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Originally Posted by fedukeford
the fungia still has a orange color, and has even become a little brighter, but the edges and center are still bleached. The brain is fine, but i never found out what happend to it. My green brain is HUGE right now, ill try to get a pic. Its the biggest ive ever seen it, probley 12" in diameter
Mabye your red brain was really hungrey or something.
your green brain is 12" acros!! Mine is like 2-3" across. BTW, does your fungia put out feeder tentecles like your brains? I've been wanting one for a while but i wanna make sure I know everything about it first. Here's a pic of my now tiny brain and some other pics of my tank. The sad thing is that the brain probably the 2nd or 3rd biggest coral in the tank.
the fungia still has a orange color, and has even become a little brighter, but the edges and center are still bleached. The brain is fine, but i never found out what happend to it. My green brain is HUGE right now, ill try to get a pic. Its the biggest ive ever seen it, probley 12" in diameter
Mabye your red brain was really hungrey or something.