way you look at it.
I completely agree!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by The Monkey
You guys are all wrong - the Flying Spaghetti Monster was the source of all life on earth. He has touched me with his noodly apendages......
You are TOTALLY correct on the FSM!!!!!!!!
And also I am sure you agree with the fact that global warming is due to the decline in the number of pirates? That research was amazing!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by The Monkey
I am offended by your comment!
Oh - and on the sun.. It is shrinking - as it shrinks, the earth will become colder and colder and the planets closer to the sun will become more appropriate for life and they will spawn life on them - just like the ones further from the sun used to have...
No, it's expanding, and in fact, in billions of years, it will engulf the earth. Just curious, why do you think it is shrinking?

the monkey

Originally Posted by ophiura
You are TOTALLY correct on the FSM!!!!!!!!
And also I am sure you agree with the fact that global warming is due to the decline in the number of pirates? That research was amazing!!!!!
ARRRR - But you and I can reverse the trend.... I bought a parrot yesterday, you care to show me your booty? ;)

the monkey

Originally Posted by schneidts
No, it's expanding, and in fact, in billions of years, it will engulf the earth. Just curious, why do you think it is shrinking?
It's really cold in space is it not? Ever go swimming in a cold swimming pool?
Like a frightened turtle...
I rest my case..


Active Member
Arrrr, matie. I saw the end of the Goonies movie the other day, which I think brings pirates issues to the surface. If we can arrange pirate film festivals, I think that will help a lot as well. People are really missing the big picture.


lol, did you see the ending with the giant squid, or the normal edited ending???


there's the other ending, where while they were in the water after they jumped out of the ship, someone gets attacked by a giant squid.... lmao. they should've left that part in the movie!!!


lmao, i LOVE that movie!!!!
"booty traps"
"you mean boobie traps"
"yeah, that's what i said, booty traps"