Dear Diary...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
what is macro algea?
Man, you are a rookie?
There are two kinds of algae, micro and macro algae. Micro algae is the green nuisance algae you see growing on your tank walls and everything else in your tank. Macro algae are larger species of algae that almost resemble plants. Do a search on refugiums and you will see different types of micro algae. Anyway, algae needs two things to survive, light and nitrates. They export nitrates from your system. As they grow, you cull them from your refugium and throw, them away, sell them to your LFS or give them to a rookie with a nitrate problem. LOL
and yes, I am in the Northeast.


i think i might take you up on that train....for now I have to sign off and got to my softball game! wish me luck, Im rusty


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
i lost my a drunken stupor...I think?
She was posing for GGW and forgot her camera. LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
i lost my a drunken stupor...I think?

LOL oh yea... well if you happen to get an original not scaled for web or reduced, email it to me... I can do it for you if your interested....
Make an avatar that is.....


and no
...I made the mix last night and I wanted it to have a day to dissolve or does that even matter?
Someone told me it did, but I can't recall...


Active Member
Some people like to let the water mix overnight to let the water thoroughly mix and to aerate. I keep water mixing all the time but if I am in a hurry, I will use it right away without mixing over night.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
and no
...I made the mix last night and I wanted it to have a day to dissolve or does that even matter?
Someone told me it did, but I can't recall...

Just be carful of salt that hasn't disolved yet. If any granuals land on your corals they can burn them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Adairable
thanks fellows....
ps I have to get a root canal...I started a sympathy thread in the aquarium
Im a scaredy cat
Been there, one that. they are really no big deal. I have to get another one done next week. When I got the first one, i thought it was going to be very painful but it was nothing. When it was over, i was like, "thats it?" It was a piece of cake, you'll be fine.


Active Member
Going to the dentist is no problem for me. As an ex Ice Hockey player
(I played for 20 years), I had my share of visits to the dentist. I even had teeth removed without any pain killer. But then again, it wasnt by a dentist, it was a right winger. LOL
P.S. I made you an offer in your other thread you wimp.


Active Member
Whoa... now that makes you a tough guy Trainfever!
I thought I was a tough guy for getting my bony impacted wisdom teeth removed with local anesthesia instead of general anesthesia. It took the dentist about an hour on each tooth to pry it from my jaw and the instrument he used was basically a glorified flat-head screwdriver as he grabbed my jaw, buried the screwdriver into my wisdom tooth, and then his face turned blood red as he applied as much torque as possible on both to try to break it up.

I had a cavity drilled and filled once without anything, but it wasn't a very deep cavity so I didn't feel any pain at all. I was pretty scared though and had a good talk with Jesus the whole time on that one!



you crazy kids...what am I going to do with ya???
I did a 50% water change yesterday in the 12g AGA. I also rinsed the filter in the fluval canister and took out whatever was in the bottom canister...looked like prepackaged carbon or something. I replaced it with some activated carbon in a panty hose. It looks like the 2nd compartment holds ceramic rings. I had never seen them before, but I am assuming that is what they are. And the top canister has nothing in it at all. I am thinking I should see about getting some rubble to place in there.....
Any suggestions?


Active Member
Please dont tell me that you were running the filter with the same filter floss that was in it with the previous owner? If so, that is most likely your nitrate problem. I myself dont like cannister filters. If I didnt have a sump/refugium, I would run an overflow filter.
Sheesh lady, thats where your problem is.