Dear Diary...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
Green brittle star? YES or NO???
(all advise will be taken into consideration)
I have a red brittle star. Very very cool kinda like an octopus when they move very quickly too. Only down side is mine has been in there for almost 2 months and until the last week or so the only indication I had that he was there was a tenticle tip seen every now and then.
Now it appears to be more in the front of the LR in a better location to be seen. Although it is still stuffed in some cracks you can see it quite well.
I think its cool. IMO


Active Member
Green Brittle Star:
Pro: They are cool looking and they are good because they scavenge for loose bits of food that floats into the rockwork that would otherwise decay.
Con: When they get big and if they do not get enough food, they can prey on fish that sleep inside the rocks at night and eat them.
For the last reason, I would not get one; I just would not want to take the risk.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
point starfish is going to eat my Rowdy Roddy! he's only a little bugger!


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I have a red brittle star. Very very cool kinda like an octopus when they move very quickly too. Only down side is mine has been in there for almost 2 months and until the last week or so the only indication I had that he was there was a tenticle tip seen every now and then.
Now it appears to be more in the front of the LR in a better location to be seen. Although it is still stuffed in some cracks you can see it quite well.
I think its cool. IMO

Do you have a Red Brittle or a Red Serpent Star? I've been wanting a Red Serpent but no one has any. Where did you get yours and how much did you pay?


Active Member
Nope I have a red brittle star small guy though. I will make note of bone said, as i do not want to lose any fish. But when i tell you mine is tiny I mean it is tiny, 1 tenticle is like 1" or so long. When he does get bigger I will def move him so I dont lose any fish. I think I paid $20 for it, dont know if thats good or not.


Active Member
There is not much you can do except hope that he pulls through without a QT. If you setup a ghetto 10 gal. QT with an airstone and a small cheap heater you can treat Rowdy with copper sulfate for a week which is probably the most successful medication. Are you sure he has ich? What does he look like? Is he breathing fast or acting different?
If you're sick Rowdy get well soon!


Originally Posted by Bonebrake
There is not much you can do except hope that he pulls through without a QT. If you setup a ghetto 10 gal. QT with an airstone and a small cheap heater you can treat Rowdy with copper sulfate for a week which is probably the most successful medication. Are you sure he has ich? What does he look like? Is he breathing fast or acting different?
If you're sick Rowdy get well soon!

he's not acting too strange but he does keep brushing himself against things
he's also not as active as he usually is, but he is still really excited when I put the turkey baster in

he has this whitish/clearish filmy stuff on him and it kind of has spots....i think


he's just sitting at the bottom of the tank, right in the front, looking all pitiful

He keeps leaning to the side....this is awful!


Active Member
That kinda doesnt sound like Ich, although i am new to SW i have had FW Tanks for a very long time. I have had 2 instances of ICH and both never presented it self like that. The white spots are really defined perfect white specs all over their gills and fins, and body if its bad. When you said kinda has spots makes me think its not ICH.
I have also had fish in my FW tank scratch on things because their slime coat was not healthy and the water needed a conditioner. Maybe you have a similar issue. I dont know alot about fish diseses but from what you describe it doesnt sound like ICH on the physical portion, but I could be wrong.
Lets hope its not ICH and your fish doesnt have to go to rehab. Good luck.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
That kinda doesnt sound like Ich, although i am new to SW i have had FW Tanks for a very long time. I have had 2 instances of ICH and both never presented it self like that. The white spots are really defined perfect white specs all over their gills and fins, and body if its bad. When you said kinda has spots makes me think its not ICH.
I have also had fish in my FW tank scratch on things because their slime coat was not healthy and the water needed a conditioner. Maybe you have a similar issue. I dont know alot about fish diseses but from what you describe it doesnt sound like ICH on the physical portion, but I could be wrong.
Lets hope its not ICH and your fish doesnt have to go to rehab. Good luck.

I think I down played the physical characteristics becuase i didn't want him to die...but after looking at the disease and treatment thread and looking at pictures, I could tell

Well he was alive this morning, but when I came home I found him under a rock so i took him out.....
RIP Rowdy!!!! You're my boy blue....


OK, well I just checked all the parameters after the untimely death of Rowdy.
My nitrates were high.
But Rowdy just died sometime today between 8-3 so could that be why??? Also, I found a dead snail when I was recovering Rowdy....could this be the cause of high nitrates? He had been there awhile because there was barely anything left in the shell except for a fireworm :scared:
temp- 79
pH- 8.2 on one and 8.2/8.4 on the other
Alk-normal(i know, i need a better test)
Nitrate-10 to 20 ppm


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
OK, well I just checked all the parameters after the untimely death of Rowdy.
My nitrates were high.
But Rowdy just died sometime today between 8-3 so could that be why??? Also, I found a dead snail when I was recovering Rowdy....could this be the cause of high nitrates? He had been there awhile because there was barely anything left in the shell except for a fireworm :scared:
temp- 79
pH- 8.2 on one and 8.2/8.4 on the other
Alk-normal(i know, i need a better test)
Nitrate-10 to 20 ppm
Cant say why your nitrates might be high, but as for the snail throwing it off, I would say not likely. I had a 2" Scooter Blenny bite it in my 29 biocube and my nitrites never went up past 10. Im sure my clean up crew helped out alot with that because i never found the bugger.
I lose small snails all the time to some bully hermits, so far no issues.
Sorry to hear bout the loss of your bud.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Cant say why your nitrates might be high, but as for the snail throwing it off, I would say not likely. I had a 2" Scooter Blenny bite it in my 29 biocube and my nitrites never went up past 10. Im sure my clean up crew helped out alot with that because i never found the bugger.
I lose small snails all the time to some bully hermits, so far no issues.
Sorry to hear bout the loss of your bud.
Thanks for the condolences.
and yea I agree with you. I don't think eaither of those things dieing did it.....
I'm guessing when I took out the bioballs and replaced them with rubble, I knocked it all outta whack


Originally Posted by NigerBang
I wouldnt worry about 10-20 nitrate..I cant seem to get mine under 40...everything is fine...
I'm just worried because I JUST got corals and I don't want to hurt them, and I think they are more sensitive to nitrates than fish...I think i read that some where, but don't quote me on it