Dear Diary...


Tonight, besides getting awesome corals!!!, I also took out my bioballs and put some small pieces of rock back there. And I moved my heater to one of the back compartments so it isn't such an eyesore.
However, when I removed the bioballs and the filter from the first compartment, the water kinda of just cascaded over the rocks and was extremely noisy(and it made me have to tinkle!) Anywho, I had to put a piece of filter media on top of the rocks to cushion the sound of the waterfall.
Also, I checked all of my parameters
NO1- 0
I am trying to get my SG up so I am only doing top offs with salt water until its around 1.025ish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
****New CORALS!****
I am so excited, I just got a bunch of frags from Bonebrake! He hooked a sista up! :jumping:
All I need to know now is what they are....(psst I forgot to get a list!)
I took pictures but of course nothing has opened up yet....
Anywho, I will report and post pictures on them as soon as they open up or when Bonebrake sees this and tells me what they all are....I was too excited to worry about their names!
I hope you got some Coraline on the rocks.


:cheer: Take a look at my tanks new inhabitants!!! I still haven't named the clown and I am open to any suggestions!



looks like you got xania, mushrooms, green ricordia, 1 red zooanthoid, and.... i forgot what else was in the pictures.


oh yeah you also got green zoo's and looks like you got a frag of a green moon coral, is what im guessing.


are you using RO water? IM guessing you are since you have no algae. Name suggestion for the clownfish: Bone Breaker named after bonebrake. Or how about little booboo. Im bad with names.


Originally Posted by imfsub12
Nice little clown fish..
I'm still waiting for my LFS to get some in...
Yea I have been looking for one for awhile....finally I found one.
They wanted like $35 for him and I wasn't going to buy him. Then the guy was like, alright I'll give him to you for like $20. So I got him...its been really active ever since I put him in the tank and even ate last night!


Originally Posted by lbaskball
are you using RO water? IM guessing you are since you have no algae. Name suggestion for the clownfish: Bone Breaker named after bonebrake. Or how about little booboo. Im bad with names.
I use water RO water that I get in gallons at the grocery store....I had algea in the beginning but I think it was because I used dechlorinated tap water (I know...what was I thinking)
Anywho, I do get some algea on the glass but I clean it every other day or so...and I just got one of those magnet doohickeys and I can't wait to use it!
(i know Ima nerd!!!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Yea I have been looking for one for awhile....finally I found one.
They wanted like $35 for him and I wasn't going to buy him. Then the guy was like, alright I'll give him to you for like $20. So I got him...its been really active ever since I put him in the tank and even ate last night!
Where are you paying 35 for a clown? You should be paying between 15 and 20 around here.


Originally Posted by trainfever
Where are you paying 35 for a clown? You should be paying between 15 and 20 around here.
Exactly my point!....that is why I refused to pay that much for it!
It was at pets plus...I was worried about getting him but he had been there for 3 weeks and I saw him eat...He was the smallest in a tank of three and it looked like the others were being mean to him, so I got him...


Active Member
Instead of a toothbrush I used an older kitchen knife and scraped some coraline off of a small rock about the size of a half dollar..I did that once a week for 3 weeks...Now I have to scrape the front of my glass once a week or it starts to take over..


Originally Posted by trainfever
It wasnt the Pets Plus on the Blvd was it?
It was down near plymouth meeting....right next to the REI on Ridge Pike, I think?


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Instead of a toothbrush I used an older kitchen knife and scraped some coraline off of a small rock about the size of a half dollar..I did that once a week for 3 weeks...Now I have to scrape the front of my glass once a week or it starts to take over..
I like knives better than toothbrushes anyways!!!! Im joking...Ima nice person, scouts honor!
But I might try out your method!!! I want some pinky coraline :jumping:


Active Member
If you want some Pink Coraline just come and get it. LOL Im serious. I have these little plastic dishes that I use to grow out small frags. The dishes keep the frags from being blown all around the tank. Anyway, the dishes are covered in coraline and whenver I squeeze the dishes, huges flakes of coraline fall off. I'm talking 2"x3" pieces of coraline. Just break them up in your tank and soon you will have it growing every where.


I actually got some corlaine from bonebrake, but thanks train! He hooked me up with all those frags I posted earlier and some of them had some coraline on them!


So yesterday, after my car accident :mad: , I went home to find my peppermint shrimp dead

I immediatly scooped him out and tested the parameters
everything was fine except the nitrate which was about 5-10ish. I had last checked it and Sunday and all was well (around 0-5ish).
So i have no idea how/why he died....maybe he got in a fight with a bristle worm? I dunno, maybe lonely?
Well that is my sad story of the day....I hope today is better!!!