Do You Believe In Creation


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Becuase God promised us that. Read the New Testament in the Bible, it lists how we get to Heaven many times. And the way is through Faith and Believing in God's Gift to us, Christ, who died to pay for our sins.
Ah, but you've admited to not believing everything. Unless I've misunderstood you.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The verse that "the one church" is founded upon comes from Matthew chapter 16. "Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied, "Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by man, but by my Father in heaven. And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it..."
Jesus was not ordaining Peter as the church, but rather the confession of Peter. Don't forget that exactly 5 verses after that statement Jesus says to Peter "get behind me, Satan!"
Peter was a great man, but he was a man. The "Church", was founded on the confession of Christ and is eternal.
In a perfect world there probably wouldn't be so many denominations. Some of them, in my view, teach heresy as doctrine. However, a church is full of people and therefore will never be perfect in this age.
you seem amazingly in touch with God, something few people have now. Please PM me and tell me the best way to win someone for God.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Ah, but you've admited to not believing everything. Unless I've misunderstood you.
you believe everything in the Bible, but somethings in the Old Testament changed when Jesus came. And I believe he said he didn't believe some of the things his church taught not the Bible.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Ah, but you've admited to not believing everything. Unless I've misunderstood you.
How so? I put my Faith that God will fulfill what He promised us. And personaly, if not to live eternaly, I'd rather go to Heaven to met my Creator, Father, and the God who got me through life.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
you believe everything in the Bible, but somethings in the Old Testament changed when Jesus came. And I believe he said he didn't believe some of the things his church taught not the Bible.


Originally Posted by lil' tanker
ok well fine. But here's the interesting part he went with 4 other men. They were all killed. After that their wives came to share the Gospel with those same Indians. They made a movie about it also. The end of the

. Those women trusted God so much that even after their husbands had been killed by these people they went down and risked their lives. They made those Alca Indians God's people. If Indians who have never seen planes, guns, and live in the forest can believe why can't someone so blessed to live in this great nation and be safer than most of the world believe. It is beyond me. Those Alca Indians will be there. Will you though? Right now I know you won't that's the whole reason why I'm trying to talk to you.
Some people need faith, some don't. It's very black and white. Those who need it will praise it to no end and do not understand the ones who do not. And those who do not need it think that the ones who do are weak minded and just need something anything to believe in. I believe it's not my place to judge either side just try to understand where they are coming from and If I've made the wrong decision in the way I lead my life I will pay eternally for it. which would further the Christian cause by proving what happens if you do not believe exactly as read in the bible. So while I may be wrong I will further your cause either way.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Some people need faith, some don't. It's very black and white. Those who need it will praise it to no end and do not understand the ones who do not. And those who do not need it think that the ones who do are weak minded and just need something anything to believe in. I believe it's not my place to judge either side just try to understand where they are coming from and If I've made the wrong decision in the way I lead my life I will pay eternally for it. which would further the Christian cause by proving what happens if you do not believe exactly as read in the bible. So while I may be wrong I will further your cause either way.
Again, why risk it? Every other religon besides Judahism and Christianity says there is no life after death. What's there to live for? Seems like there is nothing to lose and sooooooooooooooo much to gain.


Originally Posted by lil' tanker
you believe everything in the Bible, but somethings in the Old Testament changed when Jesus came. And I believe he said he didn't believe some of the things his church taught not the Bible.
I misunderstood then. I just think that you will see the grey area as you get older and understand it a little more.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by AGENT-X
Some people need faith, some don't. It's very black and white. Those who need it will praise it to no end and do not understand the ones who do not. And those who do not need it think that the ones who do are weak minded and just need something anything to believe in. I believe it's not my place to judge either side just try to understand where they are coming from and If I've made the wrong decision in the way I lead my life I will pay eternally for it. which would further the Christian cause by proving what happens if you do not believe exactly as read in the bible. So while I may be wrong I will further your cause either way.
so you are willing to go to hell based on a belief of a human who we already said were not perfect. So why not believe a God who is?


