Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
well in my bible it says in the beggining God created the heavens and the earth . then day 1 light
day 2 sky and water
day 3 land and seas(waters gathered) vegitation
day 4 sun and moon ,stars( to govern the day and night
and to mark seasons, days and years)
day 5 fish and birds
day 6 land animals and adam
While I personally do not have a problem with the account many people wonder how night and day worked without the sun moon and stars. I suppose another issue would be gravity, without the sun and moon gravity would have been very different for several days before the sun and moon showed up. Again, I am not trying to use this to PROVE the bible false, I am merely mentioning something that some people take issue with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
: "The Bible sums all of creation into a few paragraphs. It isn't important to our faith on how we came to be here, rather it's why we are here and where our future lies."

I, too, am a Catholic. I appreciate your response and this quote


Well-Known Member
It seems to me that this thread is wandering off topic. The question is about evolution. Evolution theory takes no position about the origin of life, the earth or the universe itself. Evolution refers only to the mechanisms that produce new characteristics and species, and efforts to divert the discussion to unsolvable questions only dilutes the points being made.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
While I personally do not have a problem with the account many people wonder how night and day worked without the sun moon and stars. I suppose another issue would be gravity, without the sun and moon gravity would have been very different for several days before the sun and moon showed up. Again, I am not trying to use this to PROVE the bible false, I am merely mentioning something that some people take issue with.
we will never know in this life how God created the earth , but the bible tells us that he did create it . that fact alone gives worth and dignity to everyone. theres so many things that are human febile minds cannot explain . how can God have never been born, how could he have just always been. what did he do for trillions of years before he created us. how can he be three people the father the son and the holy spirit. it goes on and on . the important thing is not pondering on something we can never answer but to believe that God did all those things and sent his only son to die on the cross for are sins so that one day we can be with him in heaven


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura

I, too, am a Catholic. I appreciate your response and this quote


You must have an interesting job. Do you recommend any good recent books that cover the theory of evolution and its evidence?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes

You must have an interesting job. Do you recommend any good recent books that cover the theory of evolution and its evidence?
While I am not her I can perhaps offer a book recommendation if you are looking for a recent book that covers issues of human evolution. I have not read it completely yet so I cannot vouch for how good the entire book is but it is written by respected authors.
It would be The Human Evolution Source Book, 2nd edition, by Russel L. Ciochon and John G. Fleagle. I believe it was published in 2006 so it is fairly recent.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Darknes

You must have an interesting job. Do you recommend any good recent books that cover the theory of evolution and its evidence?
The best book I have ever seen about evolution for non-biologists is "Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea" by Carl Zimmer. It was published as a companion book for the PBS series, and is a very good read - just a little technical, but not too much. All of my students, whether they believed the book or not, felt it was a well-done book. It is not currently in print, but is available on Amazon.


Staff member
Evolution is not limited to human beings, far from it. Every living thing experiences evolution; from plants and bacteria, to animals--everything. The fossil evidence is there. Even our own earth evolves. Where I'm from, there was once ocean. How do I know? Because dig down a bit in the sandy soil and you find sea shells. The rocks have fossilized sea creatures.
I don't think God really cares if we believe creation or evolution, and probably is somewhat amused about how some of us obsess over the issue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eaglephot
Wow. Some of the things I am reading from what you so called Christians have written is unacceptable. I apologize to everyone who was hurt or just annoyed by the things written. I also apologize and am sad that those comments made/make us look bad (yes, I am a Christian)! I am not trying to cause a conflict or anything. I just don't want anyone to think that all Christians are simply bad, hurtful or rude.
To those Christians who are writing... come on. Think about what you write before you write it. There are two kinds of Christians, the ones who do what they are supposed to do on the earth (I am no saint! I am a sinner just like everyone else!) and those who make Christians look bad. Bear that in mind. I don't like to look bad.
I have been reduced to a so called Christian.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Beth
Evolution is not limited to human beings, far from it. Every living thing experiences evolution; from plants and bacteria, to animals--everything. The fossil evidence is there. Even our own earth evolves. Where I'm from, there was once ocean. How do I know? Because dig down a bit in the sandy soil and you find sea shells. The rocks have fossilized sea creatures.
I don't think God really cares if we believe creation or evolution, and probably is somewhat amused about how some of us obsess over the issue.
Nice to hear from you.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I have been reduced to a so called Christian.

At least there weren't any swear words in front of Christian like usual.
I think my dog is evolving. It is going blind and now sniffs the daylights out of everything and is very sensitive to what she stands on...she doesn't even like to walk on the grass to do her business.
Can I change my vote??


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura

I, too, am a Catholic. I appreciate your response and this quote

Me, too.
the quote part...............
not the Catholic part.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
While I am not her I can perhaps offer a book recommendation if you are looking for a recent book that covers issues of human evolution. I have not read it completely yet so I cannot vouch for how good the entire book is but it is written by respected authors.
It would be The Human Evolution Source Book, 2nd edition, by Russel L. Ciochon and John G. Fleagle. I believe it was published in 2006 so it is fairly recent.
Man, that's an expensive book! Takes me back to the college days.

It sounds like it's a collection of science articles written from the 60's through the 90's. Is that correct?


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
The best book I have ever seen about evolution for non-biologists is "Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea" by Carl Zimmer. It was published as a companion book for the PBS series, and is a very good read - just a little technical, but not too much. All of my students, whether they believed the book or not, felt it was a well-done book. It is not currently in print, but is available on Amazon.
Thanks, it looks like a good read. The reviews were all great.
I'll have to check it out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Man, that's an expensive book! Takes me back to the college days.

It sounds like it's a collection of science articles written from the 60's through the 90's. Is that correct?
Yes, it runs around $70, I wouldn't buy it if I was you. Check out a copy from a library. And yes, it is a collection of articles although I believe many of the articles are more recent than the 90's.
But again use a library and save a ton of cash.


Active Member
I'm pretty amazed at the poll results.
I honestly figured it would be a lot more one-sided than what it is.

Whoever said it proves that most of SWF has not voted was spot on. It doesn't give me much confidence in the upcoming presidential election.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I'm pretty amazed at the poll results.
I honestly figured it would be a lot more one-sided than what it is.

Whoever said it proves that most of SWF has not voted was spot on. It doesn't give me much confidence in the upcoming presidential election.
Actually, the poll is very comparable to one I've seen on the Internet for America. It said that only 50% of Americans believe in evolution, which suprised me, so I thought I'd put one up here. Most European countries are at 80-90% belief in evolution, and USA is one of the lowest.
I think the reason why USA is so much different is the large majority of fundamental Christians who believe the creation story in the Bible word for word.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I'm pretty amazed at the poll results.
I honestly figured it would be a lot more one-sided than what it is.

Whoever said it proves that most of SWF has not voted was spot on. It doesn't give me much confidence in the upcoming presidential election.
82 votes seems good to me for a forum like this. I don't recall seeing many polls on here with more votes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
82 votes seems good to me for a forum like this. I don't recall seeing many polls on here with more votes.
2,265 views and 82 votes.

Maybe the other 2,183 people are Hillary fans!!!!!!!!!
I realized after posting that remark to expect a flame war!


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
2,265 views and 82 votes.

Maybe the other 2,183 people are Hillary fans!!!!!!!!!
I realized after posting that remark to expect a flame war!

Well you have to figure that most of the views are probably the same people checking the new posts so you can't compare the two really.