Explain where your user name originated

hmmm... i don't know how i came up with my name i was thinking of something original for a new aol name and thought of green bananas (seen at the grocery store earlier that day) then it was just easy for me to remember if i signed up for these kind of boards with the same name so thats how i guess

cool clown

Cool Clown because I think that a Clown Trigger is one of the coolist looking fish. I thought that was a good name for a fish board.


I was trying to think of a name for my hotmail account and it was cnshadow. C for Christine(me) N for my last name, my horse's name is Shadow. Well I didn't use the hotmail account and lost it.
Then I needed a new one and realized cnshadow was like saying "seein' shadow". I was very elated to find that out, it was like seein' the light, so it went to cnlight. Yeah........so there is my big long explaination.


Active Member
Well.....Lesley "Lesleybird" is the mother of five large parrots. Moluccan cockatoo Shasta, umbrella cockatoo Sophia, yellow naped amazon Avery, bluefront amazon Mango, and yellow crown amazon Raffle.

nm reef

Active Member
Three years ago I came here for basic information about saltwater aquariums.
I live in New Mexico...and I intended to develope a reef...
I have a few other online names...shadowwolf amoung them....and in reference to the Lord of the Ring fans I have Gandalf as a personal friend and protector(I'd have to explain):thinking:


mine's really really hard....well, the first part is easy, the last part: M= Masiakos, yeah, I know, I've heard all of the Greek jokes. It's always been mispronounced, ironically it's one of the easy Greek Surnames to pronounce. In College I had a professor call out attendance, and he said: "Peter Masochist" That's always stuck, and by the way, No, I"m not. LOL.!:jumping:


My last name is Fox and this is a website about salt water fish..hence the Aqua....had to come up with something, right?


MarVida - In my somewhat limited Spanish vocabulary it means sealife
Overanalyzer, I even do an annual analysis on trick or treaters that come to my house complete with spreadsheet, graph & narrative. I might have to stop, this year I had less than 200 & my trend analysis data is becoming skewed.
Waterfaller, Hearing absoulutely hot women even vaguely hinting about fantasy is very unhealthly to us old guys.
Now spill!! :thinking:


Active Member
Tried Travis... it was taken, tried several others and all were taken... Typed in ReefNut and here I am:joy:.


I've always liked dragons and my name is based on the word draken which is Swedish for dragon. My initials are KK so I doubled the k to make DraKKen.
Dragons are also part of my family crest which looks like this...


Active Member
Well my name is Scott Schneider, so I will let you do the math.
If Scotts is taken the I will sometimes go with Scott123. My other name is Beercans, because I collect Beercans. That one is never taken.
Carole, I have a water fall going into my pool if you ever want to stop by. :)