Do you believe in evolution?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
This seems to be a common reaccuring connection. The idea is not that we evolved from apes but that apes and humans both evolved from a common ancestor.

Thank you...this is how it is indeed seen. And evolutionary biologists also don't look at the idea of the "evolutionary ladder" that things are getting more complex over time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeltaBlack22
I feel much safer with God behind my nothing than all of the matter in the universe imploding into what we know of today. I actually find it strange how reffers could look inot their tanks and not be awe struck by the diversity of life in that one little eco-system and think that just maybe we do have a creator...
But, Genesis 1:1 says In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
The universe didn't come from nothing, it came from God.
Nothing cannot create something as the big bang evolutionists would have us believe.
I trust in God.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
But, Genesis 1:1 says In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
The universe didn't come from nothing, it came from God.
Nothing cannot create something as the anti-Gods would have us believe.
I trust in God.

To clarify, are you calling me an "anti-God" because I believe in evolution?
Would be par for the course, BTW. Not the first time. This is the part I really love.


Active Member
Since the topic of the past has been brought up, it may be interesting to note that in 1615 Cardinal Bellarmine wrote a nice letter to a bunch of fellow clergymen explaining that Nicolaus Copernicus' idea of the earth orbiting the sun was an affont to God, here are his words.
"to want to affirm that in reality the sun is at the center of the world and only turns on itself without moving from east to west, and the earth … revolves with great speed around the sun … is a very dangerous thing, likely not only to irritate all scholastic philosophers and theologians, but also to harm the Holy Faith by rendering Holy Scripture false." - Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
To clarify, are you calling me an "anti-God" because I believe in evolution?
Would be par for the course, BTW. Not the first time. This is the part I really love.
I guess it comes down to what you consider yourself. Did God create the heaven and the earth or did He not.
Not because of your stand on evolution, but where it all began. Do you believe that the Bible can be trusted as the word of God?
These are things you must decide, not me.


Active Member
All the same, I would ask you to limit the possibly name calling, because that is extremely insulting and where people start to show their true colors. It can be considered inflammatory, intentional or not. This is not a board for proselytizing. It is not your right to pass judgment on people as "anti-gods" because they do not believe the same things you do...whether it is creationism, the Bible, or what God they choose to follow. This must be made clear.
Please, everyone
, keep this in mind. This is not a board simply for Christians to pass judgment on everyone else.


Active Member
Oph, I know that you are well educated and I value your opinions. We obviously disagree on this issue and I hope it will not effect our ability to be friends. I apologize for the hurt I have caused.

mr. guitar


Originally Posted by ophiura
All the same, I would ask you to limit the possibly name calling, because that is extremely insulting and where people start to show their true colors. It can be considered inflammatory, intentional or not. This is not a board for proselytizing. It is not your right to pass judgment on people as "anti-gods" because they do not believe the same things you do...whether it is creationism, the Bible, or what God they choose to follow. This must be made clear.
Please, everyone
, keep this in mind. This is not a board simply for Christians to pass judgment on everyone else.
Sorry ophuria...this bothers me...When you said, "What God they choose to follow." The G should be lower cased...unless you're talkin about the real God (the Jehovah Christian God).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr. Guitar
Sorry ophuria...this bothers me...When you said, "What God they choose to follow." The G should be lower cased...unless you're talkin about the real God (the Jehovah Christian God).

Please do not insult the religious beliefs of others it is just plain rude. I have no insulted your God, please do not insult mine.


Active Member
Frankly, this is not the board to pass judgment on "God." Whether it should be capital or not, plural or not, whose is right, whose is greater, whatever, ad infinitum, etc. I'm sorry, it simply is not. This is a diverse community...diverse in cultures, beliefs and opinions. We need to embrace - dare I even say learn from some of that diversity. The board should not be a threatening place. It should not be a place where people are made to feel outcast in their beliefs, either way.
We have had, on this board, extraordinary exchanges on topics. We have had people who get the big because they discuss issues in the spirit of openness and communication. They are people who may feel VERY strongly in their beliefs but they seek counterpoints because the hope to understand different ideas and not demean them. They SEEK the discussion and understanding...they do not enter the discussion with the intent to talk down everyone with a different idea.
This is an emotional topic, and rarely do these threads ever reach the level of discussion seen in some others.
The thread has basically reached the end of whatever "useful" life it had, in my opinion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Since the topic of the past has been brought up, it may be interesting to note that in 1615 Cardinal Bellarmine wrote a nice letter to a bunch of fellow clergymen explaining that Nicolaus Copernicus' idea of the earth orbiting the sun was an affont to God, here are his words.
"to want to affirm that in reality the sun is at the center of the world and only turns on itself without moving from east to west, and the earth … revolves with great speed around the sun … is a very dangerous thing, likely not only to irritate all scholastic philosophers and theologians, but also to harm the Holy Faith by rendering Holy Scripture false." - Cardinal Bellarmine, 1615.
I thought this was closed... take it eays guys...
But this statement is true, the church did think that this could change how people viewed religion, however, the person who came up with this idea I believe was catholic. Also, the church later adopted these theories and stated that it actually strenghthens what the Bible says... People once assumed they were the center of the universe... and the Bible doesn't say this...Funny thing is that all the leading theorists in the 18th-19th centuries that came up with the modern theories of the Big Bang, the earth rotates around the sun, the vastness of the Universe and the discovery of the milky way were religious and The Universe on History channel.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
I thought this was closed... take it eays guys...
But this statement is true, the church did think that this could change how people viewed religion, however, the person who came up with this idea I believe was catholic. Also, the church later adopted these theories and stated that it actually strenghthens what the Bible says... People once assumed they were the center of the universe... and the Bible doesn't say this...Funny thing is that all the leading theorists in the 18th-19th centuries that came up with the modern theories of the Big Bang, the earth rotates around the sun, the vastness of the Universe and the discovery of the milky way were religious and The Universe on History channel.
Yes, I agree, people should play nice. This is too nice of a discussion to be ruined by people being rude.
My point in mentioning that paper and that whole scenerio is to show that although right now Evolution may seem like a hard pill to swallow based on your personal religious beliefs but maybe someday we will have enough information to reconcile the too. Just because we do not understand how the two can coexist is no reason to say only one can be true.


