Dear Diary...


So I need more LR rubble for the back of my tank...
I call the place up the street from me (Worlwide Aquarium) and ask them how much for a pound of rubble and they tell me $6.99!!! :mad:


Originally Posted by Adairable
So I need more LR rubble for the back of my tank...
I call the place up the street from me (Worlwide Aquarium) and ask them how much for a pound of rubble and they tell me $6.99!!! :mad:
I wouldn't complain about that price come to canada.. i pay $11.99 a pound about $10.50 us....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
I don't think I can get an anemone b/c I just have the biocube stock lights.... :notsure:


I have the stock lights too. I have 2 anenomies, 1 Florida Condi Anemone
and as of last night I just got a green BTA
Got the Bubble tip for an awesome price too !!
Both are doing awesome, my Condi has been in there the longest. He or she found its spot and loves it. When the lights come on it comes out to eat and stretch its tenticles and stays that way till they go off. The Green BTA found it spot and just unfolded into this awesome pad of green bulbs that I hope my clowns will host on.
I may have to get rid of my Condi though he is huge !!! might be too big for my tank and all the corals I want.


Originally Posted by imfsub12
I wouldn't complain about that price come to canada.. i pay $11.99 a pound about $10.50 us....
oh that's awful!
Move to the US!!!!


Originally Posted by PerfectDark

I have the stock lights too. I have 2 anenomies, 1 Florida Condi Anemone
and as of last night I just got a green BTA
Got the Bubble tip for an awesome price too !!
Both are doing awesome, my Condi has been in there the longest. He or she found its spot and loves it. When the lights come on it comes out to eat and stretch its tenticles and stays that way till they go off. The Green BTA found it spot and just unfolded into this awesome pad of green bulbs that I hope my clowns will host on.
I may have to get rid of my Condi though he is huge !!! might be too big for my tank and all the corals I want.
OMG that is the best news I have heard in awhile!! I only want one....I can't wait.
My nitrates have been a little crazy lately so I'm going to have to wait on it.
I made the mistake of changing out the bioballs for rubble but I don't have enough rubble AND on top of all that I got Rowdy
Everything else is fine though, just waiting for the nitrates to go back down with a few 10% water changes and hopefully I can go get some rubble that isn't 6.99 a pound this weekend
I think that'll really help

bang guy

Originally Posted by Adairable
OMG that is the best news I have heard in awhile!! I only want one....I can't wait.
I would advise against it. You'll be far happier in my opinion with less demanding corals. Just an opinion though.


Active Member
Bang is 'da man' I would not go against any of his advise or at least use caution if you do. However, if you do decide to get one the green bta looks awsome under the lights. And from what I am told its the most popular one for clown fish to host on. I will take a picture of mine and post it for you if you want. I was also told that a green carpet anenomie was also another one that false percs like but it grows like mad.
I am new to this too so if demanding means feeding and making sure everyone plays nice, then thats cool to me. I get a kick out of feeding my other anenomie. He grabs the food and shoves it in his uhhh mouth I guess. And I also give him Phytoplankton just a bit every 3 days or so with a dropper right in front of him.
Good luck.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I would advise against it. You'll be far happier in my opinion with less demanding corals. Just an opinion though.
I think you are right, maybe when I am more experienced I will get one!
For now its hairy mushrooms!!! If i can fine one!


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Bang is 'da man' I would not go against any of his advise or at least use caution if you do. However, if you do decide to get one the green bta looks awsome under the lights. And from what I am told its the most popular one for clown fish to host on. I will take a picture of mine and post it for you if you want. I was also told that a green carpet anenomie was also another one that false percs like but it grows like mad.
I am new to this too so if demanding means feeding and making sure everyone plays nice, then thats cool to me. I get a kick out of feeding my other anenomie. He grabs the food and shoves it in his uhhh mouth I guess. And I also give him Phytoplankton just a bit every 3 days or so with a dropper right in front of him.
Good luck.

Thanks for the advice duder!!!


Bonebrake is hooking me up with some corals today!!! I'm so excited!
Im getting the following:
blue zoanthids
purple trumpet coral


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
im actually a man....couldn't you tell by my picture :joy:

well if that were true there would be more guys that wouldnt mind being gay.
LOL jk. good luck with your new corals


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
well if that were true there would be more guys that wouldnt mind being gay.
LOL jk. good luck with your new corals

well thanks for the good luck wishes.
I'll post some pics once they open up....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable

well thanks for the good luck wishes.
I'll post some pics once they open up....
Yay!!! more pics... :joy:


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Yay!!! more pics... :joy:
People are obsessed with the pics!!!! I wish I was a better photographer or had a better camera!!!


Active Member
How are the new corals Adair?
Hey, that rock you got from me the first time has like four or five green hairy mushrooms on it. They take awhile to come around, but they should expand soon.