Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Indeed. A single cell is so complex that the odds of it evolving are practically none.
You have? Wow that was quick, you must have better facilities than I do for viewing cells at home.
Although I am fairly certain you won't bother investigating you might consider going to this website:
From there you can access a multitude of genetic and genomic data as well as protemic (sorry if I spelled that incorrectly) data for a vast number of species.
Now that might take more than a minute but when you are done you should understanding how genes interact and change.
Once all that is done let me know and I'll do my best to point to another step.


Active Member
Clown Boy hit upon a crucial point.
Cellular Biology does indeed argue against random chance. The Mitochondria alone is staggering.


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Originally Posted by Rylan1
As I questioned before.. do any apes or monkeys have leg tendons like humans do? Fossil records of ape species seem to suggest that no apes or monkeys have leg tendons that would make them be able to run upright...
I was also reading that the gorilla is becoming extint do to Ebola virus, and since 1600's (I think) only like 580 species have become extinct. Do scientists take into account when they find these so called fossils that these new species or ancestors could simply be other monkeys or apes that simply died off... it seems to me that many scientists may ignore the evidence so that they can further their agenda or to make an assumption that is based on falsehoods.
You would have to ask a paleontologist those questions. If you are ever make it up to Cleveland you might consider going to the Cleveland Museum of Natural History and ask those questions there.
I can believe that some people, scientists or not, will attempt to twist the truth to be better for them. However I do not believe it is in anyone's best interest to toss away all scientific data because someone MIGHT not be honest.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Clown Boy hit upon a crucial point.
Cellular Biology does indeed argue against random chance. The Mitochondria alone is staggering.
I never pictured Cellular Biology arguing....


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
However I firmly believe God created everything.....Evolution was his tool to create it.
I am with you here...
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

Study the bible and it backs this theory/fact up.
Not so much here...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Indeed. A single cell is so complex that the odds of it evolving are practically none.
That is true... if you look at the most simple forms of life.. they look and are like tiny machines... similar to engines...


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Originally Posted by reefreak29
idk, if he said 6 days i believe it was six days . if the universe was a billion years old the first man on the moon would have sank right to his head in moon dust . theres pletty of scientific data that proves the earth and its surrounding are only about 7000 years old which if you count the years of the generations in the bible you come up with about 7000 years
Great point. I remember hearing about this and how they were actually fearful that this was going to happen.
for a literal translation and young earth

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
what is the purpose of all these quotes? What are you saying?
?????????? It's basically saying he created ALL living things, that would also mean cells.......... even IF you believe in evolution, either way, through the cell that produced mammals, or Adam and Eve God created them.
EDIT: I also know there is a text in the Bible that says he created Adam and Eve.
EDIT II: There is also another text that says that every living thing reproduces... "according to it's gene" BUT it also states that there will be variety, which is why elephants have bigger tusks than others, people have different hair, etc.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I'd like to see some of this evidence and please don't quote the bible.
What do you have against the bible? Every time I see you ask for evidence you say "dont quote the bible"... Why not "dont quote the koran"? Smells like an Al Quaeda operative to me...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Wow, alot has happened since I went to bed last night. I spent my entire day listening to EVIL people who are conspiring to disprove god by observing what they see and hypothesising explainations. Evil evil people. Trying to figure out how things work. One guy spent an hour talking about this horrible LIE called Geology. Have you heard of it? Aparently, people take observations about how layers of rock form. Crazy stuff. Another guy talked a bunch about this other lie called Biology. More like LIEology.. Am I right guys? He made up some crazy lie about similarities between certain organsims. Can you believe the NERVE. trying to say that there are very stricking similarities between chloroplasts and bluegreen algae. I pulled out my one test book, the only testbook ever needed for anything, and looked for the chapter on Biology but I couldn't find it. Can you believe these guys, its an international conspiracy, all making up 'facts'. But that isn't the half of it! I had a lab and the instructions called for 1 liter. So I raised my hand and KINDLY explained that there is no such thing as liters, sure there are microliters and but how on earth can you get to a liter from a microliter. Then the teacher told me, "well then measure 1,000,000 microliters and you will have a Liter." Can you believe that? Things build upon one another? You HAVE to be joking! So I turned to my one and only textbook, looked for the chapter on measurements but it wasn't there. Such evil evil people...
Poor attempt at satire indeed. I especially like how you made fun of the fact that a measurement STANDARD could be remotely along the same lines as micro and macro evolution. I'll prove one for for you with a graduated cylinder - how are you going to prove the other to me?
Maybe it will be fun, like a 6th grade science experiment... You can go outside and collect a bunch of rocks... Then get some radioactive waste, a cup of water, and a blender. Mix it all up, let it sit for a few million years and tell me if you dont have a nice new baby lizard crawling around in there after awhile.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I wonder how much proof would be enough.
'If they do not listen to science and observations, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.'
Hmm, that sounded familiar, where did I get that crazy idea from.....
He was a science teacher for many years from what I understand. I honestly dont know what his background fully entails, yet I would be hard pressed to think that the "didnt listen to science".


