Explain where your user name originated


Active Member
I took the name after the business I own and started about ten years ago. The company however, was named Merredeth in honor and memory of my daughter who died when she was 11 years old.
Her name was spelled differently and it would have been difficult for people to find me in the yellow pages, so I decided to make it easier for clients to find the business.
The Vette Woman part of it all is because we are into Vettes seriously. My husband loves vettes and by default if I want to spend time with him, I go to the garage to visit him and the toys he has.
:thinking: I should change my name to Mercedes Mamma or Jag Queen, since I'm trying to talk my hubby into allowing me to get another classic car for myself and have always wanted a Jag or Mercedes. Needless to say, he has his eye on another Vette.
The Billy Squier avatar is from his "Creatures of Habit" CD. My belief is that we are all creatures of habit, creating habits through repitition - I keep posting here and reading here and it has become one of my favorite habits.
Denise M.



Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
hey Doodle how many of the 400+ posts do you have in this thread brought back form the bumpity dead...bumpity dead...bumpity dead??? Im guessin almost 100...

3 years and still goin...goin



Nothing I tried seemed to work at first.
Clown is for the clownfish (my first in salt) and a bit of my personality.
52 because if you type it in on a calculator it looks like a cobras head and.......well......that just made it easy to remember.


Active Member
Phixer is the nickname my freinds at work gave me years ago. They used to call me to diagnose and repair elusive gripes. I didnt mind, it was my trademark, so they started calling me fixer, I just adopted the hacker spelling of PH to be different.


Active Member
first time scuba diving right after our check out dives were floating along the inlet called shark river and we saw a couple of sharks eating in the mouth of the inlet (from the ocean to the bay) and i freaked out when they final peeled me off the rocks on the bottom and back up to surface i yelled i just start scuba diving been aroud the jersey coast my whole life fish, surf, swim and never see or saw a shark i go under and i see a bunch of sharks what am i shark bait. and it has never left. that or zuko my fire company name


First Name: Kamran
Last Name: Qazi
people call me kamaqazi as my nickname. and the 21 is my jersey number i play basketball alot so thas where it came form.


Hey ya'll, Mine kinda came from the X-Men character but mainly because I actually looked up the word and it really applied to my life. I'm a person who goes by instinct, faith, and the eternal wanderer. The angel part is from my countless signin names of angelchic or jeweled angel lol...


My name says just what I'm doing... Waiting for my first saltwater tank.
..not sure what I'll do AFTER (or IF) I get a tank..


ok My second dogs name the kids gave it oreo it is balck and white begal mix so it should be oreo2 but I think it was taken or it had to be longer so I added the 1


My coworkers started calling me Oaktree because I had to pick up everything and break loose every bolt so they said I was big and strong like an Oaktree it stuck till I quit and got a new job then it was Meathead oh well


i named my lawnmower blenny scriggle scrags since he is so weird. the name just sounds good to me. i always make up goofy names for stuff :jumping:


My last name is Battaglia and no body could pronounce it correctly in high school so they called me bootag for short. The m in front is my first intial.