Dear Diary...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
he/she goes from one coral to the next swinging its booty saying "you like? you buy?" its hilarious



Originally Posted by lbaskball
The electric scallops are almost impossible to feed. They are known to feed on a lot of zooplankton. Most usually day within few weeks.
Midas blenny are a good choice.
thats good news

do they stay out in the open a lot????


Originally Posted by lbaskball
What corals did you order? and how much did you spend? $100?
Bonebrake and I ordered together, I still managed to spend almost 100 though.....I ended up just getting the sexy, some peppermints, a fighting conch, 2 green ricordeas and an umbrella mushroomand the reason I was ordering in the first place was for a good alk test....needless to say I got more than just an alk test


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
LOL ty, (blush). Yes that is my daughter, shes wanted a Nemo since shes been 2 yrs old. So the BioCube seemed the best to learn on. So, maybe I'll start winking at the FS employes now see if I get a little some some from them. LOL :hilarious
The midas blenny comes from 2 different locations both are very hardy fish and very docile. The only difference is their coloring, one is more yellow orange than the other. Although mine looks very much like the yellow orange its natural color is the light blue and yellow. They change colors when they change moods. Nervous scared or mad, mine was almost orange and brown tiger striped when I got it cuz it was so new to my tank. Now its almost pink yellow and becoming more comfotable in my tank. I dont think Clay was talking about the blenny, these guys are differnt from the other blennys, they dont feed on copepods they scrape the algea from your glass, they eat a number of different foods and they tend not to go into hiding or burrow as some blennys do. They perfer to swim in the water column current and snack on things that go by. They have a very eel like appreance in their movemnets but they have the face like a turtle IMO.
I would think the scallop would be what clay was talking about, mainly because they have to be fed with a baster or a sea squirt. I use Zoo plankton and Cyclops. My onther one loved it, but, it was difficult cuz it would find a place to hang in the tank and it was really difficult to get to it to feed.
You will like the blenny if you get it, and from what I have read they are a very cool fish for a nano tank.
yea i've wanted/had a clown too...she's lucky she has a tank that doesn't eat fish like mine!

well I think I am really going to consider getting a midas blenny...its awesome how they change color depending on their mood. I like that!!!


Originally Posted by Bonebrake

aren't you on vacation?? why are you on the computer???
Im sitting at PCOM in the dungeon. I decided to come down here and study for my last final. Its depressing watching all this kids study for board while I am doing elementary ed, hehehe

People are like what are you studying adair? and I hold up my colorful elementary school math book....its hilarious


Active Member
Yeah, I'm in Myrtle Beach!
It is sweet!
Good luck on your El. Ed. final!

I'm going to a huge saltwater aquarium they have down here... I'll post pictures when I get back!
:happyfish :happyfish :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
yea i've wanted/had a clown too...she's lucky she has a tank that doesn't eat fish like mine!

well I think I am really going to consider getting a midas blenny...its awesome how they change color depending on their mood. I like that!!!

You wont be disapointed, I wont hijack your thread with pics of my tank but I will post a couple of her here for you to see. She took about 1 day to come out of her shell now she swims freely cleaning the glass on my tank. If you want me to take them off just let me know. :jumping:



Thanks so much for posting those pictures!!! :cheer:
I don't mind at all, I can't wait to get one! Shes beautiful

Thanks again!!!!


So I am getting another tank....I found it in the classifieds and I think I am going to be picking it up next week....check it out and give me some input/advice on it and moving it and all that jazz.....thanks you guys are the best!!!!!
This is from the post I responded to-
"im getting ready to go off to college and unfortuanitely have to break down the neglected tank...
i have a nice system set up that i would prefer to sell together but i will sell things seperately.
1 12 gallon AGA tank
1 corallife PC 65 Watt 10000 K (needs replacement for actinic) with feet
1 Fluval Canister filter
various chemicals salts and many many types of food
1 heater
1 pump not set up
2 O. Clowns
1 Cleaner Shrimp
2-3 Sexy Shrimp
1 Brittle Star
1 Cuke (great, works the glass nicely)
Mushrooms- hairy, 3 each about 2 in diameter (4 when fully open)
Zoos about the size of a tea saucer
Feather Duster
10-15 snails
10 hermits
10-14 lbs LR
7 lbs LS
OK give me some advice kids!!!! :help:


what would you consider reasonable and I will tell you whether it is above or below that....
what kind of tank is it???? I am confuzzuled


