Ok, Back to the many topics.
What are the views in here on Clinton running for President?
I feel she will run. The Clintons are still prominent in the Political world. They still have a lot of influence. Besides, she wouldn't be up against an incumbent. I feel she is the strongest person in the Democratic Party for President. Watch what she has said and done lately. She has started talking about faith values like she actually holds them dear to her heart. I however don't believe her as her and her Husbands past history regarding faith in this country are completely opposite of what she is now speaking about. I see see her Grandstanding right now setting her ducks in a row for the 2008 Race. She didn't run last year because she knows she will have a better chance not running against an incumbent. There have only been four or five ( I can't remeber) Presidents in our countries history that didn't serve a second term and win re-election. So her odds last year weren't as high as they will be in 2008.
The Clinton Family is a Political Dynamo. They always want the Limelight. Bill can't get it again, but with Hilary in office, they are at the forefront again. Besides, who else does the Democratic party have with as much name recognition, personal appeal, or Power.
I believe she would be a terrible President however.
OK Jer, I gotta stop you, or slow you down rather... Lemme be honest with you here, if your going to be a pastor you really need to hone your people skills. Tangman said he doesn't give to churches because he believes most of them to be ill intentioned. A better response would have been something like, what the church does with the money is not our concern. We give as a way of saying thanks for our blessings and once it's out of our hands we put it in God's hands.
I give (or rather we give) 10% to not a church, but a christian radio station, since we are not members of a church. But once the check is in the mail, my part is done. Not my part as in my obligated part, but my part as in, I said thanks, that's it. Where it goes after it leaves my mailbox is not something I worry about. If it's being illused, it doesn't change why I gave it and the fact that I gave it. OK, that's just me.
I have to disagree. It is your duty as a Person to make sure the money you tithe is used for a good purpose. If you don't, you may inadvertently fund something harmful to society. What if the money you tithe was funneled to a terrorist organization? It has been the case in the past we have found out. By never checking into what your money goes for you inadvertently fund an "evil" action and organization. Thus furthering the promotion of death and destruction. Something God isn't to big on the way I understand it.
Let me put it to you this way. Your water bill is due. You give your payment of the bill to your Postman or woman. Is your end of the bargain done? Have you done your part if the Mailman doesn't deliver the mail? What happens if the Payment never makes it to the Water Company?
Thank you all for your time.