Explain where your user name originated


Originally Posted by Tannels
I disagree with your name.. it snowed in Phoenix this year.. I actually bought a coat! It was cold for a couple weeks.. I swear.. it got down to like.. 40!

Come talk to me in July or August.
If 120 isn't hot, I don't know what is.


Originally Posted by Tannels
I disagree with your name.. it snowed in Phoenix this year.. I actually bought a coat! It was cold for a couple weeks.. I swear.. it got down to like.. 40!

oh no 40 f you guys are going to freeze
come to canada where we i use to live for 28 year down to -40c which is -40f
now that is cold...
i wish i live where it just get down to 40


Active Member
Originally Posted by imfsub12
oh no 40 f you guys are going to freeze
come to canada where we i use to live for 28 year down to -40c which is -40f
now that is cold...
i wish i live where it just get down to 40
tell me about it. pretty much all of february for me rarely got above freezing. as much as it sucked i dont think i could get used to the idea of mowing my lawn that time of year either.

sign guy

Active Member
IM third genaration sign maker (and Im the best out there ) + im a guy, My name is Patrick. you can call me the bomb diggity thou


i am a veterinarian so i guess animal doctor sounded alright - i know cheesy but i couldn't think of anything else.


thanks for the advice on posting pics. I'll post one tomorrow. I am a very proud Mommy. and SCSI, you should be ashamed of yourself.


Active Member
Originally Posted by twogirls
It comes from the fact that I have two girls. The most beautiful girls that anyone has ever seen. I'd add a pic, but I don't know how
My girls could probably give your girls a run for their money.

(Sorry for going off topic, but I couldn't resist. :joy: )

d0 thy d3w

i really really really like mountain dew!!! in fact i have a cup of it sitting by my keyboard at this very moment!....so naturally..after seeing one of thoe "Do The Dew" commercials i took a liking to my name (d0 thy d3w)i use this name on a few other sites as well


Active Member

Originally Posted by ifirefight
Your not playing along...Lets here the SCSInet name story... ***)
Honestly I've been reluctant to tell it here because I am confident in my knowledge of this hobby, but people tend to disregard or dismiss people who do what I do...
But nonetheless, I'll go for it...
I have kind of a unique job. I'm director of IT and
Facilities for my company. It tends to be a contradiction because most computer guys I know couldn't swing a hammer to hit the floor, but I'm good at both. My degree however is in computers.
The first part of my moniker is from college. This was before some of the current disk technologies out there like SATA and SASI, so to gain performance, I used all SCSI (capitalized as it's an acronym) hard drives in my main desktop workstation at home. Some of my schoolyard chums nicknamed me SCSI (pronounced 'scuzzy' for non techies) to tease me for not using IDE drives like "everyone else."
I never thought my knowledge of SCSI was worth a nickname, so I took what I really loved, networking, and added it.
SCSI + Networks = SCSInet, pronounced "scuzzynet."

Of course things have changed since college, and now I do computer stuff pretty much only by trade. When I go home it's all home improvement, fish tanks, DIY, fabrication, and electronics (all of which sort of fits for the hobby).

Oh yeah... and I love music, movie, and TV trivia, hence the vague movie reference that is my avatar and user title, but it is fitting for this board in a matter of speaking.


Ok...here goes, I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee and from the factory all Jeeps are designated two letter codes. CJ's were the older Jeeps, then came the YJ's and TJ's. The old Cherokee was coded the XJ and my Grand was coded ZJ. I grew up off-roading so I got it so I could play with it...therefore it is ZJ4PLAY



Active Member
Originally Posted by zj4play
Ok...here goes, I have a Jeep Grand Cherokee and from the factory all Jeeps are designated two letter codes. CJ's were the older Jeeps, then came the YJ's and TJ's. The old Cherokee was coded the XJ and my Grand was coded ZJ. I grew up off-roading so I got it so I could play with it...therefore it is ZJ4PLAY

That's awesome. By the way, you have the best avatar on the boards!!


A= Alan, P= Paul, Y= Yates and cat because before fish is my cat
i know a cat and fish but belive me my cat wants me to catch his food (why have a dog and bark yourself) i'm sure this is what he says everytime he looks at me