Originally Posted by socal57che
I guess it comes down to what you consider yourself. Did God create the heaven and the earth or did He not.
Not because of your stand on evolution, but where it all began. Do you believe that the Bible can be trusted as the word of God?
These are things you must decide, not me.
That's dangerous...
First off I'm a Christian. Second, I have a degree in Biology with an emphasis in Marine life. Third, I'm 2/3 of the way into a Masters at a great, conservative Seminary.
Having said that, I can honestly say I'm not sure how science and Genesis mesh.
Genesis begins with the words "In the beginning God...". That's all we know for sure. If you want to interpret the Creation story as literal you have a couple of difficulites to overcome. 1. The order of things being created. 2. The "day" being created on day 4. Etc.
Genesis was written to glorify God to the wandering tribes of Israelites, not to argue scientists in the 21st century.
Do I believe the Bible is infallible? Yup, sure do. Do I pretend to think I understand it all? No way.
To a great degree God could very well have created life through an evolutionary process. I see no evidence of that myself, but it is not excluded from the Bible. The contradiction with the Bible occurs if you believe creation is random and man is formed from apes.