Do you believe in evolution?

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
However, they are not functional claws, just vestiges of variable incidence.
Could be the same case with... um... I'm not going to even try the name... LOL


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Clown Boy
Could be the same case with... um... I'm not going to even try the name... LOL
I know. The systematists persist in using unpronounceable Latin or Greek names. I prefer the approach of the fruit fly geneticists, who use far better names, for example: "turnip" for an intelligence defective mutant, and "Don Juan" for a sterile mutant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
Mokele Mbembe is clearly a folkloric being, on a par with the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot. There are no, repeat, no verified sightings or findings to confirm the existence of this being, so whether it is a dinosaur or not is an open question. Either way, whether or not dinosaurs exist or not today has absolutely no bearing on evolution. There are other reptiles today, and their form and existence are evidence, in fact, in support of evolutionary theory.
Yup, again this mistaken idea of evolution having a "goal" and "improving" over time. There is no such thing.
There are LOADS of animals that existed WAY before dinosaurs and are still around (echinoderms are a great example) but it doesn't matter.
There is a whole lotta misunderstanding about evolution.
BTW, once again, the idea of God creating man, and the evolutionary process, are in no way at odds, IMO.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
I know. The systematists persist in using unpronounceable Latin or Greek names. I prefer the approach of the fruit fly geneticists, who use far better names, for example: "turnip" for an intelligence defective mutant, and "Don Juan" for a sterile mutant.

As a systematist, I will only take slight offense


Active Member
It seems that some people have made claims that radioactive dating is invalid. I find this to be very interesting and would love to know how and when radioactive isotopes change their halflife.
Does Potassium-40 decay faster on tuesday or is it mondays?

lil' tanker

garnet13aj said:
Well, first of all, sthe scientific process is not exactly the same as science. It is the process one goes through to test a hypothesis and come to a conclusion. That is what I'm referring to when I say the scientific process. Whether or not one takes to heart what is observed in a scientific experiment to be true or not. For some people on this thread, seeing is not believing.
As far as entropy is being flung around to disprove evolution. There's something that's obviously not being understood here. Yes, the entropy of the universe is always decreasing, but that doesn't mean everthing in the universe is decreasing. If energy is put into a system, work can be done to counteract entropy for a particular bit of the universe and this increase in order will be counterbalanced by a decrease in order in a different part of the universe. So I'm not sure where you're going with the whole entropy arguement.
here, here!
If you don't believe in the Bible than ask yourself this how could a book that is written by many different people over thousands of years still not contradict itself or anything like that?
hahahahaha, are you kidding yourself. The Bible has plenty of contradictions in it. To name a few:
ok here's the thing, on that first one it's reffering to that Abraham only had one son with his wife. Then on the second one one says above it that the verse is saying that Adam and Eve were created at the same time, but "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them." is the verse and that in no way says that they were created at the same time. Another one above a verse in the second site, says that it implies that man was created then animals then Eve. And that verse may say that, but if you follow this link
it says no such thing. They changed the verse to say what they wanted it to say. And then, I don't believe in the third link it means God has created some people to go to hell but that's going into Marxism and Calvanism soooo.
And I also believe that it's talking about in one instance that God knew that they were evil men and they would not change so to protect His followers he kept them seperated.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by Darknes
You're reading an English translation. Go look at different bibles, and they all list different creatures for verses 18 and 30. You're gonna have to learn some Hebrew if you want the truth.

