Explain where your user name originated


In the aircraft maintenance world, it stands for Full Authority Digital Engine Control. Basically the aircraft engines have no throttle cable. Fly by wire!
As for the number, well go figure!


Originally Posted by Danish
Guess where I was born

OOOO!!! I know! We're studying that place in school right now! DENMARK!!!


Mine came from the fact that my parents used to call me cricket all the time (My mom figured that a cricket in the house was good luck) my brother in law used to tease me saying stupid things like is there any crickets in your cricketnest. So I have used cricket and cricketnest as screen names since I got the internet. If there are too many letters in cricketnest I shorten it to criketnest. Same effect. And nobody usually has that SN like they do cricket.


I had a Pomeranian named Zeus, & when I got my first internet accounts, CrazyZeus1 was my screen name & has been ever since!
When we were dating my now husband used to call me Dragonlady (really cuz I like dragons had nothing to do with my temper- yah right!!) the lea is my middle name.


Frogger was taken when i first had to get an email address, did not know the net was so popular so i stuck with fogger


well, ive been told that im a very colorful person?????i dunno
probably thought i was some kind of wannabe hippie huh....


Mine is a nickname my team gave me at the rescue squad a volunteer at. They gave it to me because I always run a "tight ship". :hilarious


Active Member
My other inexpensive (not!) hobby (obsession according to my wife!) is Woodturning. My name is Tim. thus TurningTim


New Member
Hmm, Mine Probably Is Confusing To Most.
MarSciGuy - This Is Because I Had A Char Limit On Sign-up.
Let Break It Down,
Mar Sci Guy
Marine Scientist Guy LOL
Studied Marine Biology At Florida State University, Own An Aquarium Service Company Called "Aquatica Systems".
I Have And Always Will Have A Passion For Ocean And Aquatic Life.