ya know something i just thought about...not sure if i mentioned it on my thread...which seems like we should just combine these since we just talk back and forth.
but i had gotten zome zoos from mylfs that was under metal halides...and they looked a deep red, and they ended up changing to a cool green/yellow and orange..these...not what i wanted, which was red, but i think they're still awesome...which makes me think that maybe pcs make them a bit more colorful...isnt MH a more intense lighting system....i mean it all depends of course on tank depth and what not...just thought id mention it.
Originally Posted by Bronco300
ya know something i just thought about...not sure if i mentioned it on my thread...which seems like we should just combine these since we just talk back and forth.
but i had gotten zome zoos from mylfs that was under metal halides...and they looked a deep red, and they ended up changing to a cool green/yellow and orange..these...not what i wanted, which was red, but i think they're still awesome...which makes me think that maybe pcs make them a bit more colorful...isnt MH a more intense lighting system....i mean it all depends of course on tank depth and what not...just thought id mention it.
hey barry if you are slloking for the true red centers like the ones you were asking him about theabels@knology.net
What's weird is... the online place I get my zoos from sounds like they have a light setup pretty darn similar to mine, so I don't know why they should change at all!
yep but is your light new and crisp, also that "website" has them on a rack seemingly close to 250 watt mh. i wander if zoas have preference on color, as clams prefer 10K maybe zoas like 20K. wax you should do experiments.. ***) :thinking: also wh hosts your website and what program desined it. im truly loving it. also i dont mean to hack but im eccited about my acro, even if it isnt about a zoa. its a cluster acro and i plan to frag heavily as it is growing pretty fast. here a pic
yea, as travis said...maybe since yours are brand new, its a lot more intense...maybe zoos are real picky?...crazy things, lol
thats pretty nice lookin rubber, not to detract fromt he beloved zoos, do those require MH?
My bulbs are new, yes.
I have a 20k MH.
Trust me, I am experimenting.
I have my website hosted with GoDaddy, I am glad you like it! I am trying to be informative besides just showing some eye candy. I am working on adding some educational content.
The weird gallery thing is something called simple viewer http://www.airtightinteractive.com/simpleviewer/
I am having issues with it actually and I am in the process of converting to old school galleries. My site might be a little buggy because of this for the next few days, till I get it switched over.
My MH bulb is actually well broken in, its about 5 months old...
Acros are said to require MH, but I know a few people who have kept them under a LOT of VHO. You will lose some color if they aren't under MH though.
hm, well that answers that, my fiance always love em and wants some, but i never would get any because i didnt know about hte lighting needs....someone on another thread mentioned that iodine may colorize zoos....you think that would be possible?
also...i think its cool you have a SW log
Wax once again im thoughrly impressed with your zoo's hmmmm might have to jump on the wagon and start doing more zoo's and sps..............i have alot of shrooms and odds an ends now.......
Originally Posted by wax32
I for sure favor zoanthids. Mushrooms are probably my next favorites.
I have begun updating my galleries. Tell me what you think. Not all of the pictures are redone in the new galleries yet.
Might have just been me but the link didnt work......
i have a 55 gallon with 2 150 watt mh and 2 96 watt pc actinics, he is 5 inches away from the 150 mh and tons of flow, that pic is him in the tank after he was introduced. he now has floresent green polyps. its doing well and i have made the tank around it. so yes wax its in good hands
i like your gallery, however my only opinion is that having a "next" feature would be nice so you dont have to click, back, click, back, etc....so just my opinion.