Active Member
does anyone else find it interesting that iran and russia may come together to try and destroy isreal, its very biblical. God also said that isreal will not be destroyed in the end times so if they do attack isreal i wonder if theyll be a big earthqauck or something . also in 1979 there were only 500 muslims converted to christianity now theres over 1 million , cool stuff imo


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
does anyone else find it interesting that iran and russia may come together to try and destroy isreal, its very biblical. God also said that isreal will not be destroyed in the end times so if they do attack isreal i wonder if theyll be a big earthqauck or something . also in 1979 there were only 500 muslims converted to christianity now theres over 1 million , cool stuff imo



Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
Frankly, this is not the board to pass judgment on "God." Whether it should be capital or not, plural or not, whose is right, whose is greater, whatever, ad infinitum, etc. I'm sorry, it simply is not. This is a diverse community...diverse in cultures, beliefs and opinions. We need to embrace - dare I even say learn from some of that diversity. The board should not be a threatening place. It should not be a place where people are made to feel outcast in their beliefs, either way.
We have had, on this board, extraordinary exchanges on topics. We have had people who get the big because they discuss issues in the spirit of openness and communication. They are people who may feel VERY strongly in their beliefs but they seek counterpoints because the hope to understand different ideas and not demean them. They SEEK the discussion and understanding...they do not enter the discussion with the intent to talk down everyone with a different idea.
This is an emotional topic, and rarely do these threads ever reach the level of discussion seen in some others.
The thread has basically reached the end of whatever "useful" life it had, in my opinion.
This thread has been very useful. There are pages and pages of people communicating without gunfire or suicide bombings.
When people are kept quiet and not allowed to voice their opinions is when revolutions mount.
So what if we don't agree. This is healthy food for the mind.
I applaud you for acting on a post you found offensive.
I applaud Jerth for not backing down from what he believes.
If there were no opposition to my opinion the world would be boring, indeed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefreak29
does anyone else find it interesting that iran and russia may come together to try and destroy isreal, its very biblical. God also said that isreal will not be destroyed in the end times so if they do attack isreal i wonder if theyll be a big earthqauck or something . also in 1979 there were only 500 muslims converted to christianity now theres over 1 million , cool stuff imo
Maybe not a earthquake, but U.S. warplanes and soldiers. Our alliance with Israel is a key consideration for anyone invading Israel. The Jews are God's chosen poeple after all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
I was afraid you left.
You hadn't posted for an entire page!!

wow! make that three.


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
I was afraid you left.
You hadn't posted for an entire page!!

Been a hectic day, to many appointments and proposals to write up...


Active Member
Originally Posted by socal57che
This thread has been very useful. There are pages and pages of people communicating without gunfire or suicide bombings.
When people are kept quiet and not allowed to voice their opinions is when revolutions mount.
So what if we don't agree. This is healthy food for the mind.
I applaud you for acting on a post you found offensive.
I applaud Jerth for not backing down from what he believes.
If there were no opposition to my opinion the world would be boring, indeed.
Please re-read my post.
Diversity of opinions is what I am PROMOTING.
I have no issues with people voicing their opinions, in fact, that is what I am encouraging. What is DISCOURAGING is that people who may not agree to one particular belief - namely strict Creationism - are put down or called "anti-Gods" for having a different belief. THAT is exactly the problem I have an issue with, so we are stating EXACTLY the same thing.
And in fact this thread is not as open a discussion as others are. That is quite unfortunate.

mr. guitar

Originally Posted by ophiura
Frankly, this is not the board to pass judgment on "God." Whether it should be capital or not, plural or not, whose is right, whose is greater, whatever, ad infinitum, etc. I'm sorry, it simply is not. This is a diverse community...diverse in cultures, beliefs and opinions. We need to embrace - dare I even say learn from some of that diversity. The board should not be a threatening place. It should not be a place where people are made to feel outcast in their beliefs, either way.
We have had, on this board, extraordinary exchanges on topics. We have had people who get the big because they discuss issues in the spirit of openness and communication. They are people who may feel VERY strongly in their beliefs but they seek counterpoints because the hope to understand different ideas and not demean them. They SEEK the discussion and understanding...they do not enter the discussion with the intent to talk down everyone with a different idea.
This is an emotional topic, and rarely do these threads ever reach the level of discussion seen in some others.
The thread has basically reached the end of whatever "useful" life it had, in my opinion.
Judging God?! LOL...Oh my gosh girl. hahahahaha. Woah.
Are you saying that I was threating someone? I was not by any means.
I was just saying that the Christian God the G has to be Capitlized or else that means you worship an idol "god". Simple as that...You really didn't have to say all that. No offense....

and no I wasn't talking anyone down...and if you please don't mind don't judge me.