Do you believe in evolution?


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Originally Posted by Jmick
Been a hectic day, to many appointments and proposals to write up...
I propose you make an appointment for some time off!
Can you take Oph with you, she seems a little high strung.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Judging God?! LOL...Oh my gosh girl. hahahahaha. Woah.
Are you saying that I was threating someone? I was not by any means.
I was just saying that the Christian God the G has to be Capitlized or else that means you worship an idol "god". Simple as that...You really didn't have to say all that. No offense....

and no I wasn't talking anyone down...and if you please don't mind don't judge me.

Perhaps it is your own personal belief that your God's name should be capitalized but many other people feel that their God is the only true God and therefore think that the name of their God deserves to be capitalized.
I will ask again, please do not insult my God by saying that my God should not be called a God but rather a god. It is just plain rude, there is no need for it and it does not further this discussion, which was not supposed to be about religion at all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I propose you make an appointment for some time off!
Can you take Oph with you, she seems a little high strung.

Ha ha

I can say that about many of you posting here as well. I am passionate about this topic, and the fact that anyone with a different interpretation on this issue is frequently put down. I have seen it before. So thanks for your concern.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I guess it comes down to what you consider yourself. Did God create the heaven and the earth or did He not.
Not because of your stand on evolution, but where it all began. Do you believe that the Bible can be trusted as the word of God?
These are things you must decide, not me.
That's dangerous...
First off I'm a Christian. Second, I have a degree in Biology with an emphasis in Marine life. Third, I'm 2/3 of the way into a Masters at a great, conservative Seminary.
Having said that, I can honestly say I'm not sure how science and Genesis mesh.
Genesis begins with the words "In the beginning God...". That's all we know for sure. If you want to interpret the Creation story as literal you have a couple of difficulites to overcome. 1. The order of things being created. 2. The "day" being created on day 4. Etc.
Genesis was written to glorify God to the wandering tribes of Israelites, not to argue scientists in the 21st century.
Do I believe the Bible is infallible? Yup, sure do. Do I pretend to think I understand it all? No way.
To a great degree God could very well have created life through an evolutionary process. I see no evidence of that myself, but it is not excluded from the Bible. The contradiction with the Bible occurs if you believe creation is random and man is formed from apes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's dangerous...
It certainly is.
Maybe the amount of time required for genetic change to form a new species from an existing one takes only a few hundred years rather than a few million. If the earth was created in six days (I know the arguments for the million year days) then it doesn't leave much room historically for evolution of species to occur.
I have been wrong before and I'm sure it will happen again.

royal gang

Active Member
and if evolution was true... WHY ARE THERE STILL APES? Apes didn't become humans, that's rediculous, why aren't they turning into humans now days? Everything grows according to it's gene, that's what God SAYS in the BIBLE.


Active Member
"Genesis begins with the words "In the beginning God...". That's all we know for sure. If you want to interpret the Creation story as literal you have a couple of difficulites to overcome. 1. The order of things being created. 2. The "day" being created on day 4. Etc."
As for the order of creation of things, can you elaborate. I have heard arguments concerning this, but have not researched for myself.
God lives outside of time so it would seem that the term day was given as a reference for man's sake. It doesn't make sense that He would change His own system of measure.
I agree that there are mysteries that the Bible does not give us answers to. I hope that on my day of judgement that the order of creation (or a disagreement with Oph) will not be a stumbling block and I rest in the fact that I have a good attorney.
One thing is certain. I will grow from this experience so that in the future I will have better answers.


Wow. Some of the things I am reading from what you so called Christians have written is unacceptable. I apologize to everyone who was hurt or just annoyed by the things written. I also apologize and am sad that those comments made/make us look bad (yes, I am a Christian)! I am not trying to cause a conflict or anything. I just don't want anyone to think that all Christians are simply bad, hurtful or rude.
To those Christians who are writing... come on. Think about what you write before you write it. There are two kinds of Christians, the ones who do what they are supposed to do on the earth (I am no saint! I am a sinner just like everyone else!) and those who make Christians look bad. Bear that in mind. I don't like to look bad.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
"Genesis begins with the words "In the beginning God...". That's all we know for sure. If you want to interpret the Creation story as literal you have a couple of difficulites to overcome. 1. The order of things being created. 2. The "day" being created on day 4. Etc."
As for the order of creation of things, can you elaborate. I have heard arguments concerning this, but have not researched for myself.
God lives outside of time so it would seem that the term day was given as a reference for man's sake. It doesn't make sense that He would change His own system of measure.
I agree that there are mysteries that the Bible does not give us answers to. I hope that on my day of judgement that the order of creation (or a disagreement with Oph) will not be a stumbling block and I rest in the fact that I have a good attorney.
One thing is certain. I will grow from this experience so that in the future I will have better answers.
One problem some people have with the order of creation is that plants were created on the 3rd day, and the sun wasn't created until the 4th day.
Some people also find it confusing that there could be an evening and a morning before there was a sun.