Ok well what about this;&version=9;
this one is in King James which is the oldest translation of the Bible, it was done by people who were told that even if the King himself walked into the room not to acknowledge him because they were doing God's work. If they messed up at all on one page they started over. These were not liers and deceivers, these were men who committed their lives to give us the best God blessed translation of the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
Ok well what about this;&version=9;
this one is in King James which is the oldest translation of the Bible, it was done by people who were told that even if the King himself walked into the room not to acknowledge him because they were doing God's work. If they messed up at all on one page they started over. These were not liers and deceivers, these were men who committed their lives to give us the best God blessed translation of the Bible.
According to Wikipedia (FWIW), the King James translation came after almost 200 years of previous translations into English.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
Ok well what about this;&version=9;
this one is in King James which is the oldest translation of the Bible, it was done by people who were told that even if the King himself walked into the room not to acknowledge him because they were doing God's work. If they messed up at all on one page they started over. These were not liers and deceivers, these were men who committed their lives to give us the best God blessed translation of the Bible.
I'm not calling any translator a liar. Certain words are translated differently by different people. Some languages have words that do not translate well into another language; for example, "beautiful" and "gorgeous" might both translate into the same word Greek.
If the same Hebrew word was used in both verses, shouldn't they have both translated into the same animal? The link I posted is just one scholar's account; I'm not trying to convince you of anything or change your mind; just to give you something to ponder.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GeriDoc
According to Wikipedia (FWIW), the King James translation came after almost 200 years of previous translations into English.
Although I personally like to stay away from Wikipedia I have to agree with it. The King James translation is not the oldest translation of the bible into english, it merely has the benefit of being made most popular.
Now even if the claim that the King James version was the oldest was true, which unforunately it is not, it would not make it any better then other translations. One of the amazing things about humans is our ability to gather information over time. So newer translations have the benefit of all the previous research to build upon.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by GeriDoc
According to Wikipedia (FWIW), the King James translation came after almost 200 years of previous translations into English.
Yes parts of books that are now in the Bible mostly the letters of Paul and the Gospels. But, the Bible had never been compiled, some books were left out and put in a book called the Apocrypha.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Although I personally like to stay away from Wikipedia I have to agree with it. The King James translation is not the oldest translation of the bible into english, it merely has the benefit of being made most popular.
Now even if the claim that the King James version was the oldest was true, which unforunately it is not, it would not make it any better then other translations. One of the amazing things about humans is our ability to gather information over time. So newer translations have the benefit of all the previous research to build upon.
I see where you're coming from but the Bible won't change. There may be different Versions but the Bible isn't going to be added upon or subtracted from. In fact, in the Bible it says that if you take out anything or put in anything, well, lets just say God won't be happy. Take for instance the incident in Texas if you know what I mean.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
I see where you're coming from but the Bible won't change. There may be different Versions but the Bible isn't going to be added upon or subtracted from. In fact, in the Bible it says that if you take out anything or put in anything, well, lets just say God won't be happy. Take for instance the incident in Texas if you know what I mean.
Who decides what books belong in the bible? It seems that people have already added and subtracted books from the bible. Song of Solomon almost didn't make it into the current widely accepted version of the bible, and many other books have been removed.
Some denominations have added books to the bible, just look at the LDS church.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by Jerthunter
Who decides what books belong in the bible? It seems that people have already added and subtracted books from the bible. Song of Solomon almost didn't make it into the current widely accepted version of the bible, and many other books have been removed.
Some denominations have added books to the bible, just look at the LDS church.
What's LDS and the guy who was in charge of choosing was Jethro way back around the Reformation times.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lil' tanker
What's LDS and the guy who was in charge of choosing was Jethro way back around the Reformation times.
LDS=Latter Day Saints, short for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. If you don't know who that is you might know of them as the Mormon church. They have added the Book of Mormon to their christian canon.
As far as who determines what books made it into the christian canon, I doubt you will find any one person, but it was determined by the catholic church before the Protestant church split off.
Other groups have added to the bible, like Islam, which uses the Torah (Old testament), the christian new testament, and the Quran.

lil' tanker

Originally Posted by Jerthunter
LDS=Ladder Day Saints, short for the Church of Jesus Christ of Ladder Day Saints. If you don't know who that is you might know of them as the Mormon church. They have added the Book of Mormon to their christian canon.
As far as who determines what books made it into the christian canon, I doubt you will find any one person, but it was determined by the catholic church before the Protestant church split off.
Other groups have added to the bible, like Islam, which uses the Torah (Old testament), the christian new testament, and the Quran.
1. The Mormons are in no way real Christians they believe something completely different IMO.
2. The Muslims aren't exactly Christians either In everyone's opinion I know.