Dear Diary...


Active Member
Nice tank !! love the corals.

I didnt know that clowns can host in corals too, that is awesome !! See how little I knew.
Can you list the corals that clown fish tend to like? I would like to get one or 2 as my tank is relativly new and now would be a great time to get one for my clowns.
Also, if you know, will a coral disrupt the relationship with the clown and a BTA?

bang guy

Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Can you list the corals that clown fish tend to like? I would like to get one or 2 as my tank is relativly new and now would be a great time to get one for my clowns.
I have had Ocellaris Clownfish set up house in the following:
Green Hairy Mushrooms
Tulip Anemone
LT Toadstool
I highly recommend the Green Hairy Mushrooms because it seems to benefit both the fish & the coral.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I have had Ocellaris Clownfish set up house in the following:
Green Hairy Mushrooms
Tulip Anemone
LT Toadstool
I highly recommend the Green Hairy Mushrooms because it seems to benefit both the fish & the coral.
Wow, I'd love to see mine host xenia. My green hairy mushrooms held up to the beating for about two months and now all of the polyps except for one are almost completely shrunken. One polyp is a real trooper though and still fully expands.


Active Member
TY, Even with std PC Lighting that coral is ok? I also have 2 false percs and I know there selective about hosting in things


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
TY, Even with std PC Lighting that coral is ok? I also have 2 false percs and I know there selective about hosting in things
Yes, you can keep all of the corals Bang Guy listed with power compacts. Just keep your calcium and alkalinity up if you get anything from the genus Euphyllia: frogspawn, torch, or hammer. They require both to be maintained in order to grow properly. Keep calcium 400-450 ppm and alkalinity 3.0-4.5 meq/L (8.4-12.6 dkH).


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Hi Miss Adair!

I am glad to hear you got a clown and I think you need to get Rowdy a buddy. They do so well in pairs and it is fun to watch them interact with each other. Just make sure it is the same species of clown so that they will be BFF.

How are the corals doing for you? By the way, some of the mushrooms you got from me are the same ones my clowns are hosted by, but my clowns did not host anything except the top corner of my tank for nearly eight months (I think they are special).
Keep me posted on how your tank and critters are doing!

Yea I wanted to get him a buddy!
Does anyone know what type of clown he is??? I want to make sure I get the same kind.
Also, all the corals are doing great. Thanks again for the hookup Bonebrake. Before you leave Philly I wouldn't mind buying the rest of your frags from you, if you still have some to get rid of!
I wish Rowdy would host something because that'd be adorable!


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
P.S. - We'll have to schedule play dates for my electric blue hermit "Dozer" so him and Tank can play.

HA! So i didn't realize until rj brought it to my attention, that the two brothers in the Matrix on the Nebuchadnezzar are named Dozer and Tank!!!!


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Nice tank !! love the corals.

I didnt know that clowns can host in corals too, that is awesome !! See how little I knew.
Can you list the corals that clown fish tend to like? I would like to get one or 2 as my tank is relativly new and now would be a great time to get one for my clowns.
Also, if you know, will a coral disrupt the relationship with the clown and a BTA?
whats a BTA? :notsure:


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I have had Ocellaris Clownfish set up house in the following:
Green Hairy Mushrooms
Tulip Anemone
LT Toadstool
I highly recommend the Green Hairy Mushrooms because it seems to benefit both the fish & the coral.
I wanna green hairy mushroom! That sounds dirty!!! hehe


Active Member
Rowdy is an Ocellaris clown (also known as a False Percula), scientific name is Amphiprion ocellaris.
It is pretty much the only clown they sell around here. The only other clown you could confuse him with is a True Percula and they are much more difficult to find for someone reason.
I actually have some new corals I am trying to sell. I have some really nice new Ricordea florida
, some blue Caribbean zoanthids, and purple trumpet coral!


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Rowdy is an Ocellaris clown (also known as a False Percula), scientific name is Amphiprion ocellaris.
It is pretty much the only clown they sell around here. The only other clown you could confuse him with is a True Percula and they are much more difficult to find for someone reason.
I actually have some new corals I am trying to sell. I have some really nice new Ricordea florida
, some blue Caribbean zoanthids, and purple trumpet coral!

you should let rj know....wink wink nudge nudge!!!!
im jokin!

but seriously e-mail me how much you want for 'em and I'll see if I can swing it on my poor college student wanna have a reef fund....
I was considering donating some bone marrow for reef funding

bang guy

Originally Posted by Adairable
I wanna green hairy mushroom! That sounds dirty!!! hehe
Here's a pic of a Green Hairy Mushroom


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
whats a BTA? :notsure:
Bubble Tip Anenomie AKA BTA :joy: We learn something new every day, I just dont think my brain has the capacity to take anymore in.
Update, just picked one up this afternoon. Cant wait to get him in the tank.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Bubble Tip Anenomie AKA BTA :joy: We learn something new every day, I just dont think my brain has the capacity to take anymore in.
Update, just picked one up this afternoon. Cant wait to get him in the tank.

I don't think I can get an anemone b/c I just have the biocube stock lights.... :notsure: