Dear Diary...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
they are fakes! Real G.R.I.T.S. wouldn't act like that

Well I prefer real but fake will do too... wait a min what are we talkin about here? :notsure: :hilarious


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Well I prefer real but fake will do too... wait a min what are we talkin about here? :notsure: :hilarious



Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Gals Raised In The South
and also an amazing dish!
Ok, just checking. I had the one and enjoyed it. Actually come to think of it I had both and enjoyed them both, but one a lot more than the other though.


Originally Posted by trainfever
Ok, just checking. I had the one and enjoyed it. Actually come to think of it I had both and enjoyed them both, but one a lot more than the other though.

oh no he didn't!


So I did the first round of testing on my new tank and the news is not good!

**its a 12g
Here goes:

Why would the nitrates be so high?

a)b/c I moved it in the back of my car and the sand was moving all over the place??
b)The lr had some die off?
c)The fluval filter I have no idea how to maintain????
d)ALL of the above
When I got it home monday I put atleast 7 gallons of new water in it and I didn't use tap water.


Maybe the tank hadn't had a water change done in a long time. I'd keep doing changes and see how it is doing in a week or so, as long as nothing is looking the worse for wear.


Originally Posted by Adairable
Gals Raised In The South
and also an amazing dish!
What does a girl from PA/VA
Know about GRITS??
Not trying to start anything just wondering!!


first of all....I was raised in RICHMOND! the capitol of the confederacy, born in WVA and trust me I know soemthing about some grits....I worked at Aunt Sarah's Pancake House right off of 95 and ate them as a chitlin!!!! so there


Originally Posted by Adairable
HA! So you are in FL? I hear that is God's waiting room
It is brutal!! The city I live in is one of the
fastest growing cities in the nation!! I was born in FL.
It is definitley crowded in south FL.
Time to move north!!


Originally Posted by Adairable
I was referring to FL being the place where old people eventually die. God's waiting room.
I got it..
It is where all the blue hairs come from where you are to spend the rest
of there golden years in the warm sunshine!!
I guess you'll be down here one day!! LOL!!


Originally Posted by Clay12340
Maybe the tank hadn't had a water change done in a long time. I'd keep doing changes and see how it is doing in a week or so, as long as nothing is looking the worse for wear.
the two clowns and hairy mushrooms look fine! but I am just wondering what the cause is....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
So I did the first round of testing on my new tank and the news is not good!

**its a 12g
Here goes:

Why would the nitrates be so high?

a)b/c I moved it in the back of my car and the sand was moving all over the place??
b)The lr had some die off?
c)The fluval filter I have no idea how to maintain????
d)ALL of the above
When I got it home monday I put atleast 7 gallons of new water in it and I didn't use tap water.
You are probably experiencing a spike from disturbing the sandbed.


Active Member
Adair, just thought you might want to know that The Reef will be opening their fish room tomorrow. They only have a limited amount of fish, mainly damsels. They do have 4000 lbs of live rock which they will be selling at their old price of 3.79 per pound. Thats right, 4000 pounds at 3.79 per pound.


Originally Posted by trainfever
Adair, just thought you might want to know that The Reef will be opening their fish room tomorrow. They only have a limited amount of fish, mainly damsels. They do have 4000 lbs of live rock which they will be selling at their old price of 3.79 per pound. Thats right, 4000 pounds at 3.79 per pound.
well I can't get a fish until mid june anyhow and I don't want a damsel...
But, I was thinking about getting some more LR for my new tank. It seems empty.
IS their LR cured?


Active Member
It should be cured, its been curing for a while. I'm not going tomorrow since I've already seen the room but I might take some Xenia up there on Saturday.
By the way, did Bone tel you that he bought a 90RR? He and I were both after the same tank but he beat me to it.