Dear Diary...


train, your research sounds very interesting! So you are stating that xenia actually eats/absorbs nitrates?
And why is it that it pulses in certain environments and not others if it is not necessarily dependent upon nitrate levels? or is that what you are in the processes of figuring out?
Sounds like I need more xenia in my tank then. They can be my buffer!


Active Member
I think the key to Xenia pulsing is very low water movement and very high lighting. I had Xenia pulsing in my fuge which has very low movement but it stopped after a day because the lighting is very low.


***New Inhabitant***
today I got an electric blue hermit crab!!! His name is Tank!
i still dont have a name for my clown.... :help:


Here's a picture from tonight...if you look at the left corner you might see my new electric blue hermit, Tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
400ppm to 450ppm is a good target. Higher isn't better (contrary to popular belief).
Remember that Alkalinity is more important to growing corals than Calcium.
Whats the trick to lowering calc...Everything is in range and tests fine except my calcium is around 550?


Originally Posted by NigerBang
Whats the trick to lowering calc...Everything is in range and tests fine except my calcium is around 550?
Bang guy is the man to answer this question....
you could send some clacium my way if ya like

bang guy

Originally Posted by NigerBang
Whats the trick to lowering calc...Everything is in range and tests fine except my calcium is around 550?
Let it fall naturally if you are able to maintain Alkalinity. If raising ALK becomes a problem because of a high Calcium level then the best answer is a large water change. If the Alkalinity can be maintained without trouble then the high Calcium level isn't causing any harm.


Originally Posted by Adairable
Here's a picture from tonight...if you look at the left corner you might see my new electric blue hermit, Tank!

nice, i like the rockwork. Get some turbo snails to get rid of those hair green algae before it gets to be a problem.


Originally Posted by lbaskball
nice, i like the rockwork. Get some turbo snails to get rid of those hair green algae before it gets to be a problem.
I actually have 10 turbos and the hair algea will be gone soon i think...there was a little on some of the frags I got....but other than that I think thats all thats in there


Active Member
I know you got a Xenia frag from Bone, I was wondering if it is pulsing for you? How much lighting do you have?


Hey Train!
Yea my xenia is pulsing like crazy! It actually split and now I have two frags of it and I have only had it for about a week....the lighting I have came stock with my biocube....hold on and i'll figure out what it is....


My lighting is :
coralife actinic 03 blue compact fluorescent 24wt
coralife 10,000K daytlight compact fluorescent 24wt
and then the lunar blue-moon LED
and that is all i have....
the xenia is up on the top of the rocks and looks happy


So my clown is trying to freak me out.....and thats not good with finals around the corner

He was and has been chilling in the front corner of the tank on the sand. I thought he was dieing but he seems fine. It's like he is just resting there.
Do clowns just pick a spot to call home if they don't have an anemone?
Also, as stated above you can see what lights I have.....what is a good coral I could get with my lights, that would host my clown???
Also, do you think my clown is lonely?
and sorry but one more question....How often should I feed him? b/c he always seems hungry....


dont know about the feeding but i do know that clowns will host ANYTHING pretty much. I wouldn't say he's lonely either, their troopers.


:joy: well i have finally decided on a name for the clown and my new electric blue hermit.....
drumroll please!
the hermit will be "tank" as in tank a$$ b/c he's huge!
And the clown will be Rowdy Roddy Piper, but Rowdy for short


Cool names, I feed my clowns once a day. Variety of foods and only enough so it eats all in a few minutes. Hope this helps.


Originally Posted by RRCJR1972
Cool names, I feed my clowns once a day. Variety of foods and only enough so it eats all in a few minutes. Hope this helps.
Thanks for the info!!!
And Rowdy is the best name......ever


Active Member
Hi Miss Adair!

I am glad to hear you got a clown and I think you need to get Rowdy a buddy. They do so well in pairs and it is fun to watch them interact with each other. Just make sure it is the same species of clown so that they will be BFF.

How are the corals doing for you? By the way, some of the mushrooms you got from me are the same ones my clowns are hosted by, but my clowns did not host anything except the top corner of my tank for nearly eight months (I think they are special).
Keep me posted on how your tank and critters are doing!