Wow... ok.. mine takes a while to explain...

Way back in high school I played D&D... and my characters name was Gideon...
Moving on a few years...
back when AOL only allowed you to have 8 character names I need to pick a name and I came up with "Priest" from a book I was reading... Priest was the alias of a cyber punk and I liked it... Well... Priest was taken so I thought, what's close to a priest? Bishop! Yeah! So I picked "O Bishop O"... (the O's were decoration...)
Moving on a few more years...
I was signing up to a message board and I needed a name... both Bishop and Gideon were taken, BUT Bishop Gideon was not taken... I figured everyone would get it, that the name was Gideon and the title was Bishop... nope... everyone called me Bish... and when my son was born, he became a "Son of a Bish"... ha ha...
Moving on to the present...
I sign up here and I can't use my full name "Bishop Gideon"... So it gets shortened to "Bishop_Gid"....
Also, someone in between all that I registered as a Bishop with the ULC online... so, I am a Bishop, and can preform weddings and such.... but it's not like I do...

So... still reading? Congrats... you made it a long way!