Explain where your user name originated


I am a self employed Optician, the dot in the middle makes it unique so I almost always get it without it being used aready.


I was lazy, couldn't come up with anything. My name is my real first name. Yes, if you search on google, you too will find out the real meaning. Ha!


I'm a Lieutenant with the Fire Department for the last 21 years as a Firefighter/Paramedic. I.D. number is 34 to LT (short for Lieutenant)34.


Originally Posted by Oceanists
shouldnt this be in the aquarium??????
If i remember correctly, there wasnt "The Aquarium" forum back when this thread started.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 3M
3M is abbreviated for MiniMotoMike which is a name I've had for about 10 years and have used it on nearly every BBS, people get tired of spelling it out so it was shortend to 3M. Whats a miniMoto you ask? well here's some pics of me in action.

hey, why dont you get a real bike??? haha just playin, those things look like fun, i think they're cool
oh yea, and our name. My name is sean, and my girlfriend's nickname is melly and we both share this name

clown boy

Active Member
Neat Thread. Okay "Clown Boy".
It's got several meanings:
1. I am young.
2. I love Clownfish. :happyfish
3. Those that know me know that I have an almost constantly active sense of humor. :)
4. Those of you that have watched Finding Nemo might be able to guess the 4th meaning.
If not, just ask!

kilo moana

New Member
I'm new to marine forums. The day I decided to join in I was watching the Science Channel and learned about the "Kilo Moana".
The Scientific research ship named "Kilo Moana" is one of a very few examples of a revolutionary twin hull design. The “School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology” uses it for oceanology. Kilo Moana, when translated literally from Hawaiian to English means: "one who studies the wonders of the ocean". If you want to find more information about this ship and its research visit: http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/UMC/index.html
I apologize if I bored anyone, but I love boating and being a Science teacher I also try to keep informed about these things.
Anyway, this is where my user name originated.


Opus is from... {drum-roll}
Bloom County... I collect penguin items (things that look like penguins, not made from them). Stuffed animals, ice-cream scoops, miniatures, S&P shakers, and of course videos and books... And my one tatoo... the ID started on ----... I wanted just opus, but that was taken, and the suggest-o-meter came up with opus18... Its been that way since.


New Member
"Big Eyed Fish" is a Dave Matthews Band song. I had to drop the "d" in Eyed or my name would've been bigeyedfis (too many letters). I looooove DMB!


Active Member
lets see....read a few pages back about the Niger being fav fish...same story here...Pull the trigger and you get a Bang..NigerBang