Dear Diary...


Active Member
Not to ask a stupid question, but are you sure the shrimp died or did it just molt?
Sorry to hear about the accident, Friday the 13th hit you a day early.


Originally Posted by SigmaChris
Not to ask a stupid question, but are you sure the shrimp died or did it just molt?
Sorry to hear about the accident, Friday the 13th hit you a day early.
Yea, someone asked me that already....I know Ima blonde but ya gotta give me a little credit :joy:
besides I had already seen him molt before...he was def dead this time!

and about that accident..... :mad: :mad: i hate driving anyways and i hate, hate, hate the city!
Friday the 13th is creepy.... :help:


Originally Posted by SigmaChris
Sorry to hear about the shrimp then I hope your week gets better.
thanks....I need all the support i can get!
I think I am gonna go to the pet store today after work and look at all the things I can't buy...hopefully that'll cheer me up and maybe I can get a new peppermint shrimp or two


Since I recently got some corals I thought it would be a good time to get a calc test.
WOW! that was an intense test to do....And after all of that I think my calc is low....
Its in between 300 and 350 but closer to 300
What is ideal?


Active Member
It is probably the salt you are using, there are a few that yield low calcium levels. You will need to get a calcium suppliment ($10) to get the levels up. I've been in this for 5 months and it seems every week there is something else to get.
After the calcium suppliment, your next purchase I predict will be Alkalinity test and supplement. Search this forum for low pH and you will see how calcium, alk, and pH are all tied together. I can't explain the science, but I foresee alk tests in your future.


Originally Posted by SigmaChris
It is probably the salt you are using, there are a few that yield low calcium levels. You will need to get a calcium suppliment ($10) to get the levels up. I've been in this for 5 months and it seems every week there is something else to get.
After the calcium suppliment, your next purchase I predict will be Alkalinity test and supplement. Search this forum for low pH and you will see how calcium, alk, and pH are all tied together. I can't explain the science, but I foresee alk tests in your future.
funny that you say that because I made sure to purchase an alk test too because my pH was low....luckily that was normal when i checked it .
But let me tell you, I wasn't expecting the calc test to be so complicated and sooooooo expensive....OMG


Originally Posted by GNorman
tanks really looking nice
Thanks! I need to take another pic because everything keeps moving.... i have this one mushroom that just wont settle down....
and my clown(still nameless
) is really active now.... i think he thinks he owns the place!


Originally Posted by Neptunes ghost
I'm trying to get my Ca up to 380-420 range.
What method/supplement are you using?

bang guy

Originally Posted by Adairable
What should my calc level be at? :thinking:
400ppm to 450ppm is a good target. Higher isn't better (contrary to popular belief).
Remember that Alkalinity is more important to growing corals than Calcium.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
400ppm to 450ppm is a good target. Higher isn't better (contrary to popular belief).
Remember that Alkalinity is more important to growing corals than Calcium.
unfortunately the only test I have for alkalinity is the one that gives you a range instead of an exact number...which doesn't really help me out :thinking:
I mean I am in the middle which is good, but middle means nothing to me.....


Originally Posted by awilson500
Did you feed your tank when there was nothing in there???
I don't understand the question...... :help:


Active Member
I agree with Bang, I keep my Cal between 400 and 450. 300 is pretty low. It could have been because you put all those coral frags in at once.
Sorry to hear about your accident, hope youre OK.


Originally Posted by trainfever
I agree with Bang, I keep my Cal between 400 and 450. 300 is pretty low. It could have been because you put all those coral frags in at once.
Sorry to hear about your accident, hope youre OK.
yea...Im fine, the other ladies car isn't though. My beater only has a little bit of the other cars rubber on the very tip of my bumper and she has a huge scratch along her entire car....
anywho, I think you are right about the frags taking up all the calc. I added them all at the same time and I hadn't checked prior so I can't be sure, but I think it is a good hypothesis. Now I just need to get it up. I do weekly water changes and I use the salt that is for reefs because I thought I read on it that it had more supplements but I don't remember.
How often should you test you calcium and is it safe to get a supplement? Everyone seems to be testy about adding stuff to the tank......


Active Member
Anytime you buy a supplement, buy the test kit to match. I wouldnt worry about supplelemnting calcium just yet. Most salt mixes will give you a calcium level of 400. Do a water change and then test your water for calcium. If it is still low, wait a few more days and then do another one.
I dose calcium because I have Halomeda in my tank which sucks up Calcium. Also because I dont do water changes as often as I should. I dont worry thoughbecause I have plenty of Xenia in my tank and I have Chaeto and Caluerpa in my refugium, all of which are nitrate exporters.
I also have been experimenting with Xenia, letting the nitrate get as high as 60, trying to figure out why it pulses in some tanks and not in others. I think I have it narrowed down though. I just have a few more tests to do.