Explain where your user name originated


Active Member
I enter quite a few fishing tournaments. It is my responsibility that everyone wakes up in time b/c we are usually on the water by 5 AM. I am a morning person anyway so it's no problem. I love catching bait at sunrise.


Active Member
seasalt part is cause i'm no spring chicken the 101 part is because i'm a student of the hobby alway's trying to learn tobin :happyfish


Pretty easy if you've ever owned a Siberian Husky you've chased one or three in my case!


Everyone names there percula clowns nemo... I have a lady.. So we named her Nemette... shes my favorite cause she eats out of my hands and lets me pet her.. LOL... crazy fish I know... So I put her name as mine.. Am I the only person that names their fish? ha ha ha


New Member
My name started out coming from a book I was reading he was a prince in England and one day when I ventured into the world of everquest (in 2000) I started using that name and has stuck since. Croy


New Member
Four years ago I was talking a cellular biology class. I told the guys at my table about how I liked to sail and one of them just started to call me Salty Pete.

And thus ends the greatest story ever told.


My name is Conrad, so thats where the handle comes from. On most other sites Im known as either the neverendingmuthrfuk or fukr, it comes from a local bands song title. I chose not to go with either of those names on this site because I knew it would get deleted/banned etc. Rad sucks, I know. But Im unoriginal, if only some comedian had been on the TV with good material for me to steal at the time my handle would be golden.
actually my full nick name that i use didnt fit, but i'm suppose to have a "R" on the end of it. "GosuPaintballer" Picked up several korean words while playing online games with Koreans. The word Gosu means expert or extremely good in english. I use to play paintball back in the late 90's and early 2000's and would straight up destroy people in tourney play. So i've used this name on many sites over the internet probably since 1998 or so. I miss paintball soo much, but between work and being a single parent, i just dont have the time for it anymore.