Explain where your user name originated


My nickname is Dave(suprise!)and I'm pretty good on my board(nolies,180 to fakie,1 ft high 2 ft far ollies and more!)


Mine simply implies my occupation
I work for the Ontario Provincial Pilice [Canada] and take calls for service ( mostly emerengency in nature) for 2 regions of Ontario ( which is a huge area!)
Ive very proud of myself... very few 19 yr olds can say that they are a 911 operator!!
and making $60k a yr i still think this is an expenisve hobby..... not my cap off for sure... but make more spend more EH??? (ahaha)


My husband and I honeymooned in Tahitti. Our favorite Island was Moorea. A few years later when our daughter was born we named her Alexis Moorea. When I started going on boards I started to use the name moorea. It really upsets my daughter (who is now 8) whenever she sees me use this name on my computer (its my username for everything) she says I'm stealing her name! I had to throw on the 2 because there was already a moorea signed up on the board!
When our son was born we tried to give him a middle name from a tahitian island as well... there really weren't any that fit. Stone Bora Bora just didnt sound right so he is just Stone CJ!


Mine--I realized I am really addicted--love my tank-- spend lots of time when I can just watching my fish-very relaxing --so I guess thats it!!


My username on another list was similar to calimari, and a friend decided that I was to be dubbed Squiddly. It stuck like tentacles. And I really love squid. To interact with, and not to eat.


Originally Posted by Kzlen
yes broomer is way better than Hoser..
My name originated years ago when I was playing a character on the online game UO. I named her Z'shaxl'kzlen. I then broke it up to 2 names Zshaxl and Kzlen, for another online game i played after that.
I use these names when I want to register somewhere like SWF.com and Im in a hurry to get some advice, in this case. Or anything I do. Noone has these names and I always get registered at places with first try. Or I get the name in an Online game. Although I do have a nickname I got when i was a kid that wont seem to go away, Sarah Bob. :joy:

I have relatives in Mo! I am scared Now!

Just Kidding!


OK here is mine! I once played battletech , my names was cyjumper, cy for cyber, and jumper for the type of Bot i used, everyone called me Cy, and since i was the pack leader they started calling me Cymon, with the little saying, Cymon says get that fool!
I went to another game after that one shut down and Cy was taken, Hence Symon and every version you can think of!
Unfortunatly i have friends from the internet in real life that actually call me Symon , Poor Kids are so confused!


Active Member
Originally Posted by michelle9491
Going to change mine from michelle9491 to dummy101 ( see thread on new hobbyist)

don't be so hard on yourself. you won't make that mistake again, and neither will we.


New Member
Easy, everytime I see a great tank of fish my hands extend out with fingers flexing and I squeel "Phishies!" You should see me when I'm snorkeling...when my husband hears me squeel he jumps and thinks I'm screaming like I'm injured or something...too funny! I should warn him first ehhh?
As for my avatar, not very unique...I took it off an avatar site.


mine came from the nick name his grandparents called him... "tevie" and he loves this hobby so its... teviesfish for us.