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
what would you consider reasonable and I will tell you whether it is above or below that....
what kind of tank is it???? I am confuzzuled
Its an All Glass Aquarium Tank, although I have never seen a 12 gal one :notsure:
The Canister filter thats on it, what model is it? Some of the Fluval Canister filters that go on smaller tanks dont have very good reviews and how old is it?
Just be careful, did you see the tank? I am wondering how old it is because All glass doesnt have a 12 gal tank anywhere which makes me question 2 things the credibility of the seller to have knowledge of what he or she owns and or how old the system is being that a 12 gal aquarium from all glass cant be found. Also if the hardware was described without specifics, model # type etc, I would see that as a red flag too.
If I were to guess not knowing the age of the system and the brands model #'s of heater, filter etc... I would say $100.00 but I would need to see everything before hand. IMO.
Good luck :jumping:


I would try to get pictures of the stuff and measurements on the tank. Even better if you can go view it in person. The descriptions are a little lacking in detail.
I wouldn't worry too much about the fluval canister. It probably isn't something you'll want to run on a reef tank anyhow. Not to mention they are a freaking pain to clean. If you can get them to lower the price without the filter then do that otherwise I'd just resell the filter. I'd use the pump and live rock as the filter instead.
A new 10 gallon AGA tank will cost you ~$10.
The lighting doesn't quite make sense. If it is a 65w 10000k with an actinic, then it is probably a dual 65W fixture and would cost ~100-120 new. If it is a single 65w fixture then it'll cost a little less than half of that. If you are buying a used light fixture I'd replace all of the bulbs and they'll probably be roughly $20 each.
I'd think the hardware all together is worth 50-60 on its own, but I hate dealing with used hardware and probably wouldn't even pay that for it.
The livestock is a bit more expensive if you bought it new.
Ocellaris Clowns ~15-20 each
Cleaner Shrimp ~15-20
Sexy Shrimp ~15 each
Brittle Star ~5
Cuke no idea
Mushrooms Depends on color, but 30-50+ at that size
Zoos again depends on color 40-100+
Feather Duster ~5-10
Snails and hermits ~25 for the lot
LR depends on type and sizes, but ~3+ per lb
Sand free or ~1-2 per lb
As a whole unit it isn't worth near what its parts are and you have to consider which parts of it you actually want, so I'd offer maybe 150-200ish and maybe a little more if everything was in very good health and the corals were particularly attractive. PerfectDark's $100 would be a great starter offer though.


:cheer: First off you guys are awesome....secondly the offer was made at 100 and less if I come to pick it up, which I am.
Also, I thought it would be a good investment even if I use it as a QT .... because I ran into the problem of not having one and my poor clown died...
but if the set up is nice, I will go ahead and keep it up and running. I'll have to see when I get the tank. Im going to ask the guy for photos and see if he can send a few and I'll post them on here for you guys to see.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
:cheer: First off you guys are awesome....secondly the offer was made at 100 and less if I come to pick it up, which I am.
Also, I thought it would be a good investment even if I use it as a QT .... because I ran into the problem of not having one and my poor clown died...
but if the set up is nice, I will go ahead and keep it up and running. I'll have to see when I get the tank. Im going to ask the guy for photos and see if he can send a few and I'll post them on here for you guys to see.

ALRIGHT what do I win? i guessed it right? The price of the tank set up? NO prizes for guessing right? OH ok.

LOL good for you, a qt tank sounds like a really good idea for it. Get us some pics when you can :joy:


well I was snooping and I think I found some photos of the tank I am getting...I went under the threads nctarheels ad started and I can see the tank...I think


That could be the tank, but a lot of the live stock pictured isn't in the list you gave us. It does look nicely maintained and I'd say $100 is a very good deal. I'd have given him close to that for the shrimp and shrooms.