Dear Diary...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
You two are silly!!!
I'm on Bonebrake's side...he gave me a freebie last night!

(& no one better say anything kinky...he's a married man!)
DAMN ! alright but i was thinkin it.......


Active Member
You know eveything in my tank was doing well, I start following your thread post a little here and there, and all of a sudden bam I have an issue and a big one too. I hope you didnt transfer any tank illness over to me!!!! I have a MIA and its one of the clowns. Too long of a story to repeat but on the clown fish thread its posted.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
You know eveything in my tank was doing well, I start following your thread post a little here and there, and all of a sudden bam I have an issue and a big one too. I hope you didnt transfer any tank illness over to me!!!! I have a MIA and its one of the clowns. Too long of a story to repeat but on the clown fish thread its posted.

I'll read up on it over there....btw sorry to hear about your loss/mia

It's so frustrating and sad. Back in the day, I don't remember caring this much about the animals I have. Now I get all emotional....its strange
and i have a voodoo tankdoll of your tank and last night I took out one of the clowns.....



Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
I'll read up on it over there....btw sorry to hear about your loss/mia

It's so frustrating and sad. Back in the day, I don't remember caring this much about the animals I have. Now I get all emotional....its strange
and i have a voodoo tankdoll of your tank and last night I took out one of the clowns.....

I knew it......


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
actually visited last accent isn't too bad though. But my pop's...sometimes I have to make him repeat himself
see I picked up my mom's accent which is from Colorado...
I dont have any accent, I speak perfect Philly talk.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
It is in mint condition too; not a scratch anywhere on it.
I am going to design a stand and canopy to build for it after boards are over. I want to make it a very tall stand at 42" so that you can view the entire tank without bending over at all. It will be a PITA to work in, because I'll need a step-stool or a bench of some sort to stand on, but I think it will be worth the trouble.

Ok, youre back in my good graces. I stopped by the Reef today just to check things out and on the way home, I stopped at The fish Factory. They had a used 75RR for 110 bucks. No where near as good a deal as you got but still a decent one. So I ended up taking that home. By the way, I was serious if you can use those MH components.


Active Member
Awesome Train!

I appreciate the offer on the components, but I don't know the first thing about wiring one up unless it is idiot proof.


Active Member
Wiring the components is pretty simple. You would just need to get a metal box to house the components in. Wiring is pretty simple since we are dealing with AC. Two wires go into the transformer, a hot and a neutral. Then you have two wires coming out of the transformers. One wire goes to the capacitor, then you have another wie going from the capacitor to the light bulb socket and then a wire going from the socket back to the other wire from he transformer. A simple loop. It sounds complicated but it is really easy. I had a box made out of stainles steel to house the components but you can get an electrical box from a home center or buy a project box online. You can decide how fancy you want to get with it. Mine will have dual transformers, each will be wired independently of each other. The box will have an outlet mounted into that each bulb will get plugged into. Even though it will be one outlet, each side will be wired independently. The setup will be dual 250s and so far the only cost will be the bulbs. I had everything else laying around in my workshop. If interested in it just let me know.


train- everytime I see your name that says "tuna salad" I think of Ron White...
he has that skit about Tater salad....anyway he's awesome, saw him at the Tower theatre


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
wiring makes me hot....NOT!
I'm not saying aything. I think I'm getting a bad rap.


ha!!! you guys are silly....
anywho, anyone have any suggestions on how to get my nitrates down on my new 12g? Im thinking the fluval canister needs to be cleaned....and i am doing daily 10% water
anything else???
I think it may have went through a mini cycle b/c all the sand got whooshed around
but the am and no2 are at 0, just the no3 is at 40-80


Active Member
Start with a big water change, 50%, then do 10% water changes every other day. Also, put one of your Xenia frags in there, that will suck up some of the nitrates.


about the xenia...Im not sure if the tank I have it in right now still has ich...and I don't want to spread it to my new tank that has two clowns.
Any suggestions?
Plus, the sexy shrimp is tearing the xenia apart and I have one in the tank the xenia is in now and the other tank has 2 sexys....I want to consolidate the sexy and have the xenia in the other tank, but again I don;t want to spread the ich if I still have it.


Active Member
If you want all of your sexy shrimp in one place try to get your sexy shrimp out of the 14 and put it in with the other sexy shrimp in the tank in your bedroom. Put some food in a net to lure the sexy shrimp into it and then pull him out. You can then put the sexy in your other tank without adding any of the water from your big tank.


haha! good idea...I'll see if I can catch him tonight
But now I can't put the xenia in the bedroom tank becuase it will have 3 sexy and they would destroy the xenia....and the bedroom tank is the one with a nitrate problem....
PS...I saw a small starfish yesterday in the new tank
He is missing a few limbs but moves across the glass very fast