Explain where your user name originated


hockey fans should know this already.
Georges Vezina GAA 3.45
He is the goaltender that the Vezina trophy (for the NHL's top goaltender) was named after goes to each year.


from 2003 to 2006 :jumping: i wonder what happened to all of those people that you don't see around any more :notsure: maybe they changed their names?
oldest thread i've ever seen
and still going on :joy: well any way, mine is just my last name and i've no idea where the 67 came from

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by morales67
i've no idea where the 67 came from

Hmmmm..... Now that is funny. I've never heard of that before. :notsure:


Mine started from being teased in junior high. it is for (R)ron (eckler)eckler. my name. everyone just shortened it to reckler. I'm still bitter over this, it has stuck with me for years...........


I have been a huge Mopar fan my entire life. And my initials DWH


I am into off-road racing and have a Ford Ranger that is very wide. The clip on the front is and F-150 clip. So Phat Ford....


Originally Posted by seannmelly
hey, why dont you get a real bike??? haha just playin, those things look like fun, i think they're cool
oh yea, and our name. My name is sean, and my girlfriend's nickname is melly and we both share this name
got real bikes too in fact too many LOL got a few 250 and 500 RGV's a gxr 750 and 1000 and even a gsxr 250 i brought back from japan, along with 2 aprilla's

fat clown

New Member
when ever people look at my tank the first thing they say is that is one fat clown. Just glad they dont tell me its a fat nemo.


High school friends started calling me Yote after I started howling at a pack of coyotes one night while we were headed back to the truck after dark. Never will forget the looks on their faces when 3 big beautiful coyotes came into our lights.


i got in a fight with some one on here said some things i shouldnt have and got booted.. had to make a new name.. it was late, my wife walked in with dinner.. i said whats that... her response.. FISH STICKS FOR YOU! and here we are..


Mine is real hard :notsure: I am a guy and I Scuba Dive. I can not wait till this summer. I think I have three weeks off and I am going down to Florida and taking some pictures while I dive.


Active Member
My last name...i'll forget anything else i make up, an my aim screen name is soooo retarded, cuz i made it when i was a freshmen in high school...about 6 years ago