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Poor attempt at satire indeed. I especially like how you made fun of the fact that a measurement STANDARD could be remotely along the same lines as micro and macro evolution. I'll prove one for for you with a graduated cylinder - how are you going to prove the other to me?
Maybe it will be fun, like a 6th grade science experiment... You can go outside and collect a bunch of rocks... Then get some radioactive waste, a cup of water, and a blender. Mix it all up, let it sit for a few million years and tell me if you dont have a nice new baby lizard crawling around in there after awhile.
Sure, once you get done measuring me a macroLiter out of microLiters I will start explaining how you can get to macroevolution from microevolution. But no cheating, only one microliter at a time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
He was a science teacher for many years from what I understand. I honestly dont know what his background fully entails, yet I would be hard pressed to think that the "didnt listen to science".
I'm not quite sure who 'he' was or is.
Although I would imagine what I was trying to get across is that 'proof' is in the eye of the beholder.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
As are you and everyone here who supports either theory, so I don't think I am alone.
That said, I would wager that most educated people would agree that the earth was not created in 6 days and is much older then 7000 years.
I'll gladly take science over religion any day of the week. Look what science/engineering has given us...
Artifical hearts
Sky Scrapers
Nuclear Weapons
Space Flight
Cure to some cancers
I wouldnt wager that fact - unless you would consider me uneducated. (Which I very well may be.)
Look what god/religion has given us...
Real Hearts
A brain to become a Surgeon, Pilot, Architect, Iranian Physicist (oh wait I think the Israelis killed them), Astronaut, Radiologist...
And every other possible thing that that wonderful little brain can take in - everything you know, see, smell, touch, hear, taste... All of it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
I'm not quite sure who 'he' was or is.
Although I would imagine what I was trying to get across is that 'proof' is in the eye of the beholder.
Kent Hovind - and I dont think thats what you were saying at all, you were just unaware of his background was all it was.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
Kent Hovind - and I dont think thats what you were saying at all, you were just unaware of his background was all it was.
Oh, 'he' is Kent Hovind... Interesting..
As far as what I meant to say, I highly doubt that you have a better knowledge of that them myself. If there is one thing I cannot be fooled about it is my own thoughts... (I can't take credit for that line of logic however, Decartes came up with it... unless an evil genie is just tricking me into believeing he did...)
As far as my awareness of his background, while I do not recall the name I do recall the claim from some creationist that came and spoke at my church back in the 90's.
Again, how much proof is needed? If he will not listen to what is already there I highly doubt he will listen if I pulled an ape-man out of my hat...


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
That's the crux of it...
Both Evolution and Creation espouse the same thing at the beginning: That there was nothing.
I feel much safer with God behind my nothing than all of the matter in the universe imploding into what we know of today. I actually find it strange how reffers could look inot their tanks and not be awe struck by the diversity of life in that one little eco-system and think that just maybe we do have a creator...


Active Member
I thought this thread had died. I so hoped I would have the last word.

I still believe the Bible can be taken literally.
I don't believe that I have ancestors that also spawned apes, monkeys or chimpanzees.
The initial post asked what I believe. This is what I believe.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I don't know you so I could not answer that. However, I do enjoy most of the threads you are involved in and enjoy your input...could have sworn I sent you a PM not to long ago thanking you for the discussion

Do you think most people with a 4 year college eduction, masters or PHd think the world was created in 6 days?
Do you think that most upper class and higher ranking members of society in the 15th century thought that the world was round?