Active Member
1journeyman said:
Genesis begins with the words "In the beginning God...". That's all we know for sure. If you want to interpret the Creation story as literal you have a couple of difficulites to overcome. 1. The order of things being created. 2. The "day" being created on day 4. Etc.
can you please explain better what difficulties to overcome ,and whats difficult about it , I just want to know im not trying to be mean or anything


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
So thanks for your concern.

Whether I convey it or not, I am truly concerned. I care about you as much as ...say clown boy or journeyman, with whom I share a common belief. I care about the well being of Jerth and Jcrim and everybody.
If I didn't I wouldn't take the time to share my thoughts with you.
The fact that we disagree means nothing in regards to my caring about you.
oops to go, late for my daughter's soccer practice


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
One problem some people have with the order of creation is that plants were created on the 3rd day, and the sun wasn't created until the 4th day.
Some people also find it confusing that there could be an evening and a morning before there was a sun.

Mold grows in my fridge with the light out.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
One problem some people have with the order of creation is that plants were created on the 3rd day, and the sun wasn't created until the 4th day.
Some people also find it confusing that there could be an evening and a morning before there was a sun.
interesting I never really thought about it but i will now ,eat dinner then get back to it

and if I hurt anyone in anyway im truley sorry


Active Member
Originally Posted by Eaglephot
Wow. Some of the things I am reading from what you so called Christians have written is unacceptable. I apologize to everyone who was hurt or just annoyed by the things written. I also apologize and am sad that those comments made/make us look bad (yes, I am a Christian)! I am not trying to cause a conflict or anything. I just don't want anyone to think that all Christians are simply bad, hurtful or rude.
To those Christians who are writing... come on. Think about what you write before you write it. There are two kinds of Christians, the ones who do what they are supposed to do on the earth (I am no saint! I am a sinner just like everyone else!) and those who make Christians look bad. Bear that in mind. I don't like to look bad.
i really have to reread some posts because i didnt see anything wrong

ive been ridiculed much worse on these threads for being a christian and just took it


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
Mold grows in my fridge with the light out.
Mold is actually a fungus, not a plant. Granted those are our definitions and at one time fungus was considered a plant. However the verse does kind of say that all plants were created.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
interesting I never really thought about it but i will now ,eat dinner then get back to it

and if I hurt anyone in anyway im truley sorry
I'm sure there are ways of explaining it. The easiest is to say God is God so if he wanted to created plants in the dark he could.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Again, how much proof is needed? If he will not listen to what is already there I highly doubt he will listen if I pulled an ape-man out of my hat...
I think its listed as "I have a standing offer of $250,000 to anyone who can give any empirical evidence (scientific proof) for evolution". I have seen him speak in person on a few occasions and I liked a lot of what he had to say. Like you said, and from his offer, I would probably think it would take something along the lines of an ape-man coming out of your hat in order to satisfy the claim of "Empirical Evidence". Honestly though, to prove any theory it would take something along those lines to sway even the scientific community would it not? I'm not talking about proving evolution obviously since it is essentially taught in many textbooks as a "fact" and the scientific community is like a horse with blinders when it comes to this topic.
I dont buy into the idea that God's creation was a code name of sorts for making the evolutionary process come to be. Everyone has their own opinions on the matter (as seen in this thread) and they are very diverse. I just think that Kent Hovind has a very intersting theory himself, and best satisfies my thought process - more so than anything else that I have heard.

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Perhaps it is your own personal belief that your God's name should be capitalized but many other people feel that their God is the only true God and therefore think that the name of their God deserves to be capitalized.
I will ask again, please do not insult my God by saying that my God should not be called a God but rather a god. It is just plain rude, there is no need for it and it does not further this discussion, which was not supposed to be about religion at all.
Sorry I insulted your god. Rude? Ummm...No...just truth. My friends, who are of other religions don't think it's insulting...and they are very religious to their beliefs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Sorry I insulted your god. Rude? Ummm...No...just truth. My friends, who are of other religions don't think it's insulting...and they are very religious to their beliefs.
No, you didn't insult my god, you insulted my God. I will ask you AGAIN, Please do not insult my beliefs by claiming that my God cannot be called God.



Originally Posted by Jerthunter
It is just plain rude, there is no need for it and it does not further this discussion, which was not supposed to be about religion at all
Here here! :)