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Again, why risk it? Every other religon besides Judahism and Christianity says there is no life after death. What's there to live for? Seems like there is nothing to lose and sooooooooooooooo much to gain.
If things will be so much better after death why isn't every christian going into a dangerous place and spreading the word. Who cares if you die you will go to the kingdom of heaven right? What there is to live for, at least for me is that nothing is promised and when I die that might be it. So I'd better make the most of it while I'm here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I misunderstood then. I just think that you will see the grey area as you get older and understand it a little more.
I know grey, I grew up in as far left wing home as you can get and go to a school that is as far right wing as it gets. I'm talking politicly, but I'm proving a point so bear with me. I landed somewhere in the middle, grey, and I'm happy about that.
But I do know that Jesus says"No man comes to the Father except through me".
One of the only things I found in life that is black or white. You go to Heaven or you don't.
But Heaven and Hell aren't important to me. Spending eternity with such an awesome God is important to me. I'm a sinner, I know that. We all are sinners. It amazes me how God can love me though I'm such a bad sinner. That love He shows make me ever more anxious to go to Heaven with such an awesome God.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I misunderstood then. I just think that you will see the grey area as you get older and understand it a little more.
Why do you think that just because your older means you're so much smarter? I don't even care if your smart I care if you are Wise. You need to understand that I am not getting to heaven because I am perfect or that I think that I am but because I acknowledge that I'm not perfect and that Jesus died on a cross so that in God's eyes I could be perfect. He has cleansed us and praise be to Him for doing so!


Originally Posted by lil' tanker
so you are willing to go to hell based on a belief of a human who we already said were not perfect. So why not believe a God who is?
I'm am responsable for my actions, so yes. You should be happy for me. If i'm wrong and burn in Hell it will possibly make future generations believe. If I'm right and you get into heaven based on leading a good life regardless of what you believe then wouldn't the world be a much better place?


Active Member
Originally Posted by AGENT-X
If things will be so much better after death why isn't every christian going into a dangerous place and spreading the word. Who cares if you die you will go to the kingdom of heaven right? What there is to live for, at least for me is that nothing is promised and when I die that might be it. So I'd better make the most of it while I'm here.
If everyone were out in the Mission Field, than there would be no one to support them. I want to enjoy life on earth to, I want to raise a family when I get older and get married, etc. But knowing that there is a life after this life makes this life that much more encouraging. If I die, so be it. God has a time for us and a plan for us. I know that God will have a plan for my life and my death.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I know grey, I grew up in as far left wing home as you can get and go to a school that is as far right wing as it gets. I'm talking politicly, but I'm proving a point so bear with me. I landed somewhere in the middle, grey, and I'm happy about that.
But I do know that Jesus says"No man comes to the Father except through me".
One of the only things I found in life that is black or white. You go to Heaven or you don't.
But Heaven and Hell aren't important to me. Spending eternity with such an awesome God is important to me. I'm a sinner, I know that. We all are sinners. It amazes me how God can love me though I'm such a bad sinner. That love He shows make me ever more anxious to go to Heaven with such an awesome God.
And that's great. I am truly happy for you. but maybe, just maybe that was the way to get you to believe in our region of the world. If you'd ben born in India maybe you'd be Hindu. What religion are you parents, I'm willing to bet the same as you. If they are not I am willing to bet someday you will mary a woman who believes the same as you. I believe a lot of this is based on the region we live in.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by AGENT-X
I'm am responsable for my actions, so yes. You should be happy for me. If i'm wrong and burn in Hell it will possibly make future generations believe. If I'm right and you get into heaven based on leading a good life regardless of what you believe then wouldn't the world be a much better place?
maybe but that's not how it works. We are responsible for our actions but if we believe in Jesus he takes our wrongs and takes our punishment for us. And how would you going to hell help other generations it's not like they would know where you went.


Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
If everyone were out in the Mission Field, than there would be no one to support them. I want to enjoy life on earth to, I want to raise a family when I get older and get married, etc. But knowing that there is a life after this life makes this life that much more encouraging. If I die, so be it. God has a time for us and a plan for us. I know that God will have a plan for my life and my death.
Why do you have to be told that you will be rewarded with an afterlife if you lead a good life in this one. Shouldn't you be a good person anyways and just hope that God loves you enough in the end to allow you to be part of that?


Originally Posted by lil' tanker
maybe but that's not how it works. We are responsible for our actions but if we believe in Jesus he takes our wrongs and takes our punishment for us. And how would you going to hell help other generations it's not like they would know where you went.
If they believe in my sin sending me there it would. I guess they'd need to know my actions, but How do you know that all these people you look up to and see follow "the teachings" go to heaven? any proof?

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by AGENT-X
And that's great. I am truly happy for you. but maybe, just maybe that was the way to get you to believe in our region of the world. If you'd ben born in India maybe you'd be Hindu. What religion are you parents, I'm willing to bet the same as you. If they are not I am willing to bet someday you will mary a woman who believes the same as you. I believe a lot of this is based on the region we live in.
that maybe but it is just that America is based on Christianity and that is probably why we are so blessed. Maybe that is why so many people are Christians. May be Christianity has moved westward but kind of dropped off in the east.