Explain where your user name originated



All my friends told me to check out this site as I was starting my first SW tank. I was having problems with some Algae, so as I was signing up I thought I would pick a name after one of my fish in the tank...Damsel...damsel in distress is what its supossed to be but I didn't have enough space so I shortened it the best I could.


not to much to mine ntrigger ( niger Trigger) I really liked this fish my wife bought one and at first i really din't like it but the more I looked at it I really like the personality of the fish it follows me when I walk by the tank even after he has eaten he or she is kind of cool.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mudplayerx
The actual handle on my isp is MUDplayerX.
MUD stands for multi-player dungeon, or multi-player domain.
MUDs are text-based role-playing games generally set in fantasy world scenarios where you kill stuff and search for treasure.
I became addicted to these in college and have since moved on to MMORPGs... massive multiplayer online role-playing games. These are like MUDs, but graphical. I am currently playing Everquest II and World of Warcraft.
To check out MUDs, you can visit www.mudconnect.com
The X at the end of my name is just because there was already somebody with the name of MUDplayer
What server in World of Warcraft?

Oh, and my name is from the old Saturday Night Live skit the Mr.Bill show. For you younger ones follow this link and watch some flix. www.mrbill.com I got the nickname because my name is Bill and my friends used to say "Ohhh nooooo, Mr Bill!!!". You won't get that until you watch the flix.


t Terry s Staley Cuda as in a 69 Barracuda tho now I own a Challenger Too late to change all my sn's AOL MSN & Yahoo


chipmunk I was sitting in the yard and my jack russell was chasing a chipmunk through the flower beads so I went with it. And its a cool little critter.


Active Member
well my friend does this prank call where he says he is Doug A.I. from A.I. magazine. and asks them if they want 3 free subscriptions
pretty funny to hear the different comments on the offer


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_Bill
What server in World of Warcraft?

Oh, and my name is from the old Saturday Night Live skit the Mr.Bill show. For you younger ones follow this link and watch some flix. www.mrbill.com I got the nickname because my name is Bill and my friends used to say "Ohhh nooooo, Mr Bill!!!". You won't get that until you watch the flix.

My main's are on Bloodscalp, but I have since made a shaman on the new server Dark Iron :)
ps- I remember Mr. Bill :p


I luv that band Sensesfail They rock
Well any way I dedicated my name to my fav yellow tang that died a few months a go cuz he swam to close to my powerhead and got suctioned to the darn thing and my bro got him off cuz i wasnt home but he had huge marks on his body.


New Member
Well, I live in San Diego, so that covers the SD part, and Angler, because the street where I live is called Angler PL, not because I like